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Philosophie contre intelligence artificielle - Introduction. [BALP 90] Hyperdocuments, hypertextes, hypermédias, Jean Pierre BALPE, Eyrolles, 1990. [BALP 92] Comment l'informatique donne du sens aux mots, Jean Pierre BALPE, in La Recherche, N°241, mars 1992. [BALP 95] L'écriture de la mémoire, Jean Pierre BALPE, in Le Plaisir des mots, Autrement, 1995. [BALP97] Hypertextes et Interactivité in Hypertextes et Hypermédias Vol. I, Jean Pierre BALPE, Hermès, 1997. [BARO 931 Développement d'un logiciel multimédia pour l'animation d'un présentateur synthétique, Philippe BARON et Thomas GALMICHE, Rapport de Maîtrise, Département informatique [BELL 93] Dialogue Homme-machine multimodal : vers la compréhension du geste de désignation, Nadia BELLALEM et Laurent ROMARY, Actes d'EC2, 1993.

[BERS 93] Golem (Le), Daniel BERESNIAK, Ed. [BERN 75] Des jeux et des hommes, Eric BERNE, Stock, 1975 [BETE 76] Psychanalyse des contes de fées, B. [BORG 56] La Bibliothèque de Babel, et autres nouvelles, J.L. [HALL 71] La Dimension cachée, E.T. BIBLIOGRAPHIE (extrait) L’université française gangrenée par le copier-coller. Mercredi 2 février 2011, par Arnaud Vojinovic Tags : Ali Aït Abdelmalek , Enseignant-chercheur , Geneviève Koubi , Gilles Guglielmi , Hélène Maurel-Indart , Jean-Noël Darde , Louise Peltzer , Michelle Bergadaà , Plagiat , Plagiat Le phénomène du plagiat devient une véritable industrie chez les thésards et les directeurs de recherche. Jean-Noël Darde (© I.Santi) Plusieurs affaires récentes de plagiats en milieu universitaire semblent démontrer une certaine passivité de la part de l’administration et des syndicats de l’université.

Surtout, toutes ces affaires recensées par le site de Jean-Noël Darde, maître de conférences à Paris VIII, Archéologie du « copier-coller soulignent les défaillances du système de jury et de validation : que faire lorsque les travaux d’un plagiaire avéré ont été validés par un titre ? Au fur et à mesure que les affaires éclatent, le phénomène semble n’épargner aucune université. Cannibalisation et pompage chez les hiérarques de l’université Repères : - tion. Plagiarism. PLAGIARISM. Sample Assignment: After reading the article below, write a paper (3 to 5 pages, maximum) explaining the topic of the article as you would to a friend in college who knows nothing about astronomy. 1) explain the general topic clearly, in your own style and in your own words. 2) discuss some specific information contained in the article Example: Source Article: "Probing the Milky Way's Black Heart," Science, 1998, vol 282, p 211 Background information about black holes from Pasachoff, chapter on black holes Source Article: Title: Probing the Milky Way's Black Heart.

Source: Science, 10/09/98, Vol. 282 Issue 5387, p211, 2p, 2c Author(s): Schilling, Govert Section: NEWS OF THE WEEK By Govert Schilling Astronomers have taken their closest look at the mysterious center of our galaxy--and uncovered a further mystery. Lies a black hole with a mass millions of times greater than the sun's. Black hole is invisible, but just outside it, electrons torn from matter radio waves. Source's structure. wavelength. C. Plagiarism - Center for Intellectual Property - UMUC.

Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism. Plagiarism Stoppers : A Teachers Guide. > Education > Secondary School Educators > Cheating and Education An annotated list of links about plagiarism, a result of the designated search. Cut-and-Paste Plagiarism: Preventing, Detecting and Tracking Online Plagiarism Hot linked essay on the titled topic. Downers Grove North High School Library Articulate and comprehensive guide for teachers concerned with the issue. Provides tips for detecting, training aids, links to paper mills, search services, and articles about plagiarism. Great free site for learning how or actually creating citations online which can be printed out or saved to disk.

Offers MLA and APA formats for inexpensive student subscription or administrator subscription services. Ethics 101: Cheating, Plagiarism, Site Evaluation -- Copyright and Your Students Great list of sites that are useful for educating students about the ethics involved with copyrights, cheating, and plagiarism. (Formerly "Librarians as an Integration Partner".) OVCR- Plagiarism - U of I. Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Plagiarism. Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism: The WPA Statement on Best Practices | Council of Writing Program Administrators. Download a PDF version of this document. Plagiarism has always concerned teachers and administrators, who want students’ work to repre­sent their own efforts and to reflect the outcomes of their learning. However, with the advent of the Internet and easy access to almost limitless written material on every conceivable topic, suspi­cion of student plagiarism has begun to affect teachers at all levels, at times diverting them from the work of developing students’ writing, reading, and critical thinking abilities.

This statement responds to the growing educational concerns about plagiarism in four ways: by defining plagiarism; by suggesting some of the causes of plagiarism; by proposing a set of respon­sibilities (for students, teachers, and administrators) to address the problem of plagiarism; and by recommending a set of practices for teaching and learning that can significantly reduce the likeli­hood of plagiarism. What Is Plagiarism? What are our Shared Responsibilities? Best Practices 1. Plagiarism Resource Site Home Page. About Online Plagiarism. The Threat of Plagiarism Plagiarism is a serious and growing problem on the Web. At any moment, anyone in the world can copy your online content and instantly paste it onto their own site.

After making minor changes, they will claim your content as their own. The Web is built on the hard work of honest people who devote their time and energy to creating original content. The global epidemic of content theft violates people's rights and discourages the creation of new web content. Copyscape was created as a free public service to address this growing problem.

