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Optimizar. Xgl. 3945. UbuntuiES. Ubuntu Tweak, eleva tu Ubuntu a la máxima potencia. La Consola » Ubuntu Tweak. Nicu's clipart collection - MASR - Ubuntu packages. Punto y aparte: Podcast #7. The ignorant EU cookie law March 18, 2014 — Carlos Fenollosa It is 2014, and many webmasters still don't know that there is a new EU law which regulates cookies and other data stored in user computers. This is part of a noble effort to protect user privacy, which, well, I personally support. Unfortunately, the actual law is technically incompetent and does nothing for user privacy while placing a lot of responsibility on webmasters and costing them a lot of time and money. Put it another way, this law wants to protect users by forcing spoon merchants to inform clients about the chance of being harmed by a spoon while ignoring knife, drug or gun merchants.

It's useless. This uselessness and absolute ignorance of how the Internet works is costing EU webmasters a lot of time and money. Why am I against this law? It doesn't protect user privacy Cookies are not the only way to track us. Furthermore, the browser itself can be used to uniquely identify you. Cookie management was solved 20 years ago.