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6 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers. Do you want more Pinterest followers?

6 Ways to Get More Pinterest Followers

Have you optimized your profile, website and images for maximum exposure? A strong Pinterest community tells others you’re a trusted source of inspiration. In this article you’ll discover six simple ways to quickly increase your number of Pinterest followers. #1: Verify Your Pinterest Profile A verified Pinterest account is an important step in building your following. When you’ve verified your Pinterest account, people see a checkmark next to your brand’s URL in the Pinterest profile. A verified account checkmark on Pinterest’s mobile app. In addition to building trust, verifying your account gives you access to Pinterest’s analytics dashboard so you can see how your pins are doing.

The more you give people what they’re looking for, the more followers you’ll get. #2: Use Rich Pins Rich pins are free and let you add more detail to your pins. There are three types of rich pins—product, recipe and article. Example of a regular product pin. Conclusion.


Social Media. New Social Media, New Social Science (with images, tweets) · jess1ecat. Social Media Monitoring. Social Media Analytics & Monitoring. Twitter. Henry Jenkins on 'Spreadable Media,' why fans rule, and how 'The Walking Dead' takes on a life of its own. "If it doesn't spread, it's dead": With this pithy dictum, Henry Jenkins summed up the nature of media distribution in the Internet age.

Henry Jenkins on 'Spreadable Media,' why fans rule, and how 'The Walking Dead' takes on a life of its own

Introduced as "our new mantra" in a 2007 blog post about Jonathan Lethem and slash fiction, it turned up again as the title of a 2008 white paper from the Convergence Culture Consortium, the initiative Henry launched at MIT to explore the changing dynamics of the media industry. Now it's the central idea that animates Spreadable Media, the new book he's written with Sam Ford and Joshua Green, two former C3 colleagues who have moved on to consultancy roles — Sam at Peppercomm Strategic Communications, Joshua at Undercurrent.

In whatever context, this idea stands as a corrective to the distribution model of the broadcast era, which presumes that control will rest with whoever puts the product out, not with the people who are the market for it. The levers of power have shifted. I never would have imagined it, to be honest.


Four ways to drive engagement with user-generated content. User generated content (UGC) is not a new concept, but for digital marketers, UGC has never offered as many exciting possibilities for engaging with consumers and building brand loyalty.

Four ways to drive engagement with user-generated content

With the recent billion dollar acquisitions of content companies like Instagram and Tumblr, tech giants are further demonstrating the immense value of content today,and the opportunities are apparent for marketers. In a January 2013 Econsultancy/Adobe report on digital marketing trends, over 700 digital professionals identified content marketing as the single most significant trend in marketing today. Content, in short, is king, so it’s incumbent upon brands to make good use of it. Sounds easy, right? Not so fast, it’s never as simple as it sounds. One compelling solution is to allow consumers to create content for your brand. Why Do It? User generated content has never been as easily accessible for both brand marketers and consumers as it is today. 1. 2. 3. 4. Small Business Secret Weapon: Content Curation (with 4 Tools) Content is the best secret weapon a small business has when competing with the big guys.

Small Business Secret Weapon: Content Curation (with 4 Tools)

Contrary to what you may think, coming up with that content isn’t really a problem when you learn to think of it in a different way. You may be shaking your head in disagreement as you read this, but it’s all a matter of perspective. You don’t just want content that’s going to get you leads and conversions, you want to cultivate a loyal audience with content of interest. Changing your perspective on content could very well ease the burden of having to consistently create and share original content. Welcome to the Possibilities of Content Curation When you run a small business, you don’t always have time to seek out or produce your own high quality content while dealing with more pressing issues. In this case, the content doesn’t have to directly relate to products or services you actually offer.

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