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Dutch Grammar • Vowel combinations. Vowel combinations consist of two or three different vowels that are pronounced more or less as one vowel. We treat the combination as one syllable (together with one or more consonants). In Dutch, we have 16 vowel combinations. Some combinations perfectly merge into one new vowel, while the synthesis of other combinations is less perfect (see also Klankeninventaris van het Nederlands).

The important thing for you to know is that they are all fixed combinations. You must learn the combination by heart: If two consecutive vowels are not a fixed vowel combination, the vowels constitute two different syllables (along with a couple of consonants). The Dutch vowel combinations are: Combinations that consist of two vowels (*) Technically speaking, this is not a vowel combination, for it consists of a vowel (i) and a consonant (j). Combinations that consist of three vowels There are a few vowel combinations that take three vowels, but again, are pronounced more or less as one: Ooi, aai, and oei hoi.

OpenOffice Dictionaries. Dutch Grammar • The Dutch word order. Those of you who have already struggled with the Dutch word order probably know that the basic order of a Dutch main clause is as follows: subject | finite verb | time | manner | place | other verbs For example: met tegenzin = reluctantly, unwillingly ; de sportschool = the gym In general, this word order is correct. However, it is a severe over-simplification of reality: most sentences contain more than just the components mentioned above. What would we do, for example, with the direct object? The indirect object? You were saying...? If you could not be bothered with these details, I suggest you stick to the simple guideline above. Practical approach This chapter was written as a practical guide to the Dutch word order.

Word Order, SOV (subject object verb) word order V2 word order.