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10 Consejos para la resolución de problemas técnicos inexplicables. En ocasiones, compañeros de trabajo y otros conocidos acuden a mi con problemas técnicos difíciles (de programación, sistemas, etc.) incomprensibles y/o aparentemente inexplicables, tratando de que les eche una mano en la búsqueda de una solución.

10 Consejos para la resolución de problemas técnicos inexplicables

Supongo que me he ganado fama de "gurú técnico" a base de encontrar soluciones inesperadas a problemas extraños (qué engañados les tengo a todos :-) Seguro que si trabajáis con temas técnicos, habéis escuchado multitud de veces frases como estas:No lo entiendo! Pero si ayer funcionaba y no he tocado nada! Lo he probado todo y no soy capaz de saber por qué falla! Esto es imposible! Pero si el programa nunca debería pasar por ahí! Consejo 1: Simplifica el problema Cuando te enfrentas a un problema complejo suele haber muchas variables que pueden influir en él. Ejemplo: Imagina que tienes una aplicación que estás programando, que consta de 1000 archivos y más de 100.000 líneas de código.

Consejo 8: Si no hay más remedio, baja de nivel de abstracción.


Tips. Scrolling. Leer. Creating an RSS feed reader in C# (C# Programming Tutorial. Contextual Ads More C# Resources Advertisement Download this project (Visual Studio 2005) The stucture of an RSS feed RSS feeds are everywhere, almost any website with dynamic content has at least one RSS feed for the visitors to subscribe to, so there's no question why would you need to know how to build an RSS feed reader.

Creating an RSS feed reader in C# (C# Programming Tutorial

RSS feeds can have their own custom tags, or lack some of the tags, but the main structure should be the same: start with an xml tag, followed by an xml-stylesheet tag (if applicable) and then the rss tag which tells us it's an RSS feed. Below is a screenshot of the application that I built for this tutorial and which you can download from the link at the top of the project. I suggest you download the code first (even if you have Visual Studio .NET 1.1) because I'm not going to enumerate the controls on the form and their names.

Coding the RSS reader Here comes the fun part. First, the System.Xml namespace. A bunch of variable we'll use: Now we have one more thing to do. Using WebDAV with IIS. This article walks you through the process of using Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) to publish content to an Internet Information Services (IIS) web server.

Using WebDAV with IIS

The article also explains why WebDAV is a more secure and better solution to publishing content than the traditional FTP approach. The traditional method for uploading content to a web server is File Transfer Protocol (FTP), but using this approach has its disadvantages: Using FTP requires that you open additional ports on your perimeter firewall, and this can increase the attack surface of your network and make it more susceptible to penetration by attackers. This is obviously undesirable from the perspective of keeping your network secure. FTP has no file locking mechanism, so it’s possible for two users to upload different versions of the same file simultaneously causing one to be overwritten.

The solution to these problems is WebDAV, a protocol used for publishing and managing content to web servers. Palm Programming Tutorial - Palm Tutorial. Palm Programming Tutorial - Overview Palm Programming Tutorial - Goal Palm Programming Tutorial was designed to help developers program mobile applications for Palm OS platforms.

Palm Programming Tutorial - Palm Tutorial

Programming a Palm application requires the developer to understand several programming concepts. Palm Programming Tutorial addresses the following: UI (User Interface) DB (Database) System Integration (Preferences, Global Find...) Developing applications for non-mobile platforms seldom requires the programmer to know that many concepts, not to mention that application development is often a teamwork, where each programmer has their area of expertise. Not so for Palm OS development: YOU have to be the Architect, Programmer, Graphics Designer, Database Administrator, Database Developer, Tester, and...

When one has to start developing for a platform s/he doesn't know, it's usually hard to get started: "What is the best language to use for the kind of app I'd like to develop? " Enough said... Method.