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Les indicateurs clés de performance pour le SEO | Le métier de community manager. SEO : les facteurs de classement en France | Social Media Exploration. Google To Offer Content Delivery Service For Page Speed. Google announced they are starting a new service named Page Speed service. Essentially, this service will be Google fetching the content on your web site and then serving it up with speed improvements of 25% to 60% to the rest of the world, including Google’s bots. Google will eventually charge for the service but has not yet said how the pricing structure will look.

The service includes: An online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages.Switch your domain name to point to Google’s DNS.Page Speed Service fetches content from your serversIt rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practicesIt then serves them to end users via Google’s servers across the globe.The service will do the concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, gzipping resources or other web performance best practices.

To sign up, use this web form. Related Topics: Channel: SEO | Google: APIs | Google: General | Google: SEO. Official: Google Analytics Gets Social Engagement Reporting. Google Analytics has just announced a new set of reports (and functionality) that will enable websites to track social interaction with their content. This comes as a welcomed addition to the new Google+1 button, as it now enables one to measure the impact of social interactions in and outside websites (either through a Facebook like, +1 or LinkedIn share inside the website or +1 on search results). The new reports can be found in the Visitor section (make sure you are using the new Google Analytics) and are seeing the following: The Social Engagement report shows site behavior changes for visits that include clicks on any social sharing actions. +1 is added automatically, but other sharing buttons should be added through coding, see below how to define them. This allows website owners to understand whether there is a different behavior between visitors that share and visitors that do not share or between different types of “sharers”.

Social reporting is just getting started. Guide du référencement social (SEO, SMO, SMM) Par Olivier Duffez, Jeudi 11 août 2011 Dans les 5 dernières années, les réseaux sociaux n'ont cessé d'accroître leur importance. Aujourd'hui, ils sont ancrés dans les habitudes de centaines de millions d'utilisateurs. Comment Google et Bing se sont-ils adaptés à cette nouvelle donne ? Quel est l'impact de Twitter, Facebook et les autres dans l'algorithme de classement (référencement naturel) ?

Ce qui est sûr, c'est que nous sommes entrés dans l'ère de la recherche sociale. Vos stratégies de référencement ne peuvent plus ignorer l'aspect social : il faut vous y mettre si ce n'est pas encore fait... Ce dossier tente de faire le point sur la situation ; il sera régulièrement mis à jour sur WebRankInfo. Les réseaux sociaux dans les résultats des moteurs La recherche temps réel La recherche en temps réel de Google Premier constat : Google et Bing ont intégré des options permettant de faire des requêtes dans ce que Google appelle le temps réel et Bing le social.

La recherche sociale. 50 astuces pour avoir de bons liens entrants pour le référencement. Il est connu que Google utilise les liens entrants pour classer les résultats. La question est de savoir quoi du volume de liens entrants ou de la qualité des liens entrants est le critère le plus important? Sans surprise je peux vous affirmer qu'en 2011 il vaut mieux avoir quelques liens en provenance de pages "autoritaires" que d'avoir 5000 & plus de liens entrants en provenance d'annuaires. Seulement, lorsque l'on lance un nouveau site le premier réflexe consiste à aller inscrire son site sur les annuaires.

Je pense donc qu'il est judicieux de suivre ces quelques conseils pour mettre en place une bonne stratégie de liens entrants pour le référencement naturel: 1- La première chose à faire consiste à rédiger du contenu utile de manière à attirer naturellement des liens entrants vers votre site. 2-Créez généralement des "top 10" ou des "top X" pour aider les internautes à très rapidement comprendre votre contenu et à le relayer par la suite 34- Travaillez le design de votre site Web. SEO tips for social media profiles - TNW Social Media. SEO (search engine optimisation) and social media have been moving closer together over the past couple of years. Now it seems they’re more integrated than ever, particularly as Google increasingly experiments with bringing in social elements into search results. You can’t really afford to know one without the other, as you risk doing half a job or missing out on potential traffic.

