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7 Theories on Time That Would Make Doc Brown's Head Explode. There are a few things in this world that we can always rely on as constants: The sun will always rise each morning, the seasons will always change and time will inevitably march forward at its predictable clip.

7 Theories on Time That Would Make Doc Brown's Head Explode

Except the sun doesn't actually rise, seasons are disappearing and time ... well, see, time is tricky, too. For example ... #7. 5 Ways We Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation. #2.

5 Ways We Ruined the Occupy Wall Street Generation

Creating the Idea that Entertainment Has No Monetary Value If I type the phrase, "piracy hurts the entertainment industry," several hundred people will, without reading the following words, skip down to the comments and carefully explain that pirates don't actually download music or movies or games unless they weren't going to buy it anyway. Then they'll pull out some studies showing that music downloaders also buy the most music. But the bottom line is the music industry lost more than half of its sales since downloading became a thing. And, by what I'm sure some of you will say is pure coincidence, PC game sales collapsed in that exact same time period. - America's Only Humor & Video Site Since 1958.