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The Clauson Law Firm, PLLC is experienced in Social Security Disability claims and devotes 100% of its practice to representing the disabled.

How to Receiving Social Security Benefits. The Social Security Administration has put together what is known as the Social Security Blue Book containing a list of different medical conditions, diseases, and injuries which approved to qualify for benefits.

How to Receiving Social Security Benefits

The blue book also had a detailed listing of how an individual will need to be affected but the condition or injuries. While it is possible to be approved without having the same effects, the book will at least provide an outline for each individual scenario. One condition that must be met for each and every case is the individual will have to be prevented from working for a period of at least 12 consecutive months. Before the patient takes the time to submit an application, they will need the time to gather all the medical records from each doctor, physician, or specialist they have had to visit due to the condition.

They will need to retain all medical records, letters, and medical notes pertaining to the injury or illness. Why Would You Need to Contact the SSA? - London Disability. People all across America may benefit from a number of different services provided by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

Why Would You Need to Contact the SSA? - London Disability

Most notably, the SSA assists people of all ages and backgrounds with important services like disability, retirement and survivors’ benefits. Legal & Medical Record Summary Writing Services for Personal Injury & SSD Attorneys. Mass Tort and Dangerous Drugs & Device Attorneys in North Carolina. MASS TORT and DANGEROUS DRUGS & DEVICES It’s a typical day for one of our clients at the Clauson Law Firm.

Mass Tort and Dangerous Drugs & Device Attorneys in North Carolina

Before we met her, a typical day went like this: She wakes up in the morning, and her new hip implant aches, all the way down to the bone. The pain screams and yells, over and over. Or she is growing increasingly worried about that Talcum Powder she’s been using for years. One of her friends even mentioned something about asbestos.

Most of those products, those drugs and devices, work just fine. You can contact the Clauson Law Firm toll-free at 833-680-0177, or e-mail us at The best way to understand a legal term of art like “mass tort” is to treat it like a fortune cookie—break it apart and see what’s inside. TORT V. Note how each offense is committed against a person or property, and is often compensated by the payment of money. Auto Accident Attorney in North Carolina & Auto Accident Lawyer in NC. Social Security Disability Attorney in North Carolina. SSD and SSI Applying for Social Security disability benefits with or without an advocate can be difficult due to how long a claim can take and the high chance of being denied.

Social Security Disability Attorney in North Carolina

Statistically, 70% of all SSDI and SSI claims are denied after the initial application. What does this mean for SSD and SSI applicants who are disabled and need help? That they should follow this advice tip: learn everything you can about the approval system to better your chances of winning on appeal, with or without the help of a disability attorney or lawyer. Clauson Law Firm in North Carolina: Personal Injury & Disability Lawyers. Raleigh Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney - Clauson Law Firm. Why You Should Hire an Attorney for Tractor/Trailer Accident Cases in Raleigh Hiring a Tractor-Trailer Accident Attorney Makes Your Legal Case Much Easier There are over 10,000 truck accidents every year.

Raleigh Tractor Trailer Accident Attorney - Clauson Law Firm

Those crashes lead to more than 24,000 injuries and 150 deaths each year in North Carolina. In fact, roughly 23% of all tractor-trailer accidents will result in an injury or fatality. Hopefully this is the first tractor-trailer accident in which you have ever been involved. The huge size difference between a tractor-trailer and a passenger vehicle means that these vehicles can cause a significant amount of damage, even more so than the average car or SUV.

Does My Mental Illness Qualify for Social Security? If you think you suffer from a mental illness that qualifies you for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits, then you owe it to yourself to apply for benefits.

Does My Mental Illness Qualify for Social Security?

Be aware, though: trying to prove mental illness is often an uphill battle, and is a LOT more difficult than a physical impairment. This is due to a number of reasons. For one thing, mental illness doesn’t always present itself on a steady basis, which means that it can much harder for a professional to spot and diagnose. Also, many people are biased against mental illness, believing that many of those who claim to suffer from it are exaggerating or outright lying. For reasons like this, proving mental illness can be a difficult struggle. Raleigh Truck Accident Attorney.

How a Raleigh Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help in a Truck Accident Case Get Help for You or a Loved One After a Truck Accident in Raleigh Truck accidents aren’t as common as car accidents, but they are often much more severe than the average passenger car crash.

Raleigh Truck Accident Attorney

Fatalities and serious, life-changing injuries frequently happen as a result of truck accidents in Raleigh. In 2018, for example, there were over 2,000 injuries that were the result of traffic accidents involving larger trucks, including semi-trailers. Because these crashes are often life-threatening, it is even more important that you can focus on your health and well-being after a crash. When you have a team of professionals on your side, you don’t have to worry about preparing your legal case properly.

Issues With Social Security Payments. Being approved for your social security payments can feel great.

Issues With Social Security Payments

Your disability has been taken seriously, and you’re finally getting the financial assistance that you deserve to take care of yourself. There are times when your social security payments may not run like clockwork as they should. Wrongful Death Attorney - Clauson Law Firm. Clauson Law Firm: Wrongful Death Claims Attorney in Charlotte A Charlotte wrongful death lawyer can be the most important person you speak with after a loved one has been killed in an accident.

