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Main Page - Chaos Computer Club. The CCC describes itself as "a galactic community of life forms, independent of age, sex, race or societal orientation, which strives across borders for freedom of information....

Chaos Computer Club

" In general, the CCC advocates more transparency in government, freedom of information, and the human right to communication. Supporting the principles of the hacker ethic, the club also fights for free universal access to computers and technological infrastructure.[2] History[edit] The CCC was founded in Berlin on September 12, 1981 at a table which had previously belonged to the Kommune 1 in the rooms of the newspaper die tageszeitung by Wau Holland and others in anticipation of the prominent role that information technology would play in the way people live and communicate. Noisebridge. Underground: The Julian Assange Story.

Filmed in and around Melbourne, the film was written and directed by Robert Connolly and produced by Matchbox Pictures’ Helen Bowden, with Tony Ayres and Rick Maier serving as Executive Producers.[3] Synopsis[edit] In 1989, known as ‘Mendax’, Assange and two friends formed a group called the ‘International Subversives’.

Underground: The Julian Assange Story

Using early home computers and defining themselves as ‘white hat hackers’ - those who look but don’t steal – they broke into some of the world’s most powerful and secretive organisations. They were young, brilliant, and in the eyes of the US Government, a major threat to national security. At the urging of the FBI, the Australian Federal Police set up a special taskforce to catch them.