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Envisioningtech.pdf. Les tendances du WebMarketing Last trends USA. Les programmes transmédia s'apprêtent à débarquer. Une série de TF1 dont les téléspectateurs peuvent influencer le scénario sur le blog de l'héroine. Une websérie non-linéaire sur Arte, dont les personnages existent sur Facebook et Twitter, et dont les spectateurs peuvent naviguer entre une centaine de modules diffusés sur le web et le mobile, dans l'ordre ou le désordre. Un jeu qui s'articule autour d'un site communautaire, d'une série télé et d'un jeu de cartes à collectionner... Tous ces objets audiovisuels non identifiés ont un point commun : ce sont des contenus transmedia. Un vocable encore peu répandu, mais qui correspond à une évolution bien réelle du divertissement, à l'heure du téléspectateur et de l'internaute multitâches.

Il ne faut toutefois pas confondre le transmedia avec le crossmedia, qui consiste à décliner un même contenu sur plusieurs plateformes. Jean-François Rodriguez est directeur jeu et transmedia chez Orange. Pourquoi Orange s'intéresse-t-il au transmedia ? Comment agissez-vous ? Top 100 Internet Trends of 2010 - From Deceptive Chalk Art to Robot Fitness Coaches (COUNTDOWN) Briefing 2011. Seven Technologies That Will Rock 2011. So here we are in a new decade, and the technologies that are now available to us continue to engage (and enthrall) in fascinating ways.

The rise and collision of several trends—social, mobile, touch computing, geo, cloud—keep spitting out new products and technologies which keep propelling us forward. Below I highlight seven technologies that are ready to tip into the mainstream 2011. Before I get into my predictions, let’s see how I did last year, when I wrote “Ten Technologies That Will Rock 2010.”

Some of my picks were spot on: the Tablet (hello, iPad), Geo (Foursquare, Gowalla, Facebook Places, mobile location-aware search, etc.), Realtime Search (it became an option on Google) and Android (now even bigger than the iPhone). What’s in store for 2011? Web Video On Your TV: We’ve already seen many attempts to turn the Internet into a video-delivery pipe to rival cable TV: Google TV, Apple TV, the Boxee Box, Roku, and a slew of “Internet-enabled” TVs. Photo credit: Flickr/ Pandiyan. Shaping the Future: 7 Predictions for the Creative Community. At the start of every year, it’s fun to think about what’s next. However, for the creative professional community, considering the future is not just a casual exercise. It’s a necessity. The creative industries are rapidly changing, as is the way we manage our own creative careers. Do you rely on the web for inspiration, feedback, or any other part of your creative process?

Do you rely on online networks or websites as a source of new customers, clients, or collaborations? Are you involved in the worlds of advertising, design, fine art, or any other industry that ultimately relies on matching the right creative talent with the best opportunities? If you answered yes, get ready. In recent years, I believe that technology has been a little reckless with creative professionals. 1. The advertising agency of the future will consist of account managers, administrative staff, and a tiny leadership team that provides creative direction. 2.

The good news is that people are starting to catch on. Top 100 Trends in 2010 - From 2010 Trend Reports + Pro to Holiday Portrait Fails (COUNTDOWN) Online Marketing Trends – 7 Top Influential Marketing Trend Websites. 15 Marketing & Social Media Trends To Watch In 2011. JWT: 100 Things to Watch in 2011. Le coup de vieux des Bobos, place aux Hipsters.

Social Commerce, Six Killer Ideas for 2011 | Social Media Journal. Social Media has become a proven success for most companies. Social Media has allowed for better insights into current and potential customers and has helped brands connect with a wider base of customers. As the art of reputation and conversation management are becoming more broadly mastered by brands, we are finding that marketers are upping their expectations. Leaders are now turning their focus to Social Commerce. Their goal is to find measurable sales opportunities via Social Media platforms: This blog will focus on 6 areas of Social Commerce (with a focus on Facebook) to tap into in 2011: 1) Promotional Wall Posts to Fanbase: Measurability (High), Likelihood of Success (High), Level of Difficulty (High) Similar to an email campaign, retailers are finding that they can distribute a promotional offer or new product story and get clickthrough to their websites for purchase.

The ratios of CTR are positive. . - Avoid getting "hidden" . - Drive "likes" on your posts.