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Voyzapp is a technology powered voice over marketplace that offers efficient, quick, reliable and cost effective voice recording services through professional voice artists. Our platform hosts thousands of professional voice artists who work in multiple languages and dialetcs and can get started on your project instantly.

5 key factors to consider when starting your dream podcast. You have the ideas, you broke down the topics, you have a way with words, you like to talk, sure starting a podcast is a great option for you.

5 key factors to consider when starting your dream podcast

As we all are more interested in multi-tasking the audio format content is gaining quite a popularity and preference. One such is Podcast. A podcast is a series of spoken and recorded audio episodes that are themed or focused on one central topic be it – world affairs, history, technology, etc. Although, video podcasts are also available nowadays most of the podcasts are still in the audio format. So, you know what the podcast is and how it works & now you want to have one of your own, well, things are not as easy as they might seem.

Want an awesome Voice-over — Provide clear Instructions and references! The whole voice-over world revolves around only one thing that is communication.

Want an awesome Voice-over — Provide clear Instructions and references!

In different formats like — explainer videos, video ads, TV commercials, documentaries, etc., the use and need of voice-overs is to communicate the very thought that led to its creation. Voice-overs in on-hold messages, IVR greetings, video narrations, etc., are all means of communication. So, in short voice-overs, at the crux are just a way of communication. Since it is a form of communication, it needs to be effective, and therefore, providing clear instructions and information is essential. Understand that it’s the miscommunication or lack of communication that makes a voice-over recording process hectic and more time-consuming. Make it Clear for the Voice Actors — Whatever your project type be, what you want in it, and how you want it to be, should clearly be laid down. What tone do you want? Personalizing communication goes long way. Key Elements to Master for a successful voice-over career. As a child, you were fascinated by the animation voice-over of your favorite cartoon characters, or maybe as an adult, you kept getting compliments about your voice for being something astonishing and right out of commercial or a movie narration.

Key Elements to Master for a successful voice-over career

Whatever be the thing propelling you, but you wanted to use your voice to make a career for yourself and build a life. So, you got a voice coach, trained yourself, learned various modulation techniques and other skills, and now you are out in the world alone looking to start your career. But this is not the easy part of being a professional voice-over artist. The reality of the voice-over market is starting to scare you and you are losing all hope.

But do not give up yet. Capability – Create demo reels showing all your capabilities, your vocal range, and modulations, but most importantly, your signature voice. What makes a good Story Telling Narrator? When a writer or an author writes a story or a story, it takes a lot of dedication, personal experiences, thoughts, emotions, and more in addition to the skill of creating compelling characters and lettering down a thrilling story.

What makes a good Story Telling Narrator?

These are just a few things to name; it takes much more than that in weaving those characters into the plots. It’s almost like they pour their hearts out while writing a story. Therefore, while converting that written piece into audio format, requires more than just a good voice and a few sets of voice-over skills. An audiobook narrator is required to mesmerize the audience with his/her narration taking them on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, thoughts, and memories as and when the story asks. Simply reading a book or reading and trying to depict the emotions in it, is not going to cut it. Engrossed in Work – An audiobook narrator needs to get involved in the story.

Pause, Play, & Fast-forward – The pacing matters, period. Related Blog : Must include facts for successful Radio ads. Despite everything happening in the digital world, radios still reach a mass number of audiences around the globe.

Must include facts for successful Radio ads

From daily train commuters to people driving to work most people still tune into their local channels. During the day the house -husbands/wives listen to it while doing the chores and many elderly tunes in while sitting on the sofa under the porch in the evening. The thing about radio is that it still connects with all, irrespective of the generation they were born into. Now advertising on radio is a thing of precision, it requires to focused, enthralling, and engaging at the same time.

So, to help you out, Voyzapp – the leading voice-over marketplace has put together some must include points down below, for you to remember while you work on your radio ad. The need for Multilingual Voice-over Services. In which language should be the voice-over of your television commercial, your ad videos, or the audio ads?

The need for Multilingual Voice-over Services

This is a very crucial question that is needed to be answered if you want to grow your business beyond its native place. For companies and businesses targeting more new markets, multilingual voice-overs are a much-needed thing. Since many businesses running worldwide wants to target the population hub of the world, i.e., south-east Asia. This region already has about ten major languages belonging to different cultures and ethnicity. Especially if you are business, domestic or foreign, running in a multilingual and multicultural country like India, it becomes a vital component to the success of your ads and marketing campaigns. How does Right Voice-overs Make your ads more communicative and memorable? If you are into creating ads, or branding & communications, you know how much it takes to ideate an ad, create the visuals, write the best content, etc.

How does Right Voice-overs Make your ads more communicative and memorable?

A lot of collaborative time and effort is put into the actualization of an idea. It gets daunting sometimes and sometimes it’s fun. But one of the most important aspects is finalizing the voice that is going to narrate the story and represent the brand in the ad or a commercial. Because we all know, psychologically “how you said it” is more important than “what you said”. Therefore, the voice-over you choose for your brand matters a lot. Professional voice-over services are now being widely used in media, entertainment, and marketing spheres to improve and increase the hits and impacts of ads in every format.

