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Everything you need to know about Facebook’s EdgeRank - TNW Social Media. Whether it’s that loosely connected “friend” who’s faded off into obscurity, or brands looking to make the biggest impact, Facebook’s EdgeRank holds all power of visibility. While we’ll never know the true mechanics behind the ultra-secret formula, there are a few key steps that can greatly improve your overall Facebook exposure. Before digging into how to ensure that your news is seen the most, we need to start at the source: EdgeRank. Just over a year ago, two brave Facebook engineers took on the task of explaining the methodology behind their newest offering, EdgeRank. While to this day details have remained scant; Facebook has provided us with this insight: If I lost you at Sigma, fear not.

Edge What? Before looking at the individual pieces of the formula, it’s important to understand what an edge is, and how you create one. So many Edges, so little time The minute that you or your brand creates an object on Facebook, an initial edge has already been made. Not all Edges are equal Weight. Graph API Explorer - Développeurs Facebook. Introducing the Graph API Explorer - Développeurs Facebook. In the past few months we have been working to bring the Graph API up to parity with REST API, significantly improve our Graph API documentation, and publish resources and sample apps to make it easier to write apps against the API. As part of these efforts, we are launching the Graph API Explorer.

The Graph API Explorer makes it easy to get started with the Graph API and test the API as you program against it and build your app. The Explorer helps you to do the following: Make requests to the Graph API and see formatted results in-line. Explore the connections for each object and view field descriptions to help you understand what the response means. Easily obtain an access_token with the specific permissions necessary to access the data you need to optimize your app for users. The ‘Select Permissions’ dialog allows you to select the specific user data, friends’ data or extended permissions needed. Move between objects in the graph just by clicking their id in the formatted result. Le Protocole Open Graph. Like Button - Développeurs Facebook. Open Graph protocol - Développeurs Facebook.

People use stories to share the things they're doing, the people they're doing them with and the places where they happen. Let people share stories about your app on Facebook through a structured, strongly typed API. To publish Open Graph stories with the Share dialog, you do not need to implement Facebook Login or ask for additional permissions. For more information, see Share Dialog. If you create a custom sharing UI to publishing Open Graph stories, you need to implement Facebook Login and request the publish_actions permission from people using your app. Privacy When you configure an action you should determine the default privacy level.