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Cypherpunks - The Book

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O Mundo Amanha - A Guerra Virtual, Parte 1. Cypherpunk rising: WikiLeaks, encryption, and the coming surveillance dystopia. In 1989, when the internet was predominantly ASCII-based and HyperCard had yet to give birth (or at least act as a midwife) to the world wide web, R.U. Sirius launched Mondo 2000. “I’d say it was arguably the representative underground magazine of its pre-web day,” William Gibson said in a recent interview. “Posterity, looking at this, should also consider Mondo 2000 as a focus of something that was happening.”Twenty years ago, it was cypherpunk that was happening. And it’s happening again today. Sticky TOC engaged! Early cypherpunk Early cypherpunk in fact and fiction Flashback: Berkeley, California 1992. Jude was an excitable girl and she was particularly excitable when there was a new boyfriend involved.

At the time, Jude and I were contracted to write a novel titled How to Mutate and Take Over the World. And so I wound up there, holding the phone away from my ear as Jude shouted out the solution, at least to the "taking over" part of our problem. The Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto.

Internet e Política

O Mundo Amanha - A Guerra Virtual, Parte 1. Censura. Internet e Economia. Espionagem pelo setor privado. Combatendo a Vigilância Total. A militarização do cyberespaço. Maior Comunicação versus maior Vigilância. Persecutions. Authors. Introduction. Preface. Sociedade Civil elabora Carta aberta à Presidenta Dilma Roussef – Ministério da Cultura | arakin monteiro. Abaixo, reproduzo a Carta da Sociedade Civil à presidenta Dilma Roussef, publicada em Excelentíssima Presidenta Dilma Rousseff, Esta carta é uma manifestação de pessoas e organizações da sociedade civil e busca expressar nosso extremo desconforto com as mudanças ocorridas no campo das políticas culturais, zerando oito anos de acúmulo de discussões e avanços que deram visibilidade e interlocução a um Ministério até então subalterno.

Frustrando aqueles que viam no simbolismo da nomeação da primeira mulher Ministra da Cultura do Brasil a confirmação de uma vitória, essa gestão rapidamente se encarregou de desconstruir não só as conquistas da gestão anterior, mas principalmente o inédito, amplo e produtivo ambiente de debate que havia se estabelecido. Os signatários desta carta acreditam na continuidade e no aprofundamento das políticas bem-sucedidas do governo Lula. Clique aqui para assinar a carta Curtir isso: Curtir Carregando...


Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, full version, pt.1. Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, full version, pt.2 Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, full version, pt.1 Ibrahim: Episode Eleven Chomsky-Ali: Episode Ten Khan: Episode Nine Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, pt.2 Cypherpunks: Episode Eight, pt.1 Occupy: Episode Seven Correa: Episode Six Begg-Qureshi: Episode Five Rajab & Abd El-Fattah: Episode Four Marzouki: Episode Three Horowitz-Zizek: Episode Two Nasrallah: Episode One Revealed: Assange pre-show full interview Hourglass: Promo One Unravelling: Promo Two Assange: Official trailer Episode Two: Teaser Warning: Assange! Controversy! Jérémie Zimmermann. Jérémie Zimmermann, 2012 Jérémie Zimmermann (born in 1978) is the spokesperson and co-founder of the Paris-based La Quadrature du Net, a citizen advocacy group defending fundamental freedoms online.[1] Life[edit] He appeared with Julian Assange on Episode 8 and Episode 9 of The World Tomorrow, "Cypherpunks: 1/2".[2][3][4] Awards[edit] He was awarded the 2012 EFF Pioneer Award, together with other persons and groups.[6] References[edit] External links[edit] Media related to Jeremie Zimmermann at Wikimedia Commons.

