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Visual Productions

Visual Production is recommended is Melbourne’s recommended video production company. Our team works across all types of commercial video production and educational videos. We’ll help you craft a message with impact and a look that sells. We tell your story you want it to be told. Our directors, writers, producers and editors are trained to work as a team to create social media, training, event and education videos and advertisements for all types of organizations, big and small. We also offer live-streaming for concerts, sporting events, brand launches, corporate seminars and conferences, Q&A sessions and Open Days. Get in touch with us today Contact - (03)86915586

Product Video Marketing to Boost Online Sales/E-Commerce Business Sale. 2020 accelerated our reliance on digital technology in business.

Product Video Marketing to Boost Online Sales/E-Commerce Business Sale

Marketing experts have called on CEOs and management to integrate better digital strategies for years. With the eCommerce boom that rose out of the last year, businesses have had to adapt quickly or risk falling behind the forward-thinking competition. While late adopters are still working through the more established marketing tools like paid ads and SEO content, a new trend is on the digital horizon: video marketing. 6 Benefits of Corporate Video Production in Your Business Marketing. A recent Hubspot report indicates that up to 94% of internet users watch explainer videos to learn more about brands or products.

6 Benefits of Corporate Video Production in Your Business Marketing

This implies that online marketing now goes beyond texts and images to supplementing your blog content with business video production. Notably, using videos for marketing purposes did not start today. Initially, corporates used TV commercials to reach out to prospective customers. 6 Benefits of Video Production for Retail Businesses. By the end of this year, video is expected to make up 82 per cent of all internet traffic.

6 Benefits of Video Production for Retail Businesses

If you aren’t creating videos to market your retail business’s products, you’re missing out on a lot of potential views and opportunities to attract new customers. Have you been on the fence about video production for retail businesses? Video production – A trend for businesses and corporates to be in the limelight! Video production — A trend for businesses and corporates to be in the limelight! Video production is an effective tool for generating more sales from your business, Training employees, and informing the world about products and services.

Video production — A trend for businesses and corporates to be in the limelight!

Businesses and industries have been using industrial films and videos for years, but the internet has given more recognition to videos and ad films. It provided access to millions of internet users to get information about your business and products. A drop-down in the video production cost has enabled the small companies to go for it. Now only those businesses are in the limelight that opts for well-planned video production. Visual Production Agency Blog. Hello and welcome to our new blog, where we will share some tips to help you get the most out of the video making process and take you behind-the-scenes on our most recent productions!

Visual Production Agency Blog

If you’ve clicked on this link, chances are you want to find out more about us. Here’s what you need to know. What makes us different? How to Create a Professional Training Video. Training videos offer a wide range of advantages over in-person training.

How to Create a Professional Training Video

People can access videos from anywhere and learn in their own time, with the option of re-watching a clip again if they don’t understand the first time or just need a refresher course. The instructor can also deliver a presentation just once to the camera and the possibility of an employee missing out on key advice that occurs with in-person training is entirely removed. That sounds great, you might be thinking, but how do I apply it to my own business? Creating high quality videos that keep audiences focused and engaged sounds like a difficult task, and indeed, there’s a lot to consider. 5 Reasons to Record Your Business Event. Does your business hold any corporate events, like networking dinners, holiday parties or team building days?

5 Reasons to Record Your Business Event

For most organizations, these events exist only to boost staff morale and so they are missing out on some of the exciting opportunities that become available when an event is filmed. Read on to see 5 key reasons why you should consider recording your next event! 1.Video Presents Your Event in a Professional Light Next time you’re scrolling through your social media feed after an office party, count how many images captured by mobile phones and grainy videos of the previous night’s events you can see. Most people will capture their own footage, but it doesn’t tend to show your business to its best advantage. How To Build Trust through Video Advertising? In the world of business, trust is a difficult thing to earn.

How To Build Trust through Video Advertising?

No one wants to be cheated out of their hard earned wages and so consumers are likely to prefer well-known brands, dismissing smaller businesses because they simply do not know enough about them. Research has shown that most people will only look at the first three results of a Google search and will decide who to buy from in less than twenty seconds. Businesses without the instant brand recognition and a spot at the top of Google’s search engine have to work much harder to get their messages across to people and to see the returns that come from a loyal customer base.