To help with this, we’ve compiled some of the top SEO tips across social media profiles, so you can make sure you have your house in order. Bear in mind that all of the below are recommended as general good practices to stick to – not promises of top positions for your keywords. These are tips to implement alongside the natural conversations in your community. Keywords in Facebook Page updates It can often be a bit of a push and pull between writing content purely with the user in mind, and writing content that has one eye firmly on SEO. Writing anchor text on your Facebook Page Link often on your Facebook Page. 5 Link Building Tips to Increase Google Page Rank. Link Building can be tedious boring and at times it might seem like a waste of energy. However, over time it can be one of the most profitable activities of your business. See, backlinks will increase your link popularity which in turn will increase your Google Page Rank. Although Page Rank is no longer the Alfa and the Omega of SEO, it is still a good indication of just how popular your site is with the search engines. The majority of your Page Rank is determined by backlinks. You simply cannot increase Google Page Rank without getting back links to your site. Most people make the mistake of blindly diving into link building – hoping that it will help their search engine ranking.

Unfortunately not all links are good links. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Don’t be blinded by the little green bar that shows your Google page rank. 5 Link Building Tips to Increase Google Page Rank. Link Building can be tedious boring and at times it might seem like a waste of energy. However, over time it can be one of the most profitable activities of your business. See, backlinks will increase your link popularity which in turn will increase your Google Page Rank.

Although Page Rank is no longer the Alfa and the Omega of SEO, it is still a good indication of just how popular your site is with the search engines. The majority of your Page Rank is determined by backlinks. Most people make the mistake of blindly diving into link building – hoping that it will help their search engine ranking. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Don’t be blinded by the little green bar that shows your Google page rank. Seo bible - all you have ever wanted to know about SEO. Seo 101. Le SEO illustré en une infographie. Augmenter le nombre d'abonnés à son flux RSS en 11 astuces simples. (article rédigé par Isabelle Mathieu [1]) Le flux RSS est l’un des critères utilisés pour mesurer l’audience et le succès d’un site internet ou d’un blog. Il permet d’identifier quels sont les articles les plus lus, quel est le nombre de vues et de clics pour chaque article etc … Les nouveaux visiteurs peuvent également (article rédigé par Isabelle Mathieu [1]) Le flux RSS est l’un des critères utilisés pour mesurer l’audience et le succès d’un site internet ou d’un blog.

Il permet d’identifier quels sont les articles les plus lus, quel est le nombre de vues et de clics pour chaque article etc … Les nouveaux visiteurs peuvent également se faire une idée rapide de la popularité d’un site en consultant le nombre d’abonnés RSS [2] Afin de convertir le plus grand nombre de vos visiteurs occasionnels en visiteurs répétés, voyons ensemble 11 astuces simples pour augmenter le nombre d’abonnés à votre flux. 1. L’icône que vous choisirez sera de préférence standard c’est-à-dire de couleur orange. SeeUrank Logiciel référencement : analyse et suivi du référencement. How To Drive Traffic With SEO Software. If you’ve found yourself wondering how you can get more visitors to your site then you are not alone. Anybody in the field of internet marketing would be normal to wonder how to generate more traffic.

It can be quite frustrating when you feel as though you have done all you can do to drive traffic. Well, there is no longer a need to feel frustration. You certainly can learn to drive traffic like a pro by implementing some great SEO software offered within the web marketing field. 1. There are so many web marketing experts within the field that have advice and guidance to offer in the form of software programs and tools. 2. 3.

When you become frustrated because you feel as though you are not getting enough traffic to your site remember that you can experience the same financial success as the pros. Article Source: 7 Ways to Improve Your Blog SEO with Inbound Links. Are you looking for innovative ways to improve your search engine rankings? In an earlier post I talked about the need to fully optimize your website and blog posts for search engines. However, content optimization will only take you so far. For a website to really take off in the search engine rankings, it needs to generate incoming links from relevant and reputable websites. And you have little control of incoming links. To increase the likelihood of obtaining high-quality incoming links, here are seven things you can do: #1: Create Content Others Will Want to Share All search engine optimization (SEO) starts with content.

Facebook, Twitter, Digg and other social media sites are driven by the desire to share. Don’t forget to make your content easy to share by including TweetMeme, Digg, Facebook or other buttons that are easy to find and use. #2: Distribute Online Press Releases Press releases are a great way to generate incoming links. When writing a press release, think like a reporter.