Preventing Plagiarism As with many other things in life, it is best to prevent plagiarism before it happens. Detecting Plagiarism It is up to you to find out whether someone has copied your content without permission. Responding to Plagiarism If you discover that someone has stolen your content, it is best to act quickly. Understanding Your Rights Learning from Others More information on Copyscape is available here. Plagiarism. What is Plagiarism and Why is it Important? In college courses, we are continually engaged with other people’s ideas: we read them in texts, hear them in lecture, discuss them in class, and incorporate them into our own writing. As a result, it is very important that we give credit where it is due. Plagiarism is using others’ ideas and words without clearly acknowledging the source of that information. How Can Students Avoid Plagiarism? To avoid plagiarism, you must give credit whenever you use another person’s idea, opinion, or theory; any facts, statistics, graphs, drawings—any pieces of information—that are not common knowledge; quotations of another person’s actual spoken or written words; or paraphrase of another person’s spoken or written words.

These guidelines are taken from the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct. How to Recognize Unacceptable and Acceptable Paraphrases Here’s an UNACCEPTABLE paraphrase that is plagiarism: What makes this passage plagiarism? 1. 2. Plagiarism. Sharon Stoerger MLS, MBA Articles ~~ Copyright & Intellectual Freedom ~~ For Instructors ~~ For Students Plagiarism Case Studies ~~ Plagiarism Detection Tools ~~ Term Paper Sites--Examples Additional Plagiarism Resources ~~ Additional Ethics Resources Articles Actions Do Speak Louder than Words: Deterring Plagiarism with the Use of Plagiarism- Detection Software In the spring semester of 2000, Bear Braumoeller, an assistant professor of government at Harvard University and Brian Gaines, an associate professor of political science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) began their plagiarism study involving UIUC students taking Political Science 100: Introduction to Political Science.

This report details Braumoeller and Gaines' experience with the Essay Verification Engine, EVE, which they used to detect instances of plagiarism among the 180 students studied. Are More People Cheating? James M. Plagiarism. What this handout is about This handout explains what plagiarism is and outlines steps students can follow to avoid plagiarizing. What is plagiarism? At UNC, plagiarism is defined as “the deliberate or reckless representation of another’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s own without attribution in connection with submission of academic work, whether graded or otherwise.”

(Instrument of Student Judicial Governance, Section II.B.1.). Because it is considered a form of cheating, the Office of the Dean of Students can punish students who plagiarize with course failure and suspension. Why are my instructors so concerned about plagiarism? In order to understand plagiarism, it helps to understand the process of sharing and creating ideas in the university. Show that you have a clear understanding of the material you’ve read.Refer to your sources to support the ideas you have developed.Distinguish your analysis of what you’ve read from the authors’ analyses. What about “common knowledge”? Kate L.

Plagiat : test du site Un site ( a été constitué qui compare les travaux soumis à une base de données et met à contribution de nombreux moteurs de recherche pour évaluer globalement le degré d'originalité ou de plagiat d'un travail. Il ne s'agit pas d'une simple comparaison élémentaire. Les étapes sont décrites ici : Le maître enregistre la classe. Il paie par chèque et poste classique ( oui ça surprend!) (20$ pour 30 travaux, 0.5 $ par analyse ensuite) Quelques jours plus tard il reçoit un e-mail et son compte est validé Les travaux des étudiants sont chargés sur le site ils sont entrés sous le nom du pays, de l'établissement et enfin de l'enseignant (ils les mettent eux-même et doivent être identifiés par un N° personnel unique.

Le rapport lui-même est introduit : Un reçu électronique est produit (à conserver disent-ils, mais pourquoi ?) Il peut aller consulter le rapport d'analyse sur le WEB. Les Chroniques de Cybérie du 28 février 2001. Salutations à tous les Cybériens et Cybériennes! Cette Chronique n'est optimisée ni pour Netscape, ni pour Internet Explorer, elle l'est pour ses lecteurs et lectrices. Cette semaine... Procès Microsoft : plaidoiries finales Audiences très attendues, lundi et mardi, de la Cour d'appel du district de Columbia qui siégeait «en banc» dans la cause anti-trust du gouvernement américain contre la société Microsoft. Les sept juges ont entendu les deux parties s'exprimer sur les deux grands thèmes de cette cause, soit : la société Microsoft a-t-elle établi et maintenu un monopole en ayant recours à des pratiques anti-concurrence; la solution est-elle d'exiger le fractionnement de la société?

De plus, les juges ont entendu les deux parties, en fin d'audience mardi, sur le déroulement du procès et les commentaires publics du juge Thomas Penfield Jackson. Les procureurs de Microsoft étaient Richard Urowsky et Steven Holley du cabinet new-yorkais de Sullivan & Cromwell. Et pour la suite des choses? PRISM - Search Results. ASEE PRISM - American Society for Engineering Education - DECEMBER 2010 - Volume 20 | Number 4. EVE2 Plagiarism Detection for Teachers.

[DRÔLE D'EN-DROIT] Internet: Fraude et déontologie selon les acteurs universitaires. Archéologie du "copier-coller". PLAGIAT ] Plagiat. EncyclopédiesEncyclopédie de l'AgoraNotre devise: Vers le réel par le virtuel! Encyclopédie sur la mortL’encyclopédie sur la mort veut s'intéresser à ce phénomène sous ses multiples aspects et ses diverses modalités.Encyclopédie HomovivensEncyclopédie sur les transformations que l'homme opère en lui-même au fur et à mesure qu'il progresse dans la conviction que toute vie se réduit à la mécanique.Encyclopédie sur l'inaptitudeTout le monde en conviendra : c'est au sort qu'elle réserve aux plus vulnérables de ses membres que l'on peut juger de la qualité d'une société.

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