Professionals bring in the quality by – Keeping it conversational, as if directly talking to the audience Using proper accents to make it sound more familiar & native. Voyzapp introduces Premium Membership Plans for Customers. We all are gradually moving into a voice-activated world, everything that surrounds us is slowly being added with voice features.

Voyzapp introduces Premium Membership Plans for Customers

Voices have been used since the beginning but which voice is suited to which situation, character, etc., well that’s where it gets tricky. Finding the right voice for your project is an arduous job. Searching through various platforms and running from studio to studio adds up to this. If your voice requirement is niche-specific then it's more like an added labor. Even if you find one after days of the hunt into the wilderness of voice-over, the project budget is not allowing you to hire the artist. Well, not anymore, because Voyzapp has launched its subscription plans that enable every customer to find the most suitable voices for their projects at the most competitive prices, with added discounts for subscription holders. Let’s start with a Basic subscription plan – It’s a 3 monthly plan for ₹ 499 in which you get – 5% additional discount.

Related Blog: Things to Consider before you hire voice artists for E-learning Projects. Facebook Audio Ads – How to Create One? - UMGeeks. Why Pro-Voice Artist is a Necessity for Explainer Videos? Explainer videos are widely used across multiple industries and are one of the most effective forms of imparting knowledge.

Why Pro-Voice Artist is a Necessity for Explainer Videos?

Explainer videos as the name suggests are used for explaining things be it a – corporate forecast or a medical procedure. These videos are one of the most widely used and successful mediums of delivering messages and therefore, using professional voice-over services in them is kind of important to make them effective. In addition to exceptional graphics and a spellbinding story you need a professional artist to actuate your idea about the video and make it resonate with your audience.

Pro-voice artists are not just limited to having a great timbre, they also have numerous other vocal qualities such as voice modulation, narration styles, and above all the expertise to tie all the elements of the video together as one. Think your business needs a TVC for marketing? Think again. Television has been around for over half a century, and it's brought numerous businesses plenitude of success.

Think your business needs a TVC for marketing? Think again

From biggest sporting events to award shows, several of the world’s most-watched programs are broadcast on TV making it a wanted, proven, and trusted medium by both observers and advertisers likewise. That is the thing of the past, nowadays, the younger generation entertains TV only for streaming various shows, movies, and programs of their liking through various online platforms. For sure Televisions have been around for a long and are a trusted medium for advertising to a large audience but what is the point if it’s not reaching the audience. So, if you are looking to produce a new television commercial or TVC, you need to analyze the situation again. With the advent of other more economical advertising mediums such as – Podcast advertising, digital marketing, and old-school radio advertising the marketing landscape has changed a lot. Global Businesses and the need for Voice-overs. Voice overs are now an inseparable part of marketing and advertising for businesses around the globe.

Every successful business has a distinctive voice with which it is identified AKA the brand voice and need for Voice-overs. Voice-overs have been utilized by companies in multiple types of videos to promote their brand. For instance, if it’s an animation explainer a niche-specific and professional animation voiceover artist is employed to voice the narratives and deliver the message effectively.

More than 70% of people buy or hire services after watching a video or an ad about the same. Global Businesses and the need for Voice-overs. Celebrity voice-overs VS Professional voice-overs. A celebrity voice-over is not a new thing to happen, be it – animated movies, video games, commercials ads, etc. Brands and movie houses have always been using celebrities every now and then for voice-over works in their films and ads.

Well, using celebrities for voice-overs can be tricky as, if the celebrity is quite known for his/her voice it's great but if the celebrity’s voice is not as popular as him/her then it would leave the audience wondering and distract them from the message. While using celebrity voice-overs has its pros and cons, professional voice-overs, however, keeps the audience's attention intact to the core message of the ad. The Purpose & Importance of Video Subtitling. We all know how much time we spend watching videos, web series, and movies. And in recent years the video consumption has exponentially grown.

With the rise in the demand for more and more videos and not so quick availability of dubbing to other language facilities, the subtitling services sector is experiencing huge demand. Most of us have seen various web series in their original language with subtitles in the languages we understand. Well, unfortunately, subtitling is also benefiting from the disabilities. Stats suggest that around 465 million people around the globe are hard of hearing, and since more than a hundred million hours of videos are watched on Facebook every day, subtitles are needed. Male or Female voice - Which one to choose and when? Evolution of Advertising Voice-over Style - From Loud and Booming To Soft and Conversational. Time is the strongest force and change or evolution are the undeniable laws of nature.

Simply put, things keep changing with time. Evolving into more effective versions of itself. So is the case with voiceovers. In the early days, the announcer style with polished loud, and booming voices were ruling the voice-over world. Why Create Brand Anthem Videos. When video marketing came into existence brands and corporate reaped their benefits to the fullest. Using colorful images combined with catchy slogans brands pushed up their products and services. But those are the things of the past, nowadays, brands need to cultivate connections with the audiences at emotional levels to thrive. The need to create content that engages people and makes an emotional contact gave birth to the idea of brand anthem videos. Want to read while working out? Switch to audiobooks! How voice acting magnifies the impact of storytelling? Storytelling is an interactive skill of using words and actions to reveal the elements and images while inspiring the listener’slistener’s imagination.

