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Vitek IP

Vitek IP is a leading patent brokerage and consulting firm which offers a full range of intellectual property services to individuals, small companies, and large enterprises. By leveraging client patents and the best technology we maximize the returns of our clients. Vitek IP also provides patent valuation, patent analytical services, and IP strategy.

2020 Cybersecurity Patent Market Overview. Key Cybersecurity Patent Market Insights ● Increased cybersecurity patent divestment and licensing activity expected due to (1) the increased number of patent filings each year for 10 years straight; (2) the massive cybersecurity investment funding since 2015; and (3) the growing number of cybersecurity companies unable to find a market fit. ● Global spending on cyber products and services forecasted to exceed $1T between 2017—2021. ● Over 90% of cybersecurity patent litigation attributed to NPE activity since 2012. ● Bank of America has been awarded more than twice as many cybersecurity patents in the U.S. than any other tech company. ● One major law firm (Finnegan) is projecting that cyber patent wars are on the horizon due to both the growing market and inherent ease of detectable infringement in some segments.

2020 Cybersecurity Patent Market Overview

Patient Brokerage Services Provider - Vitek. About Us We serve the innovators, the inventors, the technology companies, the startups, the founders, and the dreamers.

Patient Brokerage Services Provider - Vitek

Creativity and innovation should be rewarded, but the patent system has failed many in recent years. We’re changing that. We want to make sure you and your company are rewarded for all you gave to get to this point. Vitek IP combines traditional IP expertise with cutting-edge software and technology to create tangible market value for clients. Dan Buri, CEO & President Mark Jones, CTO. Traffic-Aware Notification Patent Portfolio. Availability of Traffic-Aware Notification Patent Portfolio. Availability of Traffic-Aware Notification Patent Portfolio. Traffic-Aware Notification Patent Portfolio Vitek IP, LLC announced that they are the exclusive representative to sell the patent portfolio of Proxpro Inc., the originator of “time to leave” navigation and calendar technology.

Availability of Traffic-Aware Notification Patent Portfolio

Vitek IP Patent Brokerage. Advanced Driver Assistance Patent Portfolio. Choose the Right Patent consultant Firm. Patent Analysis & Valuation Extensive subject matter expertise focusing on detailed patent analysis, valuation, priority review, and portfolio assessments.

Choose the Right Patent consultant Firm

Learn More. Patent broker in united states. Vitek’s Patent Brokerage maximizes the value of your company’s IP.

Patent broker in united states

Protecting and monetizing your innovations so you can focus on your company. Patent Consultant for organization - Vitek IP. Best Patent creation service. Best Patent brokerage - Vitek Ip. Patent Firm for valuation & Consultation. Know your patent value.

Patent Firm for valuation & Consultation

Outpace the IP strategy of your competition. We provide expert patent services for the world’s leading law firms and tech companies. Vitek offers extensive subject matter expertise focusing on detailed patent analysis, valuation, priority review, and portfolio assessments. Vitek’s core team has consulted with some of the worlds largest tech companies and has analyzed well over 20,000 patents, supporting in-house counsel. Tech Counsel Support Vitek has supported some of the world’s largest companies and served the most innovative technology startups with expert patent portfolio analysis, infringement opinions, valuations, and detailed patent application guidance.

Technology Patent Consultant for your Organization. Patent Brokers - Vitek. Trusted Patent Research. Trusted Patent Research Company. Patent consultant vitek ip. Increase Value with Vitek’s Patent Creation. Top patent firm in US - Vitek IP. Top Patent Firm for Consultation. Most Trusted patent consultant in united Sates - Vitek IP. Best Patent brokerage in US. Why it's so important to understand your sellers when buying patents.

The team at Richardson Oliver Insights (ROI) recently wrote an article offering advice to patent sellers on how to effectively market and sell your patents.

Why it's so important to understand your sellers when buying patents

There is some strong advice that sellers should take into account. It’s worth reading if you’re looking to sell patents. However, the piece is one-sided in its guidance on navigating an antiquated patent market. We first off would like to point out that the team at ROI (and additionally the team at Richardson Oliver Law (ROL)) are excellent at representing buyers. They provide considerable benefit and guidance to the patent market performing the difficult job of advising corporate patent buyers, which at times can be a little like herding cats. The article purports that patent sellers can glean learnings from how real estate transactions occur, which is great advice. IAM Article: “Now, what if your agent said that six of the listings were priced at “make us an offer”? We agree with ROI. Patents Have Entered the Upside Down. In a landscape of amorphous patent rights, shifting legal precedence, toothless expert opinions, fluctuating patent values, and deafeningly silent Supreme Court justices, the U.S. patent system has been a display of the absurd.

Patents Have Entered the Upside Down

Ask 10 professionals for their attitude on the current state of patents, and you’ll receive ten distinctly different opinions ranging anywhere from the incredibly negative patents-are-dying attitude to the overly optimistic everything-is-fine-here outlook. The consternation of it all is that each of those 10 professionals would be absolutely right in their estimations, and entirely wrong as well. And that’s the patent world in which we’ve found ourselves during the entirety of 2019 and into 2020—everyone is wrong, and everyone is right, because no one actually knows which way is up anymore. How to Beef Up Your IP Budget. Convincing senior management to increase an IP department’s budget can be one of the biggest challenges for in-house counsel, but there are some straightforward steps they can take to get more bang for their buck.

How to Beef Up Your IP Budget

When compared to large, well-established businesses, developing tech companies often have to contend with limited resources for managing patent IP. This can be challenging, especially when in-house counsel are regularly called upon to deal with other day-to-day legal issues. The resource challenge most often expressed from counsel is a lack of money, which hamstrings execution of even the simplest of strategies. There are many reasons for a limited IP budget, but at the root is a natural tendency of upper management to defer investing in IP, usually because IP is generally a long-term proposition, and a growing business always has more immediate challenges. Take John H., for example, in-house counsel at a successful software startup. Maintenance Review Plan Ahead.

2020 Cybersecurity Patent Market Overview. IP Software Products. Mobile Payment Patent Portfolio. Patent Market Research Consultants. Information Technology Patent Services. Buy and Sell Patent Portfolios. Information Technology Patent Services.