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Stack LEMP server

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Installing LEMP (Nginx, PHP, MySQL with MariaDB engine and PhpMyAdmin) in Arch Linux. Due to its Rolling Release model which embrace cutting age software Arch Linux was not designed and developed to run as a server to provide reliable network services because it requires extra time for maintenance, constants upgrades and sensible file configurations.

Installing LEMP (Nginx, PHP, MySQL with MariaDB engine and PhpMyAdmin) in Arch Linux

But, still, because Arch Linux comes with a CD core installation with minimal software pre-installed, it can represent a solid base start up point to install most of the popular network services this days, this including LEMP or LAMP, Apache Web Server, Nginx, PHP, SQL databases, Samba, FTP servers, BIND and others, many of them being provided from Arch Linux official repositories and others from AUR. This tutorial will guide through installing and configuring LEMP stack (Nginx, PHP , MySQL with MariaDB engine and PhpMyAdmin) from a remotely using SSH, which can provide a strong foundation to build Web Server Applications.

NginX + PHP + MariaDB + Wordpress on ArchLinux on a Raspberry Pi. Welcome to MariaDB! - MariaDB. PhpMyAdmin.