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Discover Chrome DevTools - Our new interactive course. Today, we are launching Discover DevTools, an interactive Code School training course that will teach you how to take advantage of Chrome DevTool's powerful suite of resources and speed up the development and debugging of your web apps. In each of the seven chapters of this interactive course, you can watch an overview video teaching you the latest techniques, and follow a series of challenges where your knowledge will be put to the test.

We've integrated the Chrome DevTools themselves into the course, so as you explore the functionality within them, you'll get immediate feedback and earn points and badges. Even regular users of the Chrome DevTools may be surprised to find some lesser-known features from this course that can really boost productivity. You'll learn a debugging workflow to go from an uncaught exception to a live fix without ever refreshing your app. We hope you’ll try out the Discover DevTools course and see how Chrome DevTools can make you a more productive developer.

Universidade XTI. Ementa do Curso de Java Standard Edition 7 : Introdução ao Java, Hardware e Software, Instalação e Configuração do JDK, Java Development Kit, JEE, JME, JSE, Hello World, Fundamentos e Sintaxe Java, Variáveis, Tipos Primitivos, Garbage Collector, Constantes, final, Wrapper Classes, Scanner, JOPtionPane, Operadores matemáticos, de comparação, lógicos e de atribuição, Desafios, Array, Lógica de Programação, AutoBoxing, Eclipse, Orientação a Objetos, OO, Pacotes package, Modificadores de Acesso, Argumentos Variáveis varargs, Sobrecarga, Construtores, Herança, Polimorfismo, Exceções, Assertions, Debug no Eclipse, String, Expressões Regulares, I/O, Serialização, Date, Calendar, GUI, javax.swing, Eventos, Listeners, Collection, Thread, Classes Aninhadas, Classes Anônimas, Recursividade, Documentação, Annotations, Reflection, Socket, Redes, Teste, JUnit, JDBC, Batch, System, Runtime e Transação, Programação para Desktop e Backend.

PHP Mobile Detect - lightweight PHP class for detecting mobile devices. Índice. - Ruby Essential Training with Kevin Skoglund. Start With A Theme - Creative Portfolios In WordPress. - Object-Oriented Programming with PHP. - Object-Oriented Programming with PHP Type: Video > Other Files: Size: 323.96 MiB (339695889 Bytes) Tag(s): Object Oriented Programming PHP Uploaded: By: vctrt Seeders: Leechers: Comments Info Hash: (Problems with magnets links are fixed by upgrading your torrent client!) Whether you're enhancing or optimizing existing code or just starting from scratch, there's never a better time to start integrating object-oriented design techniques. - Java Essential Training (2011) - Java Essential Training (2011) Type: Video > Other Files: Size: 600.99 MiB (630182009 Bytes) Spoken language(s): English Texted language(s): Tag(s): lynda java essential Uploaded: By: sophiscorp Seeders: Leechers: Comments Info Hash: (Problems with magnets links are fixed by upgrading your torrent client!) Java Essential Training ================================== Good luck and have fun!


Digital Sound Design. Human-Computer Interaction. Social Network Analysis. Startup Engineering. General Game Playing. General game players are computer systems able to play strategy games based solely on formal game descriptions supplied at "runtime". (In other words, they don't know the rules until the game starts.) Unlike specialized game players, such as Deep Blue, general game players cannot rely on algorithms designed in advance for specific games; they must discover such algorithms themselves. General game playing expertise depends on intelligence on the part of the game player and not just intelligence of the programmer of the game player. GGP is an interesting application in its own right. This course is an introduction to General Game Playing (GGP). Students should be familiar with Symbolic Logic and should be able to read and understand program fragments written in a modern programming language. As a student enrolled in this course, you will have free access to selected chapters and content for the duration of the course.

Passion Driven Statistics. Introduction to Sociology. About the Course We live in a world that is changing very quickly. Sociology gives us the tools to understand our own lives and those quite remote from us. The premise of this class is that in order to benefit from the sociological perspective, we need to learn how to ask certain basic questions. We need to know how to seek answers through methods that strive to be systematic and generalizable.We will begin with some of the essential questions: How are the things that we take to be natural socially constructed? How do we live today? We will strive to understand how interaction in micro-level contexts affects larger social processes and how such macro-level processes influence our day to day lives. Course Syllabus Week 1: The Sociological Imagination Week 2: Three Sociological Questions Week 3: Methods of Sociological Research Week 4: Us and Them Week 5: Isolation, Groups, and Networks Week 6: Cities Week 7: Social Interaction and Everyday Life Recommended Background None; all are welcome.

Pattern-Oriented Software Architectures for Concurrent and Networked Software. Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies. About the Course #1 Entrepreneurship Course on Coursera* #3 Overall Business Course on Coursera* *CourseTalk's "Top Rated" MOOCs (October, 2014) This course assists aspiring entrepreneurs in developing great ideas into great companies. With strong economies presenting rich opportunities for new venture creation, and challenging economic times presenting the necessity for many to make their own job, the need to develop the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities is ever present.

Using proven content, methods, and models for new venture opportunity assessment and analysis, students will learn how to enhance their entrepreneurial mindset and develop their functional skill sets to see and act entrepreneurially. With this course, students experience a sampling of the ideas and techniques explored in the University of Maryland's Online Master of Technology Entrepreneurship. Course Syllabus Week One: Entrepreneurial Perspective What is entrepreneurship? Recommended Background.