How to create an engaging script for your business IVR. The interactive Voice Response or IVRs are almost everywhere, doesn’t matter if you are calling a bank, an IT company, or any customer support desk of any company, you will be greeted first by an automated voice. Creating an e-learning module for children? Pick your voice actor wisely. How to produce great radio ads. The first AM Radio was first introduced in the 1920s and by the 1930s the FM radios came into existence. In the 1960s the introduction of portable and affordable radios transformed the radio era. How to write a killer script for your explainer video - MozUsa. Prestashop is enormous open-source programming that has a huge local area of online dealers and clients. It has more than 300,000 online stores. It is freemium which implies that you can get to the fundamental highlights at no charge.

Youtube. Make your video game app top-ranked with catchy sounds and voice overs. Video games nowadays can be classified as a near work of art. These are, be it a mobile app, proving to be the most engaging and profitable way of storytelling. Choosing the right accent for your promotional video voice over. A promotional video or promo video is a video used for the sole purpose of endorsing a specific marketing initiative, sale, or event. Sonic Branding - Why every brand need this today? Why videos with Hindi voice over are the first choice? Youtube. Audiobook Industry - Audiobook Voice Over Services. Audio-Video Presentations - fast replacing conventional PPTs.

How to pick the best-fit voice over agency for your voice over needs? - GrezHost. Tips to create a strong and impactful voice actor profile. How to choose the best hosting website for podcast? - Keepit Music- News Magazine. Preparing your marketing budget? Don\'t miss allocation for Voice Overs. How to Promote Your Business Using Voice Overs. How to budget properly for your home studio recording equipment. Creating an IVR? Pick your voice wisely. – TheSocialTech. How To Become A Great Narrator And Win Audiobook Projects?

Top-performing Microphones for Voice Over in 2021. An emphatic voice-over can make or break your video game. Pick wisely. Youtube. Youtube. Creating an Ad? Remember Audio is as Important as Video. Creating a jingle? Choose the voice actor and music director wisely. Top 5 Voice Recording Software 2021 - Flowactivo. Tired Of Reading? Choose Audiobooks - The New Age Books For Millennials. Vocal Warm-Up Techniques to Improve Your Voice Recording Performance. 5 TIPS FOR CREATING AN IMPRESSIVE EXPLAINER VIDEO FOR YOUR PRODUCT. How to Groom Yourself as a Voice-Actor Amid Lockdown? HOW TO USE HUMOR TO GET THE BEST OUT OF YOUR AD CAMPAIGN. HOW TO WRITE A KILLER SCRIPT AND GET A STUNNING VOICE OVER FOR YOUR COMMERCIAL. VOICE ACTORS - SET UP A HOME STUDIO AND GET GOING IN LOCKDOWN. Why should you start your ‘dream’ podcast in 2021. Picking The Right Studio For Audio Shoot Of Your Ad Film.


CREATE THAT GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION WITH A PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS IVR. 5 Key Factors To Remember While Getting Your Documentary Video Dubbed. HANDY SOLUTIONS FOR A TRAVELING VOICE ACTOR. 5 Tips to Choose Your Brand Voice Wisely. Voice Over Actor/Artists Membership Plans - Get More Voice Over Jobs. Perfect Intros and Outros: A key to the success of a podcast. Youtube. Youtube. How Quality Dubbing can help you win a new set of audiences for your web series. How to Stay Productive As Deliver Professional Recordings. How Impactful Voice Overs Can Strengthen Your Radio Advertising Message. Leverage the power of dynamic IVR voice overs to boost your ROI - voyzapp. How a professional voice for marketing strategy will help you to enrich your brand’s image globally. Involve your audience better: Give quality voice overs to your Elearning project. Youtube. Entertainment, Technology. Market your podcast to be the best it can be through professional voice overs!

Tips For Voice Actors To Sound Youthful And Energetic. How Quality Dubbing Services In Multiple Languages Can Boost Your Global Presence. Boost The Emotional Quotient Of Your Documentary Through Quality Voice Overs - GETO Live. Boost Your Brand Image Through Powerful Podcast Advertisements. How Are You Making that Sound? - News Skook article publisher. Explore voice actors by categories/genres to find your perfect voice @ Voyzapp. Explore voice actors by categories/genres to find your perfect voice @ Voyzapp. How Are You Making that Sound? How to Increase Vocal Control. The Art Of Infusing Humour in Your Advertisements Through Voice Overs. Incorporating voice overs in your New Year marketing strategy to boost Brand Awareness. How Online Video Advertising Trends Have Enhanced The Need Of Professional Voice Overs.

How Using a Professional Voice for Marketing Strategy will help you?