Wrongful Death Attorney - Clauson Law Firm

When you are unsure of your rights or if you have the legal eligibility to file a claim, an experienced Charlotte wrongful death lawyer will be the person to guide you through this process and to give you the support that you need going forward. North Carolina Statute section 28-A-18-2 define wrongful deaths as those that are caused by neglect, the defaults of another person or a wrongful death. This can trigger a wrongful lawsuit filed by surviving family members who have suffered their greatest losses as the result of a loved one being killed. We know that there are many things to work through and think about in the wake of losing someone you cared about. Heart Diseases that Qualify for Disability Benefits. Living with heart disease presents many challenges.

Heart Diseases that Qualify for Disability Benefits

One of these challenges can be that it can become difficult to impossible to complete tasks that you previously able to accomplish. It can even seep into your professional life. If you suffer from heart disease that has hindered your ability to work, you may be eligible for disability benefits. Bicycle Accident Attorney - Clauson Law Firm. Bicycle Accidents – How to Pick the Best Attorney in Charlotte?

If you or someone you know has recently been thrown from their bicycl or critically injured in a preventable bicycle accident, there are many different factors to consider and questions that must be answered immediately. You have a limited time frame in which to file a personal injury lawsuit in North Carolina to protect your right to recover compensation. The North Carolina statute of limitations means that you must contact a Charlotte bicycle accident attorney no later than two years after the date of the injuries to be able to proceed with recovering compensation.

An injury case is a complicated matter and the small details of how the accident occurred can become paramount in court. Causes of Bicycle Accidents In North Carolina Despite your best efforts to be a safe bicycle rider and willingness to share the road with cars, this does not always mean that you will be protected. Does My Cancer Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

The word cancer is one of the most frightening that you can hear from your doctor. Cancer can be a truly devastating disease, so you may assume that you will qualify for Social Security disability benefits. While this is a fair assumption, it’s not always true depending on your circumstances and the type of cancer that you have. There are more than 200 types of cancer. Some of these are easily treatable and noninvasive, while others are aggressive and spread quickly. Motorcycle Accident Attorney - Clauson Law Firm. Experienced Charlotte Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Living in the Charlotte area provides plenty of great opportunities to enjoy the warm months on your motorcycle. But that doesn’t always mean that drivers are prepared to share the road with you, and this can lead to devastating accidents. Have you or a loved one been critically injured in a motorcycle accident that wasn’t your fault? You have rights and these need to be protected with a Charlotte motorcycle accident lawyer who cares just as much about the outcome of your case as you do.

Many motorcycle accident victims sustain significant injuries, including paralysis. How to Apply for Social Security in North Carolina - Clauson Law. Applying for Social Security disability benefits in North Carolina can seem intimidating — after all, you may be unsure where to start or who to ask for help. Thankfully, there are resources available that can advise you on how to fill out an application, what evidence to attach, and where to go if you have questions. Through it all, it is important to know that applying for benefits is completely accessible for everyone, as long as you know a little bit about the procedure and seeks professional help if you don’t. At any point in the process, you can contact your local Social Security office to learn about the process in general, and to find out whether North Carolina has any specific requirements that may change the application process from what it looks like in other states.

You can also ask agents working at the Social Security office about eligibility requirements and find out when you should expect a response to your claim. Auto Accident Attorney - Clauson Law Firm. Charlotte Auto Accident Lawyer When you have been critically injured in an accident, you deserve to have a supportive attorney at your side. A Charlotte auto accident attorney will help you to get the support that you need and fight for the compensation necessary to put the pieces of your life back together and to move on effectively.

It can be devastating to even have to contact a Charlotte auto accident attorney, but it is an important step in your ability to protect your right to recover damages. It can be difficult to manage all the aspects of your legal claim on your own. That’s why most victims turn to get help from a knowledgeable Charlotte NC accident law firm for the handling of your paperwork, communication with the insurance company, and support. Buying a Short-Term Disability Policy for Pregnancy - Clauson Law. If you are planning a pregnancy, you should consider a short-term disability policy. Many employers provide this insurance, so that is definitely an option. It is taxable, and most employers will deduct the payments from your paycheck.

Learn About Car Accident Laws in North Carolina - Clauson Law Firm. Car accidents can be unnerving, especially if you’re involved in one. However, knowing the laws that are associated with car accidents in your state is a one way to relieve some of stress you feel. Get Relief with a Cancer Social Security Disability Lawyer - Clauson Law. When you receive the devastating news that you have been diagnosed with cancer, you do not want to deal with the reality of financial issues. 3 Ways a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You - Clauson Law Firm. You’ve been the victim of an accident, and the injuries that resulted have created a life situation that is less than ideal for you. Your medical bills and loss of work can have a large impact on your daily life from lack of money to pay your regular bills to having to deal with figuring out how the medical bills are going to be covered. It can be tempting to accept the first offer given by the insurance company or the guilty party just to move past your accident, but you may be neglecting to protect yourself in the long run.

