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Free WordPress Themes. 30 Useful Responsive Wordpress Themes. Surfing the Internet is becoming increasingly different within these few years, many of us are using our smartphones and tablets to surf the web more and more. This is also one of the reasons why so many web developers and designers are finding ways to come up with responsive web designs to incorporate this change. On the other hand with so many different themes offered in the market, with each of them made and catered to meet different meets and demands of their customers, more and more people are developing responsive web design templates.

For those who are operating of WordPress, fear not, besides the different variety of WordPress themes offered in the market, we will specially introduce a series of useful responsive WordPress themes that will suit your needs. Due to the increasing mobile traffic, from people who would surf the Internet using their mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices that responsive web design were developed.

Useful WordPress Tools, Themes and Plugins. If you’re looking for some great ways to improve your WordPress workflow, read on for a massive collection of free themes, plugins, tools and tutorials.

Useful WordPress Tools, Themes and Plugins

These resources were all linked via the Smashing Magazine Twitter stream, Facebook stream, and other social-media streams around the Web. These resources have now been organized and consolidated for easy reference to help you get the most out of the world’s most popular publishing platform. WordPress Arena: A Blog for WordPress Developers, Designers and Blogger. I’ve reviewed “Best Real estate WordPress Themes“, “Best WordPress Themes for eCommerce” and “ThemeForest WordPress Themes For Real Estate Bloggers” you should have picked up from the previous posts, I hope you’ve enjoyed these compilation and found them useful in aiding your WordPress powered Website.

WordPress Arena: A Blog for WordPress Developers, Designers and Blogger

I was thinking the same thing as to compile “26 great Commercial WordPress themes — in 2010!” Yet it’s a very big deal because the themes available for WordPress number in the thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. Many of these themes are excellent, and picking a mere BEST was really tough.