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Steve_sps : It's Sunday, let us pray ... Vogelsong : Je vais à #rockenseine... Vogelsong : #rockenseine. Vogelsong : #RockEnSeine Indescriptible... Calendar. AGENT DOUBLE – Un journaliste du « Figaro » intime de la place Beauvau.

Trust avec Arnaud Dassier sur Twitter

Care. Musique. Blogueurs versus François Hollande. Arcade Fire - Bonnaroo 2011. Bombay Potatoes. Zemmour s'égaye à l'UMP. Pédagogie Freinet. Piratage(s) Thèmes. Végétarisme. Naomi Klein. Lordon. Manifestation 19 mars 2009. Mise sous tutelle de la presse en ligne ? Economie de la gratitude - blogueurs. Blogosphère. Personnalité Politique. Alain Lambert Twitter. Blogs. Zombie. _marielou. Les Nicolas d'or 2009. N. Chomsky. Pierre Bourdieu. Twitter. Médias classiques. Magazine Web. Chernobyl 20+ Years After the Accident. “I remember that day when we learnt for the first time what Chernobyl was… It was a beautiful sunny day [26 April 1986].

Chernobyl 20+ Years After the Accident

My daughter and me were sitting in our yard. A soft spring wind was blowing. Suddenly a huge military truck stopped right in front of us. A man wearing a gas-mask and a protective costume jumped out of the truck and began to walk around us gazing at some device that was hanging on his chest… Then he looked at us, fastened a little sign with a symbol that we had never seen before, got back into the truck and drove away. From the memories of an elderly woman, Yurovichi village Northern Ukraine, Kiev Oblast, near the border with Belarus.

According to experts’ evaluations, the damage caused by the Chernobyl reactor accident equals to about USD 235 bln which corresponds to 32 Belarus’ annual budgets of 1986 – the year of the disaster. Let the story be told by the creepy pictures taken ~20 years after the accident along with comments made by the authors of the photos. Schools. Gunkanjima: The Japanese Island Time Forgot. Japan’s Hashima Island is home to a dense forest of abandoned high-rises, making it look like a vessel going to war – hence its nickname, “Battleship Island.”

Gunkanjima: The Japanese Island Time Forgot

Photo: Image: Alex Hoban Hashima Island, about an hour’s sail or 5 km west of Nagasaki, conjures none of the images usually associated with islands. Instead of sporting white beaches and palm trees, Hashima is home to a dense forest of abandoned high-rises, making it look like a large vessel going to war – hence its nickname, “Battleship Island” or “Gunkanjima” in Japanese. Once the hub of Japan’s deep-sea coal mining activity, the less than one square kilometre island packed from 5,300 to 13,000 people in its heyday, depending on which source one believes, making it one of Japan’s most densely populated places. Mitsubishi Motors owned the mining facility and operated it for almost 90 years from 1887 to 1974. Eric Hobsbawm à l'âge des incertitudes. Le president jean gabin bernard blier (part5) - une vidéo Cinéma.

Star Wars propaganda posters theCHIVE.