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Урбанистика (Urban)

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Sustainable Design Lab. Symposium on Sustainable Urban Design – Case Studies and Design Workflows Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 6 2013 RSVP Agenda (Link) | Speakers (Link) Over the next two decades, the United Nations expects that we need to plan, design and build new homes for 1.7 billion people.

Sustainable Design Lab

With buildings already accounting for some 40% of carbon emissions in many countries, the prospect of adding such titanic numbers to the built environment is worrisome. If we further add a 40% world-wide increase in transportation related carbon emissions, energy efficiency measures realized to date will be negated. There is an undeniable need for concepts and solutions that lead to more sustainable urban growth, concepts that work across a range of climates and cultures. ЦНИИП градостроительства РААСН. Россия - Германия и Россия - Архитектура и городское планирование - Goethe-Institut.

Советский город 1940-х - первой половины 1950-х годов :От творческих поисков к практике строительства» автореферат по специальности ВАК 18.00.01 - Теория и история архитектуры, реставрация и реконструкция историко-архитектурного наследия. URBAN ECOLOGIES. The Probotics. AALU LANDSCAPE URBANISM. Architectural Association School of Architecture. Relational Urbanism. AALU Landscape Urbanism. Dubai is experiencing an explosive growth and has been transformed into an immense tourist attraction, receiving an average of 6.3 million tourists per year.

AALU Landscape Urbanism

The coast is the major selling attraction of the city and therefore the strategy has been the exponential multiplication of the waterfront, reshaping and creating new urban coastlines involving substantial land reclamation and also diverting water channels inland. This topographic change has generated a segregated growth of the city and caused a major impact on the environment. The proposal consists of an alternative topographic configuration and strategy of growth for the coastline of Dubai.

The aim of the project is to define the spatial configuration of the coastline in relation to the ecological demands and its articulation with an urban development that responds to the urban dynamic. This will inform the relationship between the coastline and an integrated urban fabric. LIFT architects - Home - [Andrew Payne] РОССИЙСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ. НИИТАГ РААСН. Tactical Urbanism. Hameleon_ed: Эластичный город. Природная интеллектуальная среда обитания.

СТРОИТЕЛЬНЫЙ МИР - Направления деятельности. Энциклопедия Местного Самоуправления. Русское градостроительное искусство. Журнал "Городское управление" - Мир архитектуры. Урбанистика, архитектура, веб-технологии, общественные пространства, дизайн и городская культура. Умный город будущего. Компания SAP является ведущим в мире поставщиком программных решений для управления бизнесом и предлагает решения и услуги, которые позволяют предприятиям любого масштаба, работающим более чем в 25 отраслях, повысить эффективность бизнеса.

Умный город будущего

Компания имеет более 193 000 клиентов в более чем 120 странах. В СНГ SAP работает с 1992 года. За прошедшие 20 лет открылись представительства SAP в Санкт-Петербурге, Новосибирске, Ростове-на-Дону, Алматы, Минске и Киеве, а численность сотрудников превысила 700 человек. В сентябре 2011 года компания SAP AG представила план роста в России и странах СНГ до 2015 года, нацеленный на достижение оборота в 1 млрд. евро. План предусматривает выделение значительных инвестиций и определяет перспективные сегменты рынка для расширения присутствия компании.

В России сегодня представлена вся основная линейка решений SAP, а русский язык с 2011 года вошел в число основных языков локализации программных продуктов SAP. SferiqTown. Publications – Future Cities Laboratory. Pattern language. A pattern language is a method of describing good design practices within a field of expertise. The term was coined by architect Christopher Alexander and popularized by his book A Pattern Language. Advocates of this design approach claim that ordinary people can use it to successfully solve very large, complex design problems. Like all languages, a pattern language has vocabulary, syntax, and grammar—but a pattern language applies to some complex activity other than communication. In pattern languages for design, the parts break down in this way: The language description—the vocabulary—is a collection of named, described solutions to problems in a field of interest.

The Timeless Way of Building. The Timeless Way of Building is a 1979 book by Christopher Alexander that proposes a new theory of architecture (and design in general) that relies on the understanding and configuration of design patterns.

The Timeless Way of Building

Although it came out later, it is essentially the introduction to A Pattern Language and The Oregon Experiment, providing the philosophical background to the Center for Environmental Structure series. It has had a huge influence on creative thinking, especially in the areas of architecture and software design.[1] In the book, Alexander introduces the concept of the "quality without a name", and argues that we should seek to include this nameless quality in our buildings. Alexander attempts to define the idea by surrounding it with existing concepts that reflect a part of the quality with no name but are not sufficient to define it individually.[2] The book's format is somewhat unusual.

Other books in the same series are: References[edit] External links[edit] A Pattern Language. A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction is a 1977 book on architecture, urban design, and community livability.

A Pattern Language

It was authored by Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein of the Center for Environmental Structure of Berkeley, California, with writing credits also to Max Jacobson, Ingrid Fiksdahl-King and Shlomo Angel. Decades after its publication, it is still one of the best-selling books on architecture.[1] The book creates a new language, what the authors call a pattern language derived from timeless entities called patterns.

As they write on page xxxv of the introduction, "All 253 patterns together form a language. " Patterns describe a problem and then offer a solution. Cunningham & Cunningham, Inc. Pattern Умный город будущего. Future Cities Laboratory.