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Message Queuing (MSMQ) Purpose Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at different times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be temporarily offline.

Message Queuing (MSMQ)

Applications send messages to queues and read messages from queues. The following illustration shows how a queue can hold messages that are generated by multiple sending applications and read by multiple receiving applications. Where Applicable Message Queuing provides guaranteed message delivery, efficient routing, security, and priority-based messaging. It can be used to implement solutions to both asynchronous and synchronous scenarios requiring high performance. Mission-critical financial services: for example, electronic commerce. Developer Audience Message Queuing applications can be developed using C++ APIs or COM objects.

Run-Time Requirements MSMQ 1.0 can be deployed on computers running Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0, Windows® 95, and Windows 98. Interoperability. DotNetMQ: A Complete Message Queue System for .NET. Article Outline Introduction In this article, I will introduce a new and independent Open Source Message Queue system that is entirely built in C# and .NET framework 3.5.

DotNetMQ: A Complete Message Queue System for .NET

DotNetMQ is a message broker that has several features including guaranteed delivering, routing, load balancing, server graphs... so on. I will start by explaining messaging concepts and the need for message brokers. Then I will examine what DotNetMQ is and how to use it. What Is Messaging? CloudShare -The Only Cloud-Based Dev/Test Solution for SharePoint.

Java EE 6 and GlassFish 3 with NetBeans 6.9 (2 of 5) - Java Persistence API 2. Play framework - Home. Leveraging Windows Azure WCF Services to Connect BCS with SharePoint Online - Steve Fox's OBA Ramblings. Introduction You might have read an earlier post of mine where I discussed the new Business Connectivity Services (BCS) functionality in SharePoint Online (SP-O) and walked through how you can leverage jQuery and JavaScript to interact with an external list in SharePoint Online.

Leveraging Windows Azure WCF Services to Connect BCS with SharePoint Online - Steve Fox's OBA Ramblings

This blog post assumed that you had created an external list in the first place and provided you with some code snippets to create a view of an external list. Since that time, a great post from Christian Glessner popped up that shows you how you can walk through creating an external list using SQL Azure. WCF: Working with One-Way Calls, Callbacks, And Events.

WCF Essentials What You Need To Know About One-Way Calls, Callbacks, And Events Juval Lowy This article is based on a prerelease version of the .NET Framework 3.0.

WCF: Working with One-Way Calls, Callbacks, And Events

All information herein is subject to change. Code download available at:WCF2006_10.exe(345 KB) T he classic object and component-oriented programming models offer only a single way for clients to call a method: the client issues a call, blocks while the call is in progress, and then continues executing once the method returns. By default, Windows Communication Foundation operations are of the type known as request-reply: the client issues a request in the form of a message and blocks until it gets the reply message. I'll start here by presenting the ways of invoking and calling Windows Communication Foundation operations and the related design guidelines, then illustrate using these operation types as the building blocks of a custom framework for publishing and subscribing to events.

Notify Client Applications Using WCF Callbacks. Introduction.

Notify Client Applications Using WCF Callbacks

WCF Callbacks; a beginners guide. On Channel9 last week Amiga forever! Wanted to know how to pass multiple parameters to a WCF callback; so as I covered callbacks at DDD Scotland briefly this seemed like a perfect excuse to illustrate how to create a callback in WCF. So why do we want callbacks? One of remoting's more useful features was the ability for a server to trigger events on a client; WCF callbacks provide the same sort of facility. A simplified non topic based Event Notification Server in wcf with multiple protocol support. Download ENS - 520.61 KB Contents Introduction Part I - Basic What is Event Notification Server(ENS)?

A simplified non topic based Event Notification Server in wcf with multiple protocol support.

Multiple Protocol SupportHow does it work? How To: Call a Java EE Web Service from a .Net Client - Guy Burstein. Many organizations have server side investments in Java technologies.

How To: Call a Java EE Web Service from a .Net Client - Guy Burstein

While they want to build a compelling UI with Microsoft’s latest technologies, such as WPF and Silverlight, they still want to benefit from those existing investments instead of rewriting them. In order to do so, we have to bridge between those technologies and allow client side technologies consume Java web services. This post is a step by step guide for building a Java EE Web Service, and a .Net client application that consumes it. Before we get started with this walkthrough, make sure you have the following installed on your machine: Deploying Orchard to Windows Azure - Orchard Documentation. Orchard supports building and deploying to the Windows Azure environment. If you don't want or need to build the package by yourself, a binary version of the Windows Azure package is available on the CodePlex site .

This topic describes the steps that you can take to build and packages of Orchard and deploy them to Azure. Before you begin this tutorial, you need a Microsoft SQL Azure account as well as the Windows Azure Storage service. Windows Azure Storage provides a BLOB (Binary Large Object) service, which is how binary content (such as files) are stored on Azure to be acccessed across multiple servers. To begin, install Windows Azure SDK and Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 1.5 (September 2011) , which includes the Windows Azure SDK. You can build a deployable package for Azure from the Visual Studio 2010 command line . When the command completes successfully, you will have an Azure package under the artifacts folder ( artifacts\Azure\ ). See Also. » WCF & Java Interop. Scrum (méthode) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Scrum.

Scrum (méthode)

Scrum est un schéma d’organisation de développement de produits complexes. Il est défini par ses créateurs comme un « cadre de travail holistique itératif qui se concentre sur les buts communs en livrant de manière productive et créative des produits de la plus grande valeur possible ». Scrum est considéré comme un groupe de pratiques répondant pour la plupart aux préconisations du Manifeste Agile. L'infrastructure de développement s'appuie sur le découpage d'un projet en boîtes de temps, nommées « sprints ». Les sprints peuvent durer entre quelques heures et un mois (avec un sprint médian à deux semaines). La création de frameworks de développement logiciel hybrides couplant Scrum et d'autres frameworks est commune puisque Scrum ne couvre pas le cycle de développement de produit.

En 1995, Ken Schwaber présente une courte communication décrivant les fondements de ce qui deviendra la méthode Scrum à l'OOPSLA[3]. Parmi ses attributions : sprint : Differences Between Scrum and Extreme Programming.