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A Slob Comes Clean — Reality-Based Cleaning and Organizing. Are you ready for deep down personal change?

If so, get this book, a specific plan for lifelong change. The most personal of all the Messies Anonymous books. A necessity for use in twelve step MA groups. 8 1/2 x 11 spiral bound. Price $18.00. (522 unread) - vlsutton - Yahoo! Mail. Homemakers Challenge — Tighten up those apron strings girls... Tell Your Time. Tub And Shower Magic Recipe - - 434275. How to have a {fake} immaculate house! A bowl full of lemons. The nest effect: October Project: Conquer Paper Clutter. Last Monday I introduced my project for this month: paper & digital clutter.

the nest effect: October Project: Conquer Paper Clutter

I spent last week looking for ways to conquer paper and digital clutter so that I could start spending my time more productively in other ways. Some of these ideas that I'm going to post about may seem obvious, but as obvious as they are, it's not something I did until this week.