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Wisdompills. Offer These 50 Free Professional Resources to Your Employees. Most employers recognize providing professional development opportunities is a benefit many employees expect. In fact, a 2013 survey of 4,000 randomly selected members of the Society for Human Resource Management found 88 percent of organizations offer professional development opportunities as a benefit for employees. However, many workers aren’t satisfied. A 2014 TINYhr survey of more than 200,000 employees around the world found 66 percent of employees feel their current employer doesn’t provide enough opportunities for growth or professional development. Perhaps a lack of funding is the reason. If that’s the case, here are 50 of the best (and free) professional development resources for employees: 1. Career development. Employees are always looking for ways to shape their skills, experience and the future of their career. Here’s a roundup of the best (and free) career development courses: Related: Pump Up Your Team by Encouraging Employees to Visualize Their Success 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Paperless Classroom with Google Docs - Google Docs. 26 Questions to Ask Students in The First Week of School. August 12, 2014 Today as I was browsing through my Twitter feeds I stumbled upon this list of questions every student should be able to answer. The list is created by Terry Heick and spans a wide variety of topics relevant to students learning. I view this list as a great material to use with your student in the first week of this school year. Get students to work together and answer the questions featured in this selection. Of course, there are some questions students won't have answers to, it's ok they are not expected to answer all of them anyway. The importance of integrating questioning in your teaching pedagogy is two fold: first it provides students with an outlet to vociferate their voice and actively participate in the formulation of their learning needs.

Here is a round-up of the 26 questions students should be able to answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Teacher Guides. These guides come in very handy for every teacher looking to better integrate technology into his/her teaching. They are very simple,developed in a step by step process, illustrated by pictures, diagrams, video tutorials, and examples, and concluded with a webliography containing links to a variety of other websites relevant to the topic under discussion. Needless to mention the pedagogical implications we include in the review of the web tools we feature in our guides. @import url( Custom Search Educators Technology See On About Us Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is operated by a team of dedicated teachers located in Canada. Google+ Followers Subscribe To Posts All Comments Copyright © 2011-2014.Please feel free to reuse or share content under a Creative Commons Attribution license unless otherwise noted.

Teacher Guides By Film - College, Inc. | Teacher Center. Drones, disasters and how to teach ethical marketing | Journalism & Mass Communication. Dr. Peggy Kreshel of the Grady College at the University of Georgia speaks with Phil Tenser, digital executive producer at ABC 7NEWS on March 14. 2014. By April Nowicki Bug-shaped flying cameras, ex-reporters now working in sports, the fall 2013 Colorado floods and ads trying not to be ads – Friday’s symposium panels were all over the map with ethical issues. The first panel addressed drone coverage during disaster reporting.

“Drones present a lot of ethical issues,” said Phil Tenser, digital executive producer for ABC 7NEWS in Denver. “About where and when they should fly, how far their zoom lens can see, what things they can see.” A camera on the ground doesn’t necessarily have the same power, Tenser said, and made a case for the potential that drone footage has to attract television viewers. The code builds on ethical guidelines from the Society of Professional Journalists, with emphasis on safety, privacy and the sanctity of law and public spaces.

More stories from the ethics symposium: 5 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Marketing and Start Teaching. Another gem from Kathy Sierra, click image for post I think many companies are completely misusing Social Media as a marketing channel. These content-creation tools are the perfect outlet for companies to create content that teaches their customers how to solve their own problems, how to be better at something they love, how to kick-ass. Teaching and empowering your customers creates a level of loyalty that regular marketing could never hope for. Here’s 5 reasons why your company should stop marketing to your customers, and start teaching them: 1 – Teaching gives you a competitive edge. Years ago I spent a Summer selling pesticides and lawn care products at Lowes throughout Northwest Alabama.

So when a customer walked up and started looking at the pesticides, I didn’t try to push them toward a particular product, I asked them what problems they were having. The end result was that I made more on commissions from sales than I did on my actual salary as a vendor. Teaching marketing to kids. 5 Lessons Marketing Textbooks Don’t Teach (and How to Learn Them) I live in a college town and it seems like at least once a week, I have students ask me what it is they should be doing to guarantee success in today’s marketing world. While the answers to that question are probably endless, I’m always left reminiscing of my college days and remembering how it felt trying to ‘cover all my bases’ during undergrad. Upon entry to the real world, it usually doesn’t take long to realize that those trusty textbooks forgot to mention quite a few things!