3 Tips on How to Make Your Event Look Good on Camera. You may have seen our article about why your business should capitalize on corporate events to create an events video.

3 Tips on How to Make Your Event Look Good on Camera

One of the main reasons why companies don’t make the most of their events is the fear that their events could damage their image rather than improving it. However, by following these 3 easy tips, you can make sure that your event looks as fantastic on camera as it did in real life! Tip 1: Start Filming Early On An event video should focus on an event, right? So shouldn’t it stand to reason that you only need to start recording when the event is underway? 6 Video Production Mistakes that Costs your Time & Money. Although it may appear easy, video production is actually very complicated and can be quite a daunting prospect for a beginner.

6 Video Production Mistakes that Costs your Time & Money

Mistakes are common and can lead to wasted time and money. 1. Not preparing a script: In our experience frequently we have seen people believing they can provide off the cuff un prepared remarks. CEOs: Why Create a Corporate Message Video? A corporate message is a fantastic way to inform people about what is going on at the top level of your business. Important announcements, like a change of management or company vision, need to be put across in a manner that will be easy to understand and reassuring for employees who might be worried about their job security. Not only do corporate message videos stand out from the usual text-based email communications that most businesses spread around, but using video also personalizes the message that you’re trying to get across.

3 Quick Tips on How to Write a Good Script. A question we are frequently asked is how to write a good script, in particular how to write a good script that will help to sell your business and brand. In order to write a good script there are three key areas which you must remember to take into account, namely that the script must reflect that of your business strategy and plan, it must be concise and to the point, and the language and the script must be able to sound good on camera.

Reflecting your Business Strategy. A good script must be able to reflect the brand that you are trying to portray, for example a quirky start-up would not be wanting to use old-fashioned English to reflect their market. Instead it is vital to understand your brand and your consumer in order to write a script that reflects you. Making your script Concise and to the point. 5 Common Mistakes in Video Advertising. You’re sitting on the sofa, watching TV after a busy day and you can’t be bothered to change the channel in the commercial break.

Odds are, a few of the adverts you’ll see will be mildly entertaining, a couple might make you think about buying a new product and the rest will be instantly forgettable. So, how do you make sure that your advert is one that stays in the viewer’s mind after it has disappeared from the screen? It’s easier than you think. By avoiding these 5 major mistakes that companies make when they produce adverts, you can ensure that your ad will attract business. The Value of Personalised Branded Photography for your Company. When a small business is looking for an image to represent their brand too often they turn to the “stock photo.” A stock photo is a commercially of common subjects which are available to purchase and then be used royalty free. Because of this commercial nature the photos are available to all, and who knows what other promotions the photo you want may have been used for.

Not only, do you run the risk of the photo being used in a nature contrary to your brand design and ethos, but also stock photos generally are designed to look in a way a viewer can identify as a stock photo. When it comes to Video, is Longer Stronger? It’s one of those pesky questions that come up when you first decide to make a video for your business: How long should it go for? One 2016 study found 80% of businesses thought video ads were a very important part of their marketing plans useful in grabbing the attention of their market and acquiring more clients. Another study found 60% of people said they would prefer watching a 20-30 second video about a company rather than reading about it. Cutting it up: What is the Best Video Editing Software? Video Production Agency - Cheat Sheet to Video on Social Media.

9 Video Marketing Trends to Expect in 2019. How video is shaping the future of marketing. Getting started with video: how to plan, build and design. 6 Creative Ways Small Businesses Are Using Videos. Creative Branding with Corporate Video Production. Product Video Marketing to Boost Online Sales/E-Commerce Business Sale. Photography Agency Melbourne.

Video production Services. Event video production Melbourne. Video production company Melbourne. Training video production Melbourne. Business Video Production Melbourne. Corporate Video Production Melbourne. Video production Melbourne. Educational video production Melbourne. Promotional video production Melbourne. Visual Production Agency. Photography Agency Melbourne. Video Production Agency Melbourne.