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Mobiles : Le choix des apps. Best of Mobile, tel était l’intitulé de l’événement organisé, le jeudi 5 avril 2012, par Valtech, une société spécialisée —entre autres— dans le développement d’applications mobiles. Le sujet m’intéressant en raison du basculement irrésistible de la consommation d’information vers les appareils de mobilité —smartphones, tablettes et autres liseuses, je me suis donc rendu à cette invitation.

L’occasion de regarder plus précisément cet univers foisonnant qu’est celui des applications, qu’elles soient « natives » « Web », et la manière dont les médias peuvent se les approprier. Sur un mobile ou une tablette, il est possible de toucher l’utilisateur de trois manières distinctes : un site optimisé pour le mobile, sachant en particulier pour les smartphones, que la taille réduite de l’écran nécessite de tenir compte de ses contraintes.une application disponible soit sur iTunes, pour les iPhone et iPad, soit sur Google Play (ou Market) pour Androïd. 1. 2.

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Curation. The Boston Globe Launches A Beautiful, Brand New Paywall Website. I’m not even going to pretend to be objective in this post — I am absolutely in love with the new

The Boston Globe Launches A Beautiful, Brand New Paywall Website

The site, which launched today, is a whole new online brand for The Boston Globe, whose content formerly only existed on the all-encompassing But it’s not just the design that I’m in love with. I’m in love with the idea of starting fresh — no rules, no old elements to retain — just a brand new site with a clean slate.

And The Globe didn’t hold back; they’ve rethought how news should be presented in a way that no other major news organization has had the opportunity to do. Here are some of the more noteworthy features. Full-width design that changes dynamically Unlike most news sites that are constrained to an exact-pixel width, takes advantage of the fact that people are viewing on different devices and browsers. Ability to “save” news items A clean article page with big, beautiful art Changes are beyond aesthetic and into mindset. Flipboard CEO: The future of the web will look more like print - TNW Insider.

12 September '11, 06:13pm Follow Flipboard CEO Mike McCue is on stage at Techcrunch Disrupt conference right now and he is saying some interesting things about the future of the web and the iPad.

Flipboard CEO: The future of the web will look more like print - TNW Insider

“The web will feel a lot different in 5 years. It will feel a lot like print and be monetized differently than it is currently.” Update. McCue also said, “I think that the iPad is a superior consumption device for content on the web. On The Daily and other products that offer media content directly on the iPad, McCue is optimistic. He also said that it will take a very trusted brand to garner a place on a user’s iPad home screen. McCue says that people read more articles on Flipboard than they do in other arenas because they give content room to breathe and have a cleaner layout than the web. Funny enough, you can actually see this kind of interface in action at the newly launched now.

Mobile Internet user to eclipse wireline users by 2015 — Broadband News and Analysis. It’s going to be a mobile Internet world and we’ll just live in it. That’s the conclusion of IDC, which is forecasting that mobile Internet users will grow by an annual compound rate of 16.6 percent through 2015, when they will pass PC and other wireline Internet users. That’s not entirely surprising if you’ve been following along. Mary Meeker, the former Morgan Stanley Internet analyst and now Kleiner Perkins VC, forecast last year that the cross-over point would come around 2014. She said at the time that we were in the midst of a fifth computing cycle, following the mainframe computing eras of the 1950s and 60s, the mini-computers of the 1970s, the PCs of the 1980s, the desktop Internet era of the 1990s and now the mobile Internet age.

Earlier this year, IDC noted that smartphone shipments in the fourth quarter last year topped 100 million units , pushing past PC sales . As IDC notes, this shift will make the world a different place. Image courtesy of Flickr user watch4u .