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Monotone: distributed version control. Intro to Distributed Version Control (Illustrated) Traditional version control helps you backup, track and synchronize files. Distributed version control makes it easy to share changes. Done right, you can get the best of both worlds: simple merging and centralized releases. Distributed? What’s wrong with regular version control? Nothing — read a visual guide to version control if you want a quick refresher. Sure, some people will deride you for using an “ancient” system. Centralized VCS emerged from the 1970s, when programmers had thin clients and admired “big iron” mainframes (how can you not like a machine with a then-gluttonous 8 bits to a byte?).

Centralized is simple, and what you’d first invent: a single place everyone can check in and check out. This model works for backup, undo and synchronization but isn’t great for merging and branching changes people make. Sure, merging is always “possible” in a centralized system, but it’s not easy: you often need to track the merge yourself to avoid making the same change twice. You have: Loading pages in IFRAME dynamically from codebehind - ASP.NET. Most of us who develop Web Applications would have used an IFRAME during some stage of our lives. IFRAME's are an easy way by which you can embed another page within your original page such that you can show some important information like Stock position/Weather from another site without worrying about the changes happening to that site and updating the same.

The Frame can also be used to show another page from your own application. ASP.NET also provides the option to have an IFRAME in our ASPX Pages. It can be with/without the "runat=server" attribute and does serve the purpose of embedding the page. <IFRAME id="frame1" src="SourcePage.extension / URL of the external Site" scrolling="auto"> </IFRAME>However, in practical scenarios, we may want to load the page dynamically. The workaround to do that is as follows:- 1. Protected System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl frame1; (not required if working with ASP.NET 2.0, 3.5 i.e. 3. 4. Cheers !!! FindControl retorna null/nothing en una Content Page - Amigo mío Siempre estas Programando en. Hoy me he encontrado esta cuestión en las NewsGroup de ASP.NET: Tengo un control de usuario MiControl1.ascx con un boton con este código: TextBox oTxt1 = (TextBox)this.Page.FindControl("TextBox1"); Asimismo hay 2 ASPXs: Pagina1.aspx que contiene el TextBox1 pero no tiene definida una MasterPage.

Pagina2.aspx que contiene el TextBox1 pero ahora si tiene definida una MasterPage. Pagina1.aspx y Pagina2.aspx tienen MiControl1.ascx. Cuando Pagina1.aspx funciona OK. La verdad es que es una pregunta frecuente que suelo encontrarme y la solución está en la MSDN: FindControl searches the current naming container for the specified server control. Un naming container es cualquier control que implementa la interfaz INamingContainer. La solución: TextBox t; if (Page.Master ! Foreach (Control control in Page.Master.Controls) if (control is HtmlForm) foreach (Control controlform in control.Controls) if (controlform is ContentPlaceHolder) t = (TextBox)controlform.FindControl("TextBox1"); if (t !

Break; else Salu2. Introduccion a los sistemas de control de versiones.