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iPhone Application Development

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Using the Stepper Control in iPhone | iPhone Tutorial | iPhone iOS4 iPad SDK Development. In Xcode 4 and iOS version 5, we have a new control available for use: the UIStepper control. The stepper control allows the user to increment or decrement a value. In this blog, we will see how to use stepper controls to implement a simple four – digit combination lock. So, let’s get started! First, open Xcode and select “Create a new Xcode project.” Choose the Single View Application template, and click Next. Name the project “StepperLock” and choose options as shown below: Click Next, choose a location to save the file, and click Create. Once the application has been created, open the MainStoryboard.storyboard file by selecting it in the Project Navigator.

Select all four of the stepper controls by dragging a selection box around them. This will change the value for all four of the stepper controls. Open the ViewController.h file, and add the properties and methods shown in bold below. #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface ViewController : UIViewController @end #import "ViewController.h" Objective-C стал третим по популярности языком программирования. 7 июля 2012 в 14:16 Прежде, чем вы продолжите чтение:Да, я знаю, что некоторые ставят под сомнение практическую ценность индекса TIOBEДа, я знаю, что некоторые ставят под сомнение методологию расчета индекса TIOBEтем не менее Язык программирования Objective-C продемонстрировал взрывной рост популярности и закрепился на третьей позиции индекса TIOBIE.

Только зарегистрированные пользователи могут оставлять комментарии. Войдите, пожалуйста. Multithreading and Grand Central Dispatch on iOS for Beginners Tutorial. Convert a slow, unresponsive app to a speedy cheetah with Grand Central Dispatch! Have you ever written an app where you tried to do something, and there was a long pause while the UI was unresponsive? This is usually a sign that your app needs multithreading! In this tutorial, you’ll get hands on experience with the core multithreading API available on iOS: Grand Central Dispatch. You’ll take an app that doesn’t use multithreading at all (and hence is very unresponsive), and convert it to use multithreading. This tutorial assumes you are familiar with the basics of iOS development. Without further ado, take a swig of soda or chew some bubble gum and begin this tutorial at the same time – and you’re already on your way to multithreading! Why Should I Care? “Ahem, so why are you telling me this? If you’re like a certain puppet, you might still be skeptical why you should care about all this multithreading business.

Download the starter project, open it up with Xcode, and compile and run. Threading in iOS / Cocoa Touch. Cocoa Dev Central: Learn Objective-C. Objective-C Objective-C is the primary language used to write Mac software. If you're comfortable with basic object-oriented concepts and the C language, Objective-C will make a lot of sense.

If you don't know C, you should read the C Tutorial first. This tutorial is written and illustrated by Scott Stevenson Copyright © 2008 Scott Stevenson Calling Methods To get started as quickly as possible, let's look at some simple examples. [object method]; [object methodWithInput:input]; Methods can return a value: output = [object methodWithOutput]; output = [object methodWithInputAndOutput:input]; You can call methods on classes too, which is how you create objects. Id myObject = [NSString string]; The id type means that the myObject variable can refer to any kind of object, so the actual class and the methods it implements aren't known when you compile the app.

In this example, it's obvious the object type will be an NSString, so we can change the type: NSString* myString = [NSString string]; Accessors. 1. Introduction to Mac OS X and Cocoa Touch.

Sparrow Framework

Make Your Own iPhone Game In 17 Minutes [TUTORIAL] UnittWebSocketClient - unitt - How to use the UnittWebSocketClient project - Various projects used to provide all kinds of functionality from basic framework logic to build tools to web sockets and more. UnittWebSocketClient is an API that allows you to use web sockets in your iOS Objective-C projects. It conforms to the initial & latest versions of web sockets. Simply import WebSocket.h. There are many different web socket servers out there and many to do not conform to the more recent versions of the specification. Please make sure you are using the correct client version for your server version. If you need a version prior to the hybi drafts, import WebSocket00.h. The client API tries to follow the client specification from javascript using Objective-C constructs.

Include the CFNetwork and Security frameworks Add the "-all_load" flag to your "Other Linker Flags" in the "Build Settings" of your project Include the UnittWebSocketClient library in your project. 1. MyWebSocket.h #import "WebSocket.h" @interface MyWebSocket : NSObject <WebSocketDelegate>{} @end MyWebSocket.m #import "MyWebSocket.h" @implementation MyWebSocket /** * Called when the web socket receives an error. 2.

@synthesize ws; Developing for a Jailbroken iPhone A to Z (iOS 4.0.1) | Jailbreak Development for iOS4! Vital Stats: iOS 4.0.1 Xcode 3.2.3 Mac OSX 10.6.4 Snow Leopard iPhones 3G, 3GS, 4 (I finally have the whole lineup!) PROBLEM: I still can’t get iPhone 4 working. If you have one, please try it and help me out! UPDATE: Found the cause of the problem to be certain status bar libraries installed alongside other apps.

I’m not sure why they cause the problem, but see full notes at the bottom of the post. The Goal: As usual, we want to be able to click “build and go” in Xcode and get the app we’re working on to load to the phone and start up. Abstract: The plan remains unchanged from the 3.x method. The Process: With Xcode closed and your device unplugged from the computer, If you’ve done this step before for previous guides, you may ignore it. At this point, you’re done telling Xcode it doesn’t need to codesign. Just hit cancel.And finally, to link the device and computer. Now you’re good to go! Debugger stopped. What gives?! (99+) iPhone Application Development Auditors.