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The Post JavaScript Apocalypse - Douglas Crockford. The Definitive PHP 7 (Final Version) & HHVM Benchmark. Will Angular 2 be a success? You bet! -Telerik Developer Network. Back in March 2014, the Angular team dropped a bomb by announcing Angular 2 and everyone started yelling.

Will Angular 2 be a success? You bet! -Telerik Developer Network

Instead of an evolutionary step forward, the proposal was too revolutionary for its time. As with every revolution, the promise was to break from the past and build а bright new future. The problem was that it was early 2014 and no one was ready: ES6 was one year away from standardization; AtScript sounded too exotic; two-way data binding was really needed for data over forms apps. But most of all backwards compatibility was really a must for such a popular and widely used framework. During the latter half of 2014, other frameworks like React and Ember grew in popularity in part because of fears about Angular 2’s Titanic future.

Why Angular 2 is going to be successful? I have a very simple answer to this burning question – because it is built by the same people who built Angular 1. Have you considered why TypeScript has been successful even while coming from Microsoft? Mobile First. PHP / Ubuntu / PhpStorm : Déboguer en PHP avec l'extension Xdebug et l'IDE PhpStorm. Si vous utilisez les var_dump() et echo() pour déboguer vos applications PHP, il va falloir changer vos mauvaises habitudes !

PHP / Ubuntu / PhpStorm : Déboguer en PHP avec l'extension Xdebug et l'IDE PhpStorm

Cet article vous explique pas à pas, comment mettre en place le débogage en PHP grâce à l'extension Xdebug. Attention dans cet article, je n'explique pas le principe du débogage ni de comment fonctionne l'extension Xdebug. On se concentre uniquement sur la mise en place du débogage. Si vous voulez en savoir plus, je vous invite à aller lire la documentation officielle.

Prérequis Bien évidemment, l'extension PHP Xdebug doit être installée. Php --ri xdebug Si la commande indique que l'extension n'est pas présente, il faut alors l'installer. Configuration de l'extension Xdebug Vous devez ensuite modifier un des fichiers de configuration de PHP pour paramétrer Xdebug. Xdebug.remote_enable=1 xdebug.remote_connect_back=1 xdebug.remote_port=9000 A la place de xdebug.remote_connect_back, vous pouvez utiliser xdebug.remote_host. Sudo service apache2 restart Version. Vi memento fr. Browser Debugging Extensions - PhpStorm. Get a cell type using PHPExcel - Hi I have this code to read form excel file and add to database using joomla I open the file and I read it each row and for each row I read each cell well some time the row[8] is a formated number for exemple (100100.5) some times not like (100,100.5) or something else Well I need to know the cell type to make some change if the cell is not a number.

Get a cell type using PHPExcel -

Section 1: Programming in Excel (Macros) Print this page to read it at home, at the office, on the bus or the train In this first section you will learn how easy it is to record macros with the Macro Recorder and to create other macros of your own in the Visual Basic Editor.

Section 1: Programming in Excel (Macros)

You will discover that: - the Macro Recorder is not only a recorder but it is the best teacher and it will be a great assistant (writing code for you) even when you become an expert at programming in VBA. - the Visual Basic Editor is the most user friendly development environment that tells you immediately if there are mistakes in your sentences so that you do not have to wait at the end of your project to realize that something that you have written is wrong. - in the Visual Basic Editor you will create these powerful and useful userforms - in the Visual Basic editor you will test your macros step by step, modify them and improve them.

Here is a sample of what you will find in chapter 1 of the downloadable Tutorial on Excel macros Notes Step 2: Add a sheet. Conseils pour réaliser une bonne veille technologique grâce à la revue de presse par. Depuis mes études d’ingénieur en informatique, l’idée de me retrouver dépassé me hante.

Conseils pour réaliser une bonne veille technologique grâce à la revue de presse par

On a tous croisé des gens qui prenaient fréquemment de mauvais choix car ils ignoraient les solutions qui s’offraient à eux. Le monde de l’informatique évoluant très vite, on peut très rapidement perdre le fil et se retrouver has been. Alors j’ai décidé, il y a 3-4 ans maintenant, de prendre les devants. Tous les jours, je fais de la veille technologique grâce à une revue de presse la plus complète possible.