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I am a Visual Artist, trying to understand the notion of consciousness. "The world does not exist without the body, the body never exists without the mind, the mind never exists without consciousness and consciousness never exists without the reality." -Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi


Music. Beyond Philosophy. Culture. Visual Art. Space. Scale of the Observable Universe. The Most IMPORTANT Video You'll Ever See (part 1 of 8) The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience. How To Start A Revolution 12.63K Views0 Likes Half a world away from Cairo’s Tahrir Square, an ageing American intellectual shuffles around his cluttered terrace house in a working-class Boston neighbourhood.

The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience

His name is Gene Sharp. White-haired and now in his mi... Motti. Documentary stuff. Lawrencevincentphillips. Random.