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Josh Kezer. Who'd Have Thought A Man Talking About His Arm Would Be So Interesting? Is the whole of science, culture, and law compressed into a tiny mole on his forearm?

Who'd Have Thought A Man Talking About His Arm Would Be So Interesting?

In case you missed any of that, here are the lyrics according to the artist: I want you to imagine my arm is a timelineAnd here is the start of defined timein the middle is all of civilized lifewhen sentience entered into the pipelineabout 50,000 years of cities, towns and theories up until we're the ones in the limelightthat's fine, right? Okso then after this hindsight we have the millions and millions of years of futurewhere billions of civilians will be soon, yeah? Now given this opinion and since computers are getting better and better So just to clarify, past, there's centuries of present here, then potentially there's several million years of future where you can emulate a world within your brain. okNow with that said.Is it more likely to hear that you were born within this relatively tiny time period,or that you're currently in these millions of years heretrying to find an interesting experience.

A British Comic's Brilliant Reason To Stop Voting Just Went Viral. The problem with taking too many vitamins. 17 October 2013Last updated at 05:39 ET Millions of people swear by vitamin supplements.

The problem with taking too many vitamins

But many are wasting their time and some could even be harming themselves, argues Dr Chris van Tulleken. In November 1912 a party of three men and 16 dogs set out from a remote base in eastern Antarctica to explore a series of crevasses many hundreds of miles away. Three months later just one of the men returned. His name was Douglas Mawson. A month into their journey, one of the team, along with the tent, most of the provisions and six dogs plunged into a crevasse, never to be seen again. Mawson suffered similar symptoms. It was the suffering of early explorers and sailors that motivated the first studies of vitamins and their deficiency diseases.

At first sight Mawson's story seems to be another such tale - starvation combined with a lack of some vital nutrient. Mawson lived to the decent age of 76 but in his story we find the cautionary tale for our times - vitamins can be very bad for you. Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins. The brain uses sleep to wash away the waste toxins built up during a hard day's thinking, researchers have shown.

Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins

The US team believe the "waste removal system" is one of the fundamental reasons for sleep. Their study, in the journal Science, showed brain cells shrink during sleep to open up the gaps between neurons and allow fluid to wash the brain clean. They also suggest that failing to clear away some toxic proteins may play a role in brain disorders. One big question for sleep researchers is why do animals sleep at all when it leaves them vulnerable to predators? It has been shown to have a big role in the fixing of memories in the brain and learning, but a team at the University of Rochester Medical Centre believe that "housework" may be one of the primary reasons for sleep. "The brain only has limited energy at its disposal and it appears that it must choose between two different functional states - awake and aware or asleep and cleaning up," said researcher Dr Maiken Nedergaard.

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