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11 ways can supercharge your teaching. What is Quizlet? is a free website which enables teachers and students to create digital flash cards. That’s not where the magic stops, however. Quizlet can automatically generate interactive games and even tests of the material you enter into it. Five or ten minutes of typing (or pasting!) Up front can yield literally hours’ worth of automatically-assessed activities inside and outside of the classroom, on computers, smartphones, tablets, and even pencil-and-paper printed exercises. How do I make a set of flash cards for my students? Luckily, Quizlet already has wonderful resources available to help first-time flash card creators. 11 ways can supercharge your teaching Now that we’ve covered the basics, here are eleven specific ways in which Quizlet can help your students robustly acquire and remember class material. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Have you ever used or another online flash card website in your class? References Karpicke, J. How I Made Learning Fun in My Classroom using Quizlet Live. This is a guest blog post by Josh Kurzweil, a teacher who uses Quizlet Live with his class. I have been using Quizlet with my adult ESL classes for many years and have often been puzzled by how to motivate students to develop better study habits to learn more effectively. While some students immediately take to Quizlet’s individual study features and see big improvements in their learning, others seem to be less motivated to study with it.

My dilemma has been how to integrate different kinds of review exercises into the classroom to help my students successfully learn material and become more motivated to study with Quizlet at home. Recently, Quizlet released a new feature called Quizlet Live, which has been instrumental in integrating quick bursts of vocabulary study into my classes. By combining studying with a social game, students have started to see individual study as a way to prepare for the game and increase their participation in class. Understand your classroom dynamics. Edutopia. Lesson Ideas – VoiceThread. How to use VoiceThread in the Classroom. 50 Ideas For Using Skype In Your Classroom.

Skype, the free, ubiquitous VOIP downloadable, offers some unique opportunities for tech-savvy teachers to get their students learning in exciting new ways. It might prove a buggy affair depending on the version, but all the same the service still makes for a phenomenal classroom tool. Read on to find out how you can put this cool tool to work in your classroom. Collaborate! Meet with other classrooms: One of the most common projects educators utilize Skype for is setting up exchanges with classrooms around the world, usually for cultural exchange purposes or working together on a common assignment.

Communicate! Connect! Art crits: Schedule time with professional artists and receive thorough crits about how to improve a piece. And here are the tools to help you do it! Using Dropbox in the Classroom. When I mention Dropbox to friends and colleagues, I usually get one of two responses – a knowing smile and nod, or a puzzled and quizzical look. Whether you know what the program is, you have likely heard the name. But really, what is Dropbox? Dropbox is many things — a multifaceted tool that’s so powerful, you’ll continue to discover new ways to use it. But the short and sweet of it is this: you can use it to store and sync documents and files across computers, tablets, and smart phones.

How Dropbox works So, how can you use Dropbox as an educator? Additionally, many applications that you likely use (Evernote, Things, 1Password, Elements, to name a few) have a Dropbox sync option. Using Dropbox with students In addition to making your life a lot easier, Dropbox can be a great teaching/learning tool – and this is why I introduce it to my students. You can call this folder anything. Next, you will get the window shown below. Once you have invited students, this becomes a “Shared Folder.” How To Use Blogs In the Classroom. With the inception of Common Core standards and The No Child Left Behind Act, all educators require teaching literacy across the curriculum. Getting kids to write, especially the weaker writers, can be a challenge in itself but getting kids to write about math can be even more challenging – unless you use blogging as your literacy tactic.

Blog writing is informal, unlike academic writing, which may be intimidating to some, if not all, of your students. Blog writing takes the pressure off of writing and gives your students a voice in a safe environment, even if you or your students stepping out of your comfort zone. What is a Blog? Blog is short for web log. Blogs are written on all kinds of topics from A to Z. How can Teachers and Students use Blogs? This YouTube video from Palm Breeze Cafe gives an overview of a blog’s place in the educational process. In order to watch this video you need to have advertising cookies enabled. The Top 3 Blogging Platforms For Teachers Homebase. Teaching Trio: Using ClassDojo Effectively.

Technology Thursday is a weekly linky dedicated to all things technology related. Check out our Tech Thursday page for details on how to link up! I happen to love ClassDojo! I adore my classroom’s Dojo Mojo, so to speak. I use the website for attendance, picking students for tasks, motivation, management, timing activities, and parent communication. I have been a ClassDojo mentor for a couple of years now and have seen many teachers jump on the Dojo bandwagon. Here are my 6 tips for using ClassDojo effectively. Set Expectations For Students: Students need to know what behaviors you are targeting. For Parents: Parents need to know how you are going to use this tool. Be Positive When I became a teacher, our professors taught us to change the things we said from the negative, “Stop running!”

Here’s what happens if you only take points away or are overall negative- the students stop caring about Dojo. I know what you are thinking…what about (insert name here)? Give Points Often wear a hat…etc. 17 Interesting Ways to use Prezi in the Classroom - Presentazioni Google. 6 Easy Steps for Getting Started Using Free Plickers for Assessment | Emerging Education Technologies. How to Use Plickers in the Classroom. 12 Ways to Use Kahoot! in Your Classroom. If you haven’t heard of Kahoot! Yet, you’ve got to check it out! The teachers in our community frequently rave about the free website teachers can use to play review games and quizzes with their students. Bonus: Kids can log in to the platform from any device, even their cell phones. Last week, teacher Beth asked for some specific advice on how to use the site: “Can anyone give me ideas for how they use Kahoot!

In their classrooms? Beth, we’ve got you covered. 1. After you’ve created an account, launch a game and then have students input the unique pin at 3. … But still keep the volume at a minimum. 4. 8. 9. 10. On the flip side, you could also do this as a pre-assessment, piquing students’ interests and gauging what they already know about the topic by asking questions before teaching the material.11. 12. The Google Classroom Quick-Start Guide + tips and tricks! Google Classroom makes organizing and managing all of your Google Apps activities streamlined and easy. Set it up in minutes. (Sketch by Matt Miller) Google Classroom was created to focus less time on tech and more time on teaching.

And it certainly has lived up to its billing. Classroom has streamlined the classroom workflow and makes communication easier between teaches and students. At its core, Google Classroom does a few things and does them really well It creates a central home for class activities.It lets teachers create assignments (and other class activities).It collects assignments from students.It helps teachers grade assignments and provide feedback.It returns assignments to students. Have you set up Google Classroom in your classroom? This guide will show you how to set Google Classroom up in a matter of minutes and perform the main tasks.

Consider keeping this post open in one tab in your browser and Classroom in another so you can refer back. Let’s get started! 1. 2. 3. 4. 20 Ways to Use Edmodo (Teacher) 1. Assessments Utilize the Edmodo quiz builder or poll feature to assess students’ learning during or after a unit of study. 2. Role Playing Help students understand key historical and literacy events by reenacting them through role playing activities in Edmodo. 3.Peer Reviews & Critiques Place students in small groups and have them post their work to their group for peer review and feedback. 4. Enable students to tap into individualism and build self-esteem by sharing their writing projects with each other in Edmodo. 5. Enforce online etiquette guidelines for students when using Edmodo to help them build digital citizenship skills. 6. Encourage students to practice their language skills, as well as spelling and grammar, through conversations in Edmodo. 7.

Organize a book group in Edmodo to encourage students to read and discuss novels with each other. 8. 9. 10. 11. Inspire real-time discussions and extend learning beyond the classroom walls by hosting a backchannel in Edmodo. 12. 13. 14. 15.