Vivekuday Clinic
Vivekuday clinic is a renowned nerve clinic, counselling and yoga centre in Kolkata. Different types of neurological, psychological, psychosomatic, nerve, brain, stress and stress related diseases or disorders are treated here.
How to deal with hyperactive children ? – vivekudayclinic. A mischievous child is quite normal, as this helps to accelerate the developmental process and cognitive maturity.
But the parents need to understand the limits or the deviation of the abnormality in the children’s behaviour. During this time a behavioural disorder is found among the youngsters which are named as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is categorised as a neurodevelopmental disorder among children. The best psychiatrist in Kolkata indicates three basic symptoms that are found in these children. These are hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattentiveness. These children fail to sustain attention in any work, or they may fail to follow the instructions due to the impulsivity.
The best psychologist in Kolkata have indicated some key factors that develop such conditions in childhood. The child counselling in Kolkata emphasises parent training for these children. Vivekuday clinic: How to reduce Migraine pain? In recent years, people often suffer from migraine pain or severe headache, which continues at least for 3 to 4 days.
The best psychiatrist in Kolkata says that these symptoms occurred either in one-sided headache (either in the right or left side) or in the whole surface of the brain. Nausea, visual disturbances, physical uneasiness, numbness are the associated symptoms of migraine. It is often reported that people with this pain are sensitive to light stimulations. At the initial stage, they feel uneasiness in the eyes. Vivekuday clinic: How psychiatrist and psychologist can help for corona virus affected people?
At first, a new epidemic named ‘novel corona virus’ has recently invaded in China.
The first case was detected there on 31st December 2019, and since then it has gradually spread over in many countries from east to west across the world. This corona virus has taken the lives of many people and even has severely affected the physical as well as mental health of many. Till now, over 6.4 million people were affected in this disease and over a million people were died in all over the world.
But on the contrary, there are a large number of people have been cured of this deadly epidemic. Vivekuday clinic: Occupational stress in workplace. Vivekuday clinic: Effectiveness of yoga therapy. Vivekuday clinic: Conflicts with adolescents and their parents. Conflicts between the adolescents and their parents are nothing new, rather it has become the most prominent problem nowadays.
There are certain common areas of conflicts like demanding their independence, even they often argument with their parents in every aspect or they set a specific boundary around them etc. A common communication barrier is also created between parents and teenagers. Vivekuday clinic: Uncomfortable to visit psychiatrist or psychologists. Vivekuday clinic: Psychological distress due to excessive use of mobile phones at a young age. In recent years, mobile phones have become so important factor that it is somehow controlling our lives fully from every possible aspect and even in every age ranges, especially among young ages.
From the school projects to developing a research paper, mobile usage along with internet facilities have made our life so easy! Moreover, some learning apps have developed to make it easier for students to study. For example, the ‘Audio-Visual Study techniques’ are recently been emphasized much by the experts. Apart from these, gaming apps have also become the only way to overcome their loneliness. And also, we can’t deny that mobile phones connect people all over the world, in every possible way. Among all these somehow, the over usage of mobile phones has made children addicted enough to distract them from their studies. Parents should take care of these as early as possible. Vivekuday clinic: Anxiety may cause your physical health problem. Anxiety has its short-term as well as long term effect on the human body and mind.
Few people who are aware of those physical effects, which are associated with anxiety symptoms. Some general symptoms of anxiety are nervousness, palpitation, restlessness, panic attack, sweating shivering, short breathing, fatigue, weakness, etc. Researches suggested that, if these symptoms persist for a long period time, then gastrointestinal disturbances or changes in digestive systems, cardiovascular difficulties, impaired immune function, urinary disturbances ad various other problems can occur. During anxiety, breathing is usually rapid and shallow, which may cause hyperventilation in the lung, which could worsen the situation by creating dizziness, week, unconsciousness, etc. Long-term anxiety can even increase the rate of a heart attack. One should be aware of these psychological factors which may contribute to the physical illnesses. Vivekuday clinic: Peaceful sleep at night is the key to good health. Read to know more.
Sleep deprivation or insomnia is a disorder that occurs if you don't get sufficient sleep.
Sleep deficiency is a comprehensive concept. It might occur if you have any of the following: · You don't get adequate sleep (sleep deprivation) · You nap at the wrong time of day (you're out of sync with your body's normal clock) · You don't sleep sound or get all of the various types of sleep that your body wants. Un mariage simple et nature à Lille. • Mariage simple et nature à Lille • Marine et Alexandre se sont dit oui par une belle journée de septembre dans le Nord, un mariage simple et nature avec beaucoup d’émotions, de gens heureux, une décoration à couper le souffle, une soirée de folie et un foodtruck pour le brunch.
Vashikaran love marriage specialist. Vivekuday clinic: How Marriage Counseling Can Prevent Divorced Between Couple. As much as we may wish for the best outcome in love and marriage, some marriages can be quite a struggle.
In a struggling marriage, both the parties might find themselves wondering whether they should call a divorce attorney or a marriage counselor. Marriage counseling in Kolkata is more often considered as an option for avoiding divorce and mending broken marital relations. The effectiveness of marriage counseling can be affected greatly, by how soon counseling is sought. Those Couples that wait too long might face issues too far entrenched in their relationship to ever fully recover.
For marriage counseling to be effective and helpful, both partners need to be willing to take responsibility for their part in the problems, to accept each other's faults, and to be motivated to repair the relationship. Throughout the therapeutic process, the therapist tries to help both partners, see the relationship in a more objective manner.
Vivekuday clinic: Psychiatrist and psychologist can help for child counselling? Here’s how. Vivekuday clinic: How insomnia or sleeping problem can be solved by psychiatrist and psychologist? Insomnia is essentially a condition where the patient is unable to sleep.