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Microsoft growing SharePoint by 20,000 users daily. When TNW sat down with a member of the SharePoint team in January, details about how the product was doing were hard to come by.

Microsoft growing SharePoint by 20,000 users daily

The team is well coached to stay mum, even after being subjected to my intensive (ha) inquiries. But today the product group opened up, revealing that Microsoft is currently adding some 20,000 users a day to the platform, surely growing what is already a cash cow for the company. If you run the daily number out for 365 days, Microsoft is adding some 7.3 million users yearly to the popular business application. The last time that we checked into SharePoint was when the first service pack for SharePoint 2010 was released. What is SharePoint? Microsoft: Why doesn't Microsoft understand tablets. Nokia and the Inexplicable Surrender to Microsoft –

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