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George Orwell: A Life in Pictures. Welcome to YouTube! The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.To change your location filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Click "OK" to accept this setting, or click "Cancel" to set your location filter to "Worldwide". The location filter shows you popular videos from the selected country or region on lists like Most Viewed and in search results.

To change your country filter, please use the links in the footer at the bottom of the page. Letters. The normal 24 letters of the Greek script are self-explanatory.


The one letter that presents complications is lowercase sigma, which has a medial and a final variant (and the lunate sigma, which is used by papyrologists to obviate that distinction). Unicode has also allocated codepoints for glyph variants of Greek letters, which are deemed to be distinct characters in mathematical use; and there are some puzzling titlecase characters with grave that I try to make sense of here—and fail. 1.

Final Sigma. Smarthistory: a multimedia web-book about art and art history. Institute of Failure.


Education. Camp. Language.