La Quadrature du Net. La Quadrature du Net protesting against the HADOPI law La Quadrature du Net (Squaring of the Net in French) is a French advocacy group that promotes digital rights and freedoms of citizens.[1] It advocates for French and European legislation to respect the founding principles of the Internet, most notably the free circulation of knowledge. La Quadrature du Net engages in public-policy debates concerning, for instance, freedom of speech, copyright, regulation of telecommunications and online privacy. The group was founded in 2008 by free software promoters and activists.[2] It gained notoriety by fighting the HADOPI law, a controversial project to establish a graduated response in France.[3] Its action against Internet censorship and Net neutrality led the Quadrature to work on subjects such as the LOPPSI law, the Telecoms Package or ACTA.

In 2012 Quadrature spokesman and cofounder Jérémie Zimmermann received a Pioneer award for his action against ACTA.[4] Name origin[edit] See also[edit] Andy Müller-Maguhn. In an election in autumn 2000, he was voted in as an at-large director of ICANN, which made him jointly responsible with 18 other directors for the worldwide development of guidelines and the decision of structural questions for the Internet structure. His term lasted two years, and from June 2002 to June 2004, he operated as an honorary board member of the European Digital Rights Institution (EDRI), an umbrella organization for European NGOs which campaigns for human rights in the digital age.

In 1995, Müller-Maguhn founded the "Datenreisebüro" ('Data Travel Agency'), since 2002 based in a Berlin office.[2] Besides organising the Chaos Computer Club and hosting an electronic archive, the Datenreisebüro organises workshops which train system administrators in data protection and data security. Workshops are also held in order to create policies and structures which make data protection easier to achieve. Müller-Maguhn has also helped at several of Hackers on Planet Earth conferences.

Chaos Computer Club. The CCC describes itself as "a galactic community of life forms, independent of age, sex, race or societal orientation, which strives across borders for freedom of information.... " In general, the CCC advocates more transparency in government, freedom of information, and the human right to communication. Supporting the principles of the hacker ethic, the club also fights for free universal access to computers and technological infrastructure.[2] History[edit] The CCC was founded in Berlin on September 12, 1981 at a table which had previously belonged to the Kommune 1 in the rooms of the newspaper die tageszeitung by Wau Holland and others in anticipation of the prominent role that information technology would play in the way people live and communicate.

The CCC became world famous when they drew public attention to the security flaws of the German Bildschirmtext computer network by causing it to debit DM 134,000 in a Hamburg bank in favor of the club. Staatstrojaner[edit] Events[edit] Jacob Appelbaum. He is currently living in Berlin and he has been contributing extensively in the selection for publication of documents revealed by Edward Snowden in June 2013.[7][7][7][8][9] On December 28, 2013, at Chaos Communication Congress,[8][10] he presented documents revealed by Snowden, showing that the NSA can turn iPhones into eavesdropping tools and has developed devices to harvest electronic information from computer even if not online.

The devices are listed in the NSA ANT catalog, published in part by Der Spiegel[7] and in full by LeakSource.[11] Appelbaum, under the handle "ioerror", has been an active member of the Cult of the Dead Cow hacker collective since 2008,[12] and is the co-founder of the San Francisco hackerspace Noisebridge with Mitch Altman. He has worked for,[13] Greenpeace[14] and has volunteered for the Ruckus Society and the Rainforest Action Network.[15] He is also an ambassador for the art group monochrom.[16] Research and activism[edit] Personal life[edit] Tor (anonymity network) Tor (previously an acronym for The Onion Router)[4] is free software for enabling online anonymity and censorship resistance.

Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer network consisting of more than five thousand relays[5] to conceal a user's location or usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. Using Tor makes it more difficult to trace Internet activity, including "visits to Web sites, online posts, instant messages, and other communication forms", back to the user[6] and is intended to protect the personal privacy of users, as well as their freedom and ability to conduct confidential business by keeping their internet activities from being monitored. An extract of a Top Secret appraisal by the NSA characterized Tor as "the King of high secure, low latency Internet anonymity" with "no contenders for the throne in waiting".[7] Alice's Tor client picks a random path to destination server Steven J.