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5 passos para validar a ideia da sua startup. How to Validate Your Start-up Idea. At my marketing agency, Ciplex, I deal with a lot of clients who hire us to build a website for their business idea--based solely on their gut feeling that idea will be successful.

How to Validate Your Start-up Idea

They skip the step of figuring out first if they're solving a real problem in the world. Big mistake. Before investing any time and money in a business, you need to validate your idea. I asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council, an invite-only organization for young, successful entrepreneurs about the best ways to validate ideas. Check out their responses below: Use smoke tests. An easy way to gauge interest in an idea is to run some basic tests fist. Travis Steffan, a serial entrepreneur, says he generally places an idea on a site like LaunchRock, which helps people to quickly set up a "Launching Soon" page.

Assess yourself. This one sounds basic but it's worth remembering. Find a mentor or industry advisor. There are always going to be people who have expertise or experience you lack. Conduct a survey. "How do I validate my startup idea?" Here's how: I’m in the middle of validating possible business models for Whiteboard (it’s going great: every idea I have has been shot down in flames by people in the industry I tried selling it to.

"How do I validate my startup idea?" Here's how:

The good thing being that I hadn’t built a single feature yet.) Anyway, I’ve just finished reading a few books on the subject of business models, among which Eric Ries ‘Lean Startup’ and Ash Maurya’s ‘Running Lean’ . They both stress the importance of validation, and many startup founders voice the same sentiment. As Alex Barrera said: your mama is not your market. Ries and Maurya both stress that you should validate the riskiest part of your business model first. “In a great market, a market with lots of real potential customers, the market pulls the product out of the startup.” Não cace clientes, conquiste fãs! — Experiências Empreendedoras. Participei de uma palestra onde foram tratados diversos aspectos sobre o início da caminhada empreendedora com startups.

Não cace clientes, conquiste fãs! — Experiências Empreendedoras

Muitas coisas me chamaram atenção, mas alguns pontos me deixaram com pulgas atrás da orelha. O que tem levado pessoas a empreender pela primeira vez? Quem são estas pessoas? E o que elas têm feito para obter sucesso? Em especial qual motivação para empreender? Um Problema: Algo que afeta um grupo de pessoasUma Modinha: Algo que pode agradar um grupo de pessoas Claro que independente da motivação, existe uma probabilidade inerente do negócio dar certo ou errado; outros fatores são tão importantes quanto estes. Desconsiderando qualquer tipo de sorte (não acredito nisso), quem inicia algum projeto por uma modinha está 100% interessando em agradar pessoas (nem que seja ela mesma), se não for assim seu projeto não sai do papel.

Se o Fun Sounds não tivesse sons legais e não fosse fácil de usar o número de usuários ativos seria muito baixo (talvez nem o criador).