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Books of art. The books we had as kids.

Books of art

Those three-dimensional. Every time I opened one I was thrown into that world, almost as if I could actually walk around those streets, enter the rooms of the castle or swim in that crystal clear sea full of colorful fish. The works of Isaac Salazar brought to my mind these feelings. An artist who, carving and folding the pages of old books, creates real sculptures of paper. Regarding the use of old books, Isaac says he likes to take an object destined to end up in landfills and turn it into art, and his art to help reduce waste, according to his lifestyle, environmentally and recycling friendly. TUBI garden. Des idées pour réutiliser le marc de café ! Le café constitue la boisson la plus quotidienne des français après l’eau !

Des idées pour réutiliser le marc de café !

Cependant, sa consommation laisse derrière lui une quantité importante de résidus servant à l’infusion : le marc de café. Souvent jeté à la poubelle, ce déchet recèle de bienfaits naturels pour l’entretien de la maison, du jardin ou encore de la peau. Agir pour la Planète vous propose 20 conseils pour le réutiliser. La caféine est réputée par ses bienfaits dynamisants ! Elle brûle les graisses, favorise la décongestion des tissus. Des cheveux plus brillants ! Combattre les cernes. Un gommage doux pour le visage. Un bon anti cellulite. Se débarrasser des peaux mortes. Masque pour le visage. Soigner une foulure. From Beerbox To Toolbox 2.0. Beer is always been a great source of inspiration to me.

From Beerbox To Toolbox 2.0

So here again. In this I'ble I'm going to show you how you can easily make a custom heavy duty toolbox from a plastic beerbox. A few years ago I already made such a thing, using two beerboxes. It's still in use, of course, since it's very sturdy. It's made by me. It's just a bit, well, too sturdy (read: heavy) and so I decided to make another one with (another) one of my favorite beer brands.

Yes, in Belgium our beerboxes are still made from plastic and they are veeery tough - there are even guys who make whole houses with it! Plumbing Furniture: 12 DIY Fixtures Made of Pipes & Fittings. No, the other kind of plumbing fixtures – you know: lights, coat racks and the like.?

Plumbing Furniture: 12 DIY Fixtures Made of Pipes & Fittings

Faucets, sinks, toilets and showers are usually all we see of our household plumbing – end caps to an incredible network of hidden tubes and joints that supply us with water every day (and then drain it away again). Made to bend, twist and yet stand the test of time, plumbing pipes and fittings are just begging to be made into other kinds of furnishings and fixtures (less utilitarian than those in your bathroom and kitchen walls). Steel, copper or brass, these can be crafted to have various engaging results as long as you are comfortable with a slight touch of Steampunk-style industrial design around the home.? Sure, companies like DEMO will sell you pre-designed versions and you can find free plans for PVC pipe furniture in various places, but part of the fun is in the building process – which is also where some of the best ideas can come to you as well. Making Crafty Fridge Magnets.


Colle de riz. La colle de riz est connue depuis toujours en Asie.

Colle de riz

Recyclage création d'objets déco - Idée récup déco avec des emballages. Pour mes enfants, le pansement a toujours eu des vertus miracles, à la fois réconfortantes et apaisantes surtout ceux avec un motif.

Recyclage création d'objets déco - Idée récup déco avec des emballages

En plus de cacher le bobo de la vue de l'enfant, le petit décor figurant sur le pansement (surtout s'il s'agit d'un personnage qu'ils affectionnent) permet d'effacer les dernières traces de chagrin et aussi quelque part de détourner l'attention dudit malheur! Et malheur à moi, si je leur (surtout le petit) présente un pansement uni! Ma préoccupation en tant que maman, et comme beaucoup de mamans, est de trouver un produit efficace, qui résiste à l'eau, qui ne se décolle pas au moindre mouvement, mais qui malgré tout s'enlève sans douleur... et qui satisfasse en même temps les desiderata des enfants.

Ca en fait des critères! Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques ont bien compris cette demande et y répondent favorablement en proposant des produits efficaces adaptés aux préférences des petits. Testés et approuvés par mes enfants et mes nièces pendant les vacances. The Ultimate DIY Library: 100 Blogs to Help You Build or Make Anything - Top Online Engineering Degree. Do-It-Yourself projects appeal to a plethora of demographics, making them an aspect of society that brings together a diverse section of society.

The Ultimate DIY Library: 100 Blogs to Help You Build or Make Anything - Top Online Engineering Degree

Some enjoy the sense of pride that comes with hard work and creativity, others enjoy the challenge and self-improvement aspect of cobbling together their own necessities. Some do it to save money, others appreciate the anti-establishment underpinnings of independence. And, of course, many adherents to the DIY movement stick to any combination of these potential motivations. The following blogs cover many different subsets of the lifestyle – from technology to fashion and almost anything in between. DIY projects from recycled materials! Fiches récup', l'actu nouveautés et tendances sur Deco.