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The Innovation Matrix Reloaded, Again. I’ve continued to test out the ideas behind The Innovation Matrix with senior managers, and it seems to be working its way towards becoming a useful tool. As I do this, it continues to evolve. Today, I am going to revisit The Innovation Matrix as a broad concept, then over the next couple of weeks I will add posts that talk about each component specifically. This added detail should help to flesh out the tool. Here is the latest version of The Innovation Matrix: This is a bit of a distillation of observations over time. I thought of it because I think that a lot of people that are trying to improve innovation within an organisation think that they can go from the bottom left (No Innovation Capability) to the top right (World Class Innovator) in one jump, simply by introducing some sort of innovation program.

This is impossible – you actually have to make the trip in a number of steps, and there are many different paths that you can take. The table has two increasing dimensions.