The Vitality Clinic EECP
Vitality Clinic is the one-stop platform where patients will get the best heart disease and diabetes treatment. We make use of advanced EECP therapy to treat our patient's medical condition. We aim to make our clients internally strong and make their life beautiful again. Visit now.
HOW DOES EECP HELP WITH BLOOD PRESSURE? How Does EECP Help With Heart Function? EECP is actually a technology that has been around for decades, and was originally used to assist the heart after an individual has had a heart attack, so at its very base design, EECP is made to improve the function of your heart.
The way that is does this is by acting as a “second heart” at the bottom of your body, which is the area where circulation typically stagnates the most. Through careful timing, the cuffs around your legs inflate during the resting phase of your heart, pushing the blood back to your heart at the time when it would normally get its blood; therefore increasing the blood volume both going into the arteries around your heart as well as providing a larger amount to your heart chambers to then be pushed around your body. FREQUENTY ASKED Q- WHEN WILL I START FEELING BETTER. Science Behind EECP - Heart Disease, Smoking, Blood Pressure Therapy.
EECP has been around for over 50 years and is just now beginning to become popular.
In recent years, EECP has received FDA Approval and is paid for by Medicare in the US, as well as being approved and licensed by Health Canada for the treatment of angina, congestive heart failure, cardiogenic shock, and heart attacks. Now the paradigm is shifting away from invasive procedures towards safer, non-invasive therapies such as EECP. There are hundreds of peer reviewed scientific papers supporting the fact that EECP works. EECP Therapy has been shown to have the following SUBJECTIVE benefits (supporting research articles listed at bottom of page for reference): Possibly due to the increase in blood flow as a result of EECP Therapy, some of our patients have reported the following additional improvements during their course of treatment: Don’t just take our word for it!
Books with sections referencing EECP, and its effect on overall health: Natural Heart Therapy Specialist. Hello, my name is Miranda, and I’m the clinical director of The Vitality Clinic here in Lethbridge, ALBERTA!
Our primary focus is EECP, or Enhanced External Counter Pulsation, as a way of dramatically improving circulation and heart function in our clients. EECP is scientifically proven, FDA approved, and Health Canada licensed. It’s completely non-invasive, pain free, and comfortable. Frankly speaking half my clients fall asleep during treatment! I encourage you to do your own research into the topic! EVIDENCE OF EECP EFFECTIVENESS. EVIDENCE OF EECP EFFECTIVENESS 2020 THE VITALITY CLINIC EECP WWW.VITALITYHEALTHIMPROVEMENTCLINIC.COM PAGE 02 THE VITALITY CLINIC EECP What are the advantages of EECP Therapy?
EECP is non-invasive, simple, safe, risk free and cost effective treatment without surgery or hospital stay. EECP is useful for treating unstable angina, as a adjunctive therapy after revascularization (i.e., with angioplasty, stent or bypass surgery), and even as first line therapy for angina. Patient can walk more distance without chest pain Patient would have fewer or no angina Episodes of angina would be less painful Patient’s need for anti-anginal medications can be reduced. Patients can return to work and can participate in their active life style once again.
Patient would be more energetic. 800% 400% 200% 150% 125% 100% 75% 50% Full Width Full Height Full Page Show Text Download as... Include... Search Results No terms available Select an annotations set to edit Select annotations for review My Annotations From. WHY WOULD I BE INTERESTED IN EECP? by The Vitality Clinic EECP. About Us – Natural Heart Therapy Specialist. Evidence of EECP Effectiveness. What are the advantages of EECP Therapy?
EECP is non-invasive, simple, safe, risk free and cost effective treatment without surgery or hospital stay. EECP is useful for treating unstable angina, as a adjunctive therapy after revascularization (i.e., with angioplasty, stent or bypass surgery), and even as first line therapy for angina. How do I personally know the treatment has helped me? Patient can walk more distance without chest painPatient would have fewer or no anginaEpisodes of angina would be less painfulPatient’s need for anti-anginal medications can be reduced.Patients can return to work and can participate in their active life style once again.Patient would be more energetic.How long EECP treatment take? EECP involves 35 days of treatment. What does EECP do? EECP causes immediate and sustained increase in heart’s blood supply by: Occasionally, patients develop mild skin irritation in areas under the treatment cuffs or experience muscle or joint discomfort.
EECP Therapy Lethbridge. As people enter retirement after having worked so hard for the privilege of a better quality of life, often their health declines and they begin to develop one or more diseases of chronic aging.
IMPROVING WELLNESS. A case for EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) - WRITTEN BY DR CHUCK GALAMBOS Traditionally, when you get sick you go to the doctor.
As you age, your dependency on the health care system dramatically increases. When it’s time to start enjoying a well deserved retirement, people end up arranging their lives around doctors’ appointments. Have you ever wondered why? Generally speaking, as you age your heart gets old and it doesn’t quite do the job of providing oxygen, nutrients and hauling away waste. The key to improved wellness is robust circulation. As you lie comfortably on a bed we attach a heart monitor and pneumatic cuffs to your thighs, legs and calves. EECP Enhanced External Counter Pulsation Lethbridge Alberta.