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ALT.NET Hispano / van-2010-08-21-bdd-mspec. The Limited Red Society. Vimcasts. Using Git in Ruby Applications - Scott Chacon :: tutorial, videos, articles, screencast to learn technology" This talk will demonstrate different ways you can use Git in your Ruby applications using Grit, the main binding library for Git in Ruby. A basic overview of how Git stores data will be followed by a few examples of using Git as a data storage mechanism in real life Ruby applications. Examples that might be shown include building a simple Git repository browser in Ruby, implementing a content distribution or ?

Le backup system, writing a wiki using Git as a document oriented database, or storing metadata (docs or tickets) for an application in a separate Git branch automatically in Ruby. These examples will be using the open-source Grit library which now includes an extensive pure-ruby implementation of Git, runs the popular Git hosting site GitHub and also powers applications such as Gitorious, Gitnub and git-wiki. Dime Casts.Net -- Inform and Educate in ~10 Minutes or Less.