To be an effective marketer, a college degree isn’t enough. Here are some of the lessons I learned about marketing that my college textbooks didn’t teach me. 1) The Importance of Trial & Error I learned early on that no one (unless you get lucky) is going to hold your hand and walk with you while you navigate the marketing world on your own. How to Learn This Skill What the best way to do so? 2) The Importance of Writing I’ll be the first to say that writing isn’t necessarily something that I enjoy. 10 Steps to Teaching Your Kids to Become Entrepreneurs. How I Learned Online Marketing (and How You Can Too)

Why Do B-Schools Still Teach The Famed 4P's Of Marketing, When Three Are Dead? In 1960, Jerome McCarthy got a bright and amazingly resilient idea. All the components of a marketing strategy could be reduced to just Four P’s (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion), the 32-year-old marketing professor claimed. And he was right, at least at the time. Those Four P’s have since become a tremendously influential guide in marketing programs. Although the world of marketing has changed significantly since the '60s, all MBA students, marketers, and strategy consultants are still expected to know and apply the Four P’s as if they were laws of nature. Some would argue that the digital revolution has yet to radically change the teachings of the Four P’s. But a closer look at some of today’s fastest-growing brands shows that time has buried the Four P’s.

The Three Dead P’s Let’s look at promotion. Google didn’t need marketing; the search engine was so good that it spoke for itself. The other P’s are just as dispensable. Only Product Matters [Image: Graveyard via Shutterstock] How to Teach Yourself SEO. So, you want to learn what all those techie-types are referring to when they talk about link building, anchor text, title tags, and on-site optimization? Welcome to the SEO club! Teaching yourself SEO can be a challenging process, but it’s not impossible. Take a look at the following step-by-step plan and then get started.

Remember, SEO changes every day, so there’s no time like the present to get started learning! Step #1: Seek out beginner-level resources Now, I’m assuming that you’re reading this article because you want to learn SEO on your own time, as a supplement to whatever else your full-time job may be. If you have the time or resources, there are plenty of great “all inclusive” training courses that’ll take you from beginner to advanced student in the shortest amount of time possible (for example, check out the SES series of conferences if you’ve got a few thousand dollars to invest in your education).

Step #2: Put what you’ve learned into practice Don’t have a website? What 5 Fake Ads Can Teach You About Great Marketing. What 5 Fake Ads Can Teach You About Great Marketing June 24, 2013 | 4 Comments Sometimes clients don’t buy great ideas. And sometimes creative people have great marketing ideas for brands they don’t work on. I have thought for years that the greatest marketing idea for Crayola would be to create their own series of coloring menus and crayons for kids, and sell them to restaurants on a monthly basis as a subscription. But I never worked with Crayola, so that idea has just been sitting in my head for years.

Thankfully, the people behind the collection of ads in this post decided not to lock them away in the back of their minds. Lesson #1 – Avoid Icon Temptation The “Think Small” ad introducing the first VW Beetle is a legendary print ad in the history of advertising. Lesson #2 – Stand For Something Bigger One fake ad I have used often in presentations is the fun concept ad above. Lesson #3 – Be The Brand You Already Are Lesson #4 – Be Unexpectedly Honest Lesson #5 – Offer A Visual Reminder. What 5 Fake Ads Can Teach You About Great Marketing. Learning. Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing. THE MARKETER’S CHALLENGE: HOW TO TEACH CUSTOMERS NEW BEHAVIOURS. The “slow” movement has gained traction in living, cooking and other domains, but in marketing, a patient, deliberate approach can be risky if not fatal. Sure, marketers must still “get into customers’ minds,” but they must do it so quickly and effectively that consumers are taught nothing less than new ways of behaviour.

Caveat venditor: Teach your consumers well! New products are proliferating, and research shows that the most successful among them have clearly benefited from customers’ ease in learning the benefits and applications of those products quickly, in finding out how the devices actually work, and in sharing their knowledge with friends. In fact the very success of a tiny percentage of new products (more than 95 per cent do not succeed) underlines the reality that marketers need to teach customers and find ways to advance their learning. Innovation depends on customers learning In the last century, product, service and process innovation was a fairly slow-moving affair. Great Ways to Teach Students about Marketing. Lesson Plans and Teacher Timesavers - Huge Collection - Instant Lessons View Collection Mega Worksheets - Take A Quick Look!

- 50,000+ Printables View Now... Great Ways to Teach Students about Marketing Students tend to become too engrossed in the luxuries of life that they sooner or later forget what is being taught to them in school. To some, marketing could be considered that specific field in which only future marketing majors in universities would be willing to study. 1. What better way to create a fun atmosphere inside the classroom than to initiate an activity that involves slogan or jingle making. 2.

A number of products exist in the market that the producers are constantly thinking of new ways on how to improve them to prolong brand loyalty. 3. Teachers can initiate this activity as a special project or a term-ender activity. 4. This is ideally a final activity that will test whether or not the students have grasped enough knowledge on a teacher's marketing class. Marketing Teacher FREE resources for marketers. Great Ideas for Teaching Marketing.