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.NET Reflector. Hawkeye - The .Net Runtime Object Editor - Home. DockPanel Suite - Project Web Hosting - Open Source Software. ObjectListView — ObjectListView v2.6.0 documentation. SourceGrid - Home. CleanCode. I have attempted to simplify the organization of CleanCode material available for download with this basic structure:


Free Science & Engineering software downloads. OpenTK. FlatRedBall. If you’ve used Glue much then you know it makes heavy use of code generation.


Many programmers have asked me, “Why use code generation? Why not create a higher-level .dll that can load the GLUX xml file and do the same thing that the generated code does?” The reason this question is hard to answer is because the generated code doesn’t have one single big benefit, but rather lots and lots of smaller benefits which add up and result in a huge boost in developer productivity. But, I suppose we should at least start from the beginning. Perhaps the first thought which drove me to code generation is the idea that as more functionality is added to an API, usually the number of things that you need to learn to take advantage of the API increases. This means that even though an expanding API has the potential to make its user more efficient, it often requires more up-front learning to get there.

XNA. XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh is a programming environment that allows you to use Visual Studio to create games for Windows Phone, Xbox 360, and Windows.


XNA Game Studio includes the XNA Framework, a set of managed libraries designed for game development based on the Microsoft .NET Framework. This documentation collection contains technology overviews, tutorials, and reference material related to XNA Game Studio. How to: Draw Points, Lines, and Other 3D Primitives. Demonstrates how to draw 3D primitives using lines and triangles arranged as strips or lists.

How to: Draw Points, Lines, and Other 3D Primitives

A 3D primitive describes how vertex data is ordered. This example demonstrates line and triangle primitive types that are the basis for all drawing calls in the XNA Framework. To render primitives, you need to create a basic effect and transformation matrices. This topic follows the steps described in Creating a Basic Effect to create an instance of BasicEffect. This sample uses orthographic projection, but you can also use perspective projection to render primitives. You can download a complete code sample for this topic including full source code and any additional supporting files required by the sample.

The major steps for this example are: To create vertices Create a list of vertices in 3D space that represent the points to draw. The example in this section uses the sample vertex list created by following step 1 in the Creating Vertices procedure. XNA - Drawing 2D Primitives (Boxes) and Understanding Matrices in Computer Graphics. » Использование XNA в Windows Forms С/С++/C# блог программиста. Rendering with XNA Framework 4.0 inside of a WPF application - Nick Gravelyn's Blog. First some prefaces: This isn’t any official solution to embedding XNA Framework graphics inside a WPF application.

Rendering with XNA Framework 4.0 inside of a WPF application - Nick Gravelyn's Blog

This is simply my personal attempt at making it happen. The code here might not be the most optimized, but it certainly gets the job done. Alright, so yesterday I decided I wanted to start building some tools for games. I had nothing in particular at the time, but knew I wanted to use WPF for the application and XNA Framework for the graphics. After some searching the interwebs, I found a few ways people had accomplished this: Use the regular WinForm approach and use the WindowsFormsHost inside of WPF. So I decided to do it my own way. I then decided that I wouldn’t even implement my own ImageSource, but rather I’d just stick data into an existing ImageSource, the WriteableBitmap to be precise.

With that in place, I now had a mechanism for rendering XNA Framework content (into the RenderTarget2D) and moving that into the WriteableBitmap which could be consumed by WPF. Irrlicht. Farseer Physics Engine - Home. Box2dx - Box2DX is a C# port of Box2D - 2D Physics Engine. Box2D.XNA - Home. Run-Time Code Generation I: Compile C#-Code using Microsoft.CSharp and System.CodeCom.Compiler. Download demo project - 16.44 KB Introduction .NET provides mechanisms to compile source code and to use the generated assemblies within an application.

Run-Time Code Generation I: Compile C#-Code using Microsoft.CSharp and System.CodeCom.Compiler

Using these features, you can make applications more adaptive and more flexible. The following article shows how to compile C#-code using Microsoft.CSharp and System.CodeDom. Necessary Using Statements Before you start, add the following using statements to your application to ease the use of the namespaces: Compiling and Executing Code at Runtime. Download source code - 18.3 Kb Well, this is my first article at The Code Project, so I'll try my best to stay on topic.

Compiling and Executing Code at Runtime

I was recently interested in creating a sort of precedence calculator library. I was about 10% underway when I suddenly had a thought. What if instead I could just use C# code, compile and execute it, then get the result of the mathematical equation back. Well, I figured it wouldn't be easy, but there must be a way of making it work.