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4 Ways to Use Twitter Data to Optimize Your Social Activities. Twitter is just over 5 years old and its users are sending more than 200 million tweets per day. This means your own tweets are just droplets in an ocean of content. The good news is all of that content can become actionable insight. Here are four ways to use Twitter data to optimize your social media activities for maximum exposure and effectiveness. #1: Analyze your best topics and tweets with Crowdbooster All tweets are not equally as effective.

Crowdbooster aims to help you optimize the things you tweet by tracking what resonates and what flops among your followers. Rapper Lil Wayne’s digital manager, Mazyar Karooni, monitors the performance of Wayne’s tweets each day. Use this information to target special deals, rewards and promotions to the people who are impacting your brand the most. Crowdbooster CEO Ricky Yean says, “We have found that paying attention to data can help our users become more powerful.” #2: Track communities and sentiment with SocialMention. 22 Hot New Social Media Tools Worth Exploring. Are you looking for ? We asked our team of Social Media Examiner writers to share their best new social media discoveries.

What follows is an amazing list of social media tools you’ve likely never heard of—covering a wide range of categories: Tools for pictures, video, audio and screen capture Tools to measure and track results Tools to manage content Blogging tools Twitter tools Other social media tools Try them out. . #1: Cinches Recommended by Denise Wakeman , online marketing advisor and founder of The Blog Squad. “My favorite new tool is . Cinches can be syndicated automatically to your Facebook status (not to pages, though) and to your Twitter stream. I’m using CinchCasts to : presentations (I record one tip from a PowerPoint and expand on it a bit), blog posts and articles.

CinchCasts was created by the folks at BlogTalkRadio. #2: Screenr Recommended by Tim Ware , owner of HyperArts Web Design , helping businesses build and promote their web presence. #3: DailyBooth #4: Skitch. Social-Search, un moteur de recherche personnalisé pour Twitter et Facebook. Free Tools to Help With Online Reputation Management. Votre page d'accueil personnalisable. Search Twitter. Real Time Search - Social Mention. 48ers - Realtime Social Search.

YouSeeMii Monitoring | Actualités, veille, informations entreprises sociétés et marques. Quelques outils de veille présentés au CO-LAB VEILLE du 22 janvier 2010.