Why hire an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney. If you’ve been injured as the result of the actions, inactions or negligence of someone else, then you might be considering taking legal action. Missing Work and Losing Pay Because of an Automotive Accident? You Deserve Compensation! When you get hurt in an auto accident, the severity of your injuries can vary wildly. Impairments That Affect Multiple Body Systems and Social Security Disability - Clauson Law. The Social Security Administration (SSA) classifies certain disorders and illnesses as affecting multiple body systems. SSA uses a listing of disabling conditions called the Blue Book. In that listing, there are both congenital and adult disorders that affect multiple body systems. Applying for Disability After a Car Accident - Clauson Law Firm. What If My Disabling Condition Isn't In the Blue Book? - Clauson Law Firm. When considering disability claims, the Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a guide called the Blue Book or Listing of Impairments, a comprehensive index that lists all conditions and severities that qualify as disability conditions.

Car Crash Injury Compensation - Clauson Law. In the blink of an eye, a car accident can change your life. Crashes can cause you lifetime physical problems and financial stress. Does Parkinson's Disease Qualify for Disability Benefits? Automobile Accident Claims In North Carolina. What Will Social Security Do When It Finds an Overpayment? Accidents and Injuries Involving Children. How Genitourinary Disorders Impact Your Ability to Work? Personal Injury in an Auto Accident.

Can I Get SSDI or SSI Disability for Interstitial Cystitis? What To Do After A Car Accident In Durham, NC - Clauson Law Firm. Can You Get SSD or SSI Disability Benefits for Scoliosis? Negligent Supervision in Auto Accidents - Clauson Law. What Will Social Security Do When It Finds an Overpayment? Can I Get SSDI or SSI Disability for Interstitial Cystitis? - Clauson Law Firm. Collecting Unemployment After an Auto Accident - Clauson Law.

What To Do After A Car Accident In Durham, NC - Clauson Law Firm. Can You Get SSD or SSI Disability Benefits for Scoliosis? 5 Mistakes Made After Car Accidents in NC - Clauson Law Firm. How to Apply for Disability Benefits with COPD? - Clauson Law Firm. Your Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim - Clauson Law. Getting Help with the Disability Application Process - Clauson Law. Applying for Disability After a Car Accident - Clauson Law Firm. Reporting Disability Status Changes to the SSA. Automobile Accident Claims In North Carolina. Can Past Substance Abuse Affect Current SSA Benefits? Auto Accidents and Disability Insurance. How Do I Schedule an Appeal on my Rejected SSI/SSDI Application? Learn About Car Accident Laws in North Carolina.

How Long Does the Application Process Take for SSA Benefits. North Carolina – Head-On Collisions Lawyer. How Important Can a Vocational Expert’s Testimony Be in a Disability Hearing? Knowing When to Apply for Social Security Benefits in North Carolina. Car Accidents and Disability Benefits. Car Crash Injury Compensation. Do I Qualify for SSI in NC? Filing for Disability with a Knee Injury in NC.

North Carolina Rollover Accident Attorney. Rear-End Collisions in North Carolina - Clauson Law Firm. Filing for Disability with Schizophrenia in North Carolina - Clauson Law Firm. North Carolina Hit and Run Accident Lawyer - Clauson Law Firm. Do You Have Questions About Collecting SSDI Disability?- Clauson Law. Your Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim. Who Can Handle Disability Claims? Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation North Carolina.

The Obstacles in Collecting Disability Benefits. Car Accidents and Disability Benefits. Why You May Need A Disability Claim Lawyer In North Carolina. Obtaining Disability Benefits In North Carolina. Truck Accident Lawyer in Durham. Automobile Accident Claims In North Carolina. Preparing A Successful Disability Application. 5 Common Auto Accident Injuries. How To File A Disability Claim In North Carolina. Social Security Disability Benefits: How to Get Results. Negligent Supervision in Auto Accidents. Bicycle Accident Attorney - Clauson Law Firm. Strategy and the Disability Law Case. Medical records and attorney summarization for SSDI claims - Clauson Law. Charlotte Wrongful Death Attorney. Collecting Unemployment After an Auto Accident - Clauson Law.

Making The Call: How to Find and Hire a Disability Attorney in North Carolina - Clauson Law. What To Do After A Car Accident In Durham, NC - Clauson Law Firm. What Medical Evidence do you Need for Social Security Benefits? Auto Accidents and Disability Insurance. 3 Things You Must Know About Fayetteville SSDI Claims. Qualifying for Disability Benefits With Joint Pain or Arthritis. Does My Injury Qualify for Social Security Disability? How To File For Heart Disease Social Security Benefits. What You Need to Know If You Are Injured in a Car Accident - Clauson Law.

Getting SSI For Migraines in North Carolina- ClausonLaw. Missing Work and Losing Pay Because of an Automotive Accident? You Deserve Compensation! - The Importance of Checking the Status of Your Disability Claim. The Medical Records You Need for SSDI- ClausonLaw. NC Car Accidents Involving Elderly Drivers - Clauson Law Firm.