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RAM Controls - Reproduction Arcade Parts. ULTIMATE-ARCADE-STATION : TUTOS, HACK MANETTE DE JEU, ENTRETIEN BORNES D'ARCADE, MVGS. Welcome to OzStick, where we bring Arcade Quality gaming action right into your home!! ADDRESS: PO Box 7068, Croydon South, VIC 3136 Australia. PHONE: 0401 845 726. If you are reading this message then it has been detected that your browser does support JavaScript, or it is disabled. <br />Please note that our website <i>requires</i> JavaScript to be enabled for our Menubar to operate and for our Shopping Cart to function.

<br />If you are using a JavaScript compliant browser and still have problems make sure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser's preferences. Keyboard Encoders and Interface Hardware We are the sole Australasian distributor for , who specialise in making keyboard encoders and other interface devices specifically designed for use in Home Arcade gaming. They are simply the best components available and make the job of connecting arcade components to your PC very easy.

Keyboard Encoders We use the I-PAC2, I-PAC4 and J-PAC Keyboard Encoders in our products, as well as many custom applications, and find them to be an excellent device. I-PAC2 Keyboard Encoder. Arcade Parts and Accessories. Build A Home Arcade Machine » Wiring the Controls. Prep work Before you get started wiring you should plan out how you are going to connect everything.

What is going to be wired to what interface? Where should I mount the interfaces? Make sure the interface is mounted in a spot where it will have room for the wires to reach it and won’t interfere with anything when the control panel is mounted to the cabinet. Then you need to decide which wiring technique to use. Crimp-on connections – Basically strip about a ¼” off the wire and then using a crimping tool crush the connector so the wire is stuck inside the connector. . - EPE Mag Basic Soldering Guide-Technick’s Basic Soldering Guide I chose to use the crimp-on connectors as it seemed easy and rather simple but if you would rather solder then go right ahead. After you’ve decided on the wiring technique you would like to use, the next step is getting the necessary tools and supplies. Wire – Regardless of which method you chose, you need to purchase wire. Wiring Troubleshooting Closing Notes. The I-PAC. Value Edition Own a genuine I-PAC Arcade Control Interface for only $35 with Yes we have teamed up with DHLs Global Mail division to bring you this special offer for those on a limited budget.

The I-PAC VE has all of the other special features of the I-PAC2 interface including: Fully compatible with the highly-acclaimed WinIPAC Interactive Panel Design software,Shift key function, Same high-performance 24 Mhz CPU, Self-test LED with full error-detection display. It even supports caps/num/scroll LEDs (hand-wired) When you have read the above, click here to order WinIPAC Interactive Panel Designer Software Layout your panel, then program your I-PAC to match.

Welcome to Ultimarc, the Ultimate in Arcade Controls. Thumb Candy Our range of controls include those made by the largest suppliers in the coin-op industry, such as I-L and Suzo-Happ, plus our own in-house designs. All of our joysticks are supplied to our specs for 4-8 way switching without any dismantling.A word about 4-way and 8-way joysticks. All our sticks can be used in 8-way or real 4-way mode as they are fitted with rotating restrictor plates (see pictures below). Don't confuse this with the "logical" 4-way operation of some 4-8 sticks with a reversible bush. When used in 4-way mode the bush on some types is designed to prevent two switches from being operated together in the corner positions. This doesn't really have any benefit in MAME anyway and has nothing to do with the feel of a real 4-way stick, which is a mechanical issue rather than electronic. This picture shows the restrictor plates on the J-Stik, (left) and E-Stik (right).Joystick Mounting.

The E-Stik simply requires one single hole for mounting.