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Histoire WWII

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FFLSAS. Un livre du souvenir - Accueil - À la recherche d'une famille juive décimée en Pologne... [L'incorporation de force des jeunes d'Alsace et Moselle] 10/31/97 Arrival of Robert PAXTON, 65, historian. PAXTON: "As a historian, I've studied the Vichy administration since 1960. At the start from German documents, then from French official archives. I've never worked on departmental archives of the Gironde, and so I have no notes on Papon. I'm neither a specialist on the Gironde during the occupation nor of Papon's administrative career. I want to talk about the Vichy administration and describe the context in which he took part in the internment and extermination of Jews from 1940 to 1944.

I'll start with a first point which concerned the armistice. The duty of historians is to make a distinction between the constraints and the freedom of manoeuvre which existed even in an occupied country. France had an occupation strategy consisting of two parts. A new France was created: on July 17th, 1940 the first law was promulgated that one had to be the son of French and a French citizen to be a civil servant. The second part of Vichy policy was to play an important role in the new Europe. Me. HyperWar: World War II on the World Wide Web. Charles de Gaulle, le site de référence. Website. Pearl Harbor Revisited: U.S. Navy Communications Intelligence, 1. Appendix A Naval Messages Intercepted between 6 September and 4 December 1941 This appendix contains seventy-two selected Japanese naval messages intercepted between September and 4 December 1941 by Navy intercept sites at Hawaii, Guam, and Corregidor; these messages were not decoded and translated until September 1945-May 1946.

At the end of the appendix are three diplomatic messages pertaining to the crisis which were translated on 8 and 30 December 1941. The Japanese naval messages are part of a total of 26,581 Japanese dispatches examined by U.S. Navy cryptanalysts. The Japanese messages were originally discovered in a sanitized but unpublished group of 188 messages contained in a document obtained from the Navy Archives at Crane, Indiana by the then NSA Historian, Mr. Henry Schorreck. It is interesting to note that the work of decrypting and translating these messages occurred at the same time that the congressional investigation of the attack on Pearl Harbor was being conducted. Yamashita's Gold - Eyewitness Reveals Truth Of Fabulous WWII Hid. Biographie de dictateur - Francisco Franco (1892-1975) Francisco Paulino Hermenegildo Teódulo Franco y Bahamonde Salgado Pardo de Andrade, plus couramment appelé général Franco (né le 4 décembre 1892 à Ferrol (Galice) en Espagne, décédé le 20 novembre 1975 à Madrid en Espagne) était un militaire et le chef de l'État espagnol de 1939 à 1975, présidant un gouvernement autoritaire et dictatorial avec le titre de Caudillo : « Generalísimo Francisco Franco, caudillo de España por la gracia de Dios ».

Jeunesse et formation Franco naît à El Ferrol, un port de Galice. Véritable ghetto militaire, El Ferrol est un milieu fortement marqué par la tradition militaire et le dévouement à l'État, où la famille Franco vit depuis sept générations. Son père, Nicolás Franco Salgado-Araujo, est intendant général de la Marine. Coureur de jupons, il n'est pas à l'aise dans le milieu très conservateur de El Ferrol. Sa mère, Pilar Bahamonde y Pardo de Andrade, est une femme très pieuse, très attachée à ses enfants.

Carrière militaire Au Maroc À la Légion Toponymie. Sennecey 1944. Douglas Valentine: Gold Warriors: the Plundering of Asia. Gold Warriors is more than a book about Japan’s "serious, sober and deliberate" plundering of Asia’s treasure from 1895 until 1945, and its collusion after the war with American officials to recover and use the loot as a secret political action slush fund to promote right wing regimes: Gold Warriors:America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold is a journey into the darkest recesses of history and the human soul. Authors Peggy and Sterling Seagrave not only unravel one of the greatest crimes and cover-ups ever, they reveal something new and startling about the depths of human depravity and barbarity, and the human capacity for deceit.

The book begins in 1895 with a fascinating account of the grisly assassination of Korea’s Queen Min by terrorists posing as business agents of Japanese companies. The clever coup d’etat provides Japan with official deniability, and the confusion that follows provides the Japanese with a pretext for its military occupation and plundering of Korea. Spanish Civil War History. La Seconde Guerre mondiale. Eben-Emael - Le plus puissant fort de guerre d'Europe - Belgique.