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NovelVista Learning Solution - an Accredited Training Organization (ATO), is a professional training certification provider, helping professionals across the industry to develop skills and expertise to get recognition and growth in the corporate world. We’re one of the leading training providers and gradually spreading our training facility amongst candidates based at different geographies.
How Much Does PRINCE2 Certification cost in 2020? NovelVista Last updated 22/05/2020 Are you Prince2 Certified yet?
If not, then why so? In the back of your mind, is this thought going on: “What if I don’t earn that good after spending so much?”? To answer that, let us tell you Prince2 is most adored among every organization when it comes to Project Management. SU (Starting Up a project)IP (Initiating a Project)DP (Directing a Project)CS (Controlling a Stage)MP (Managing Product Delivery)SB (Managing a Stage Boundary)CP (Closing a Project) Prince2 has always gained much more attention than any other project management methodologies like MSP and PMP.
So now comes the next question, how much does a Prince2 Certification actually cost? Components in Prince2 Certification: Prince2 Certification can be a tough nut to crack. You might think, watching a few youtube videos or online PDFs can help you out. Hence, Prince 2 certification is divided into two main components- Prince2 Training and Prince2 Certification. Top 20 Interview Questions On Shell Scripting In 2020. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 You have heard of Shell Scripting before, right?
The shell script is a computer program or command-line interpreter that is specially designed to be run by the Unix shell. So the best part about writing a shell script is the commands and syntax are exactly similar to those that were directly entered at the command-line. The programmers don’t need to switch to a totally different syntax, like they would have done while working with a different language, or while using a compiled language.
Writing a shell script happens faster than writing an equivalent code in other programming languages. Top 20 Java Questions To Crack An Interview In 2020. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 How important is a programming language?
If you are not a caveman, you probably know the answer to this. Top 20 GIT Interview Questions And Answers For 2020. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 Be it cloud computing, or DevOps, even Project Management, GIT is probably the best source code management tool of this era.
According to Wikipedia, 42.9% of professional software developers reported that they use Git as their primary source-control system compared to 36.3% in 2013, and 32% in 2012 and 12.8% in 2011. You see, the number is increasing day by day. Isn’t it? So, if you had queries about why you need to learn GIT, that’s clear with these statistics. With various extensions like git-annex, git-flow, git-machete, and many more, GIT definitely is stealing the show. Top 20 Kubernetes Interview Questions For 2020. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 What are the tools you need to know about when you are applying for a DevOps interview?
Just few days back, we spoke about Docker. But what else? In our blog “8 best DevOps tools in 2020 to bridge the two worlds”, we mentioned that Kubernetes is the most talked-about tool of DevOps world. Currently, 9,507 organizations across the world are using Kubernetes. 1. 2. Kubernetes is an open-source container management tool that is responsible for container deployment, scaling & descaling of containers & load balancing. 3. Docker is the source of the lifecycle management of containers. 4. When all the services in a container work together to fulfill the needs of a single server, that is called container orchestration. 5. The interesting features of Kubernetes are: Automated schedulingSelf-healing capabilitiesAutomated rollout and rollbacksHorizontal scaling and role balancing 6.
Top 20 Hadoop Questions To Crack An Interview. NovelVista.
Top 20 Python Interview Questions For 2020. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 We all know that Python came on board first in 1991.
Hence you might ask, how come a 2 decades old programming language is still so much important for so many technologies? Or, is it even that important to learn about Python? Top 20 Questions For Docker Interview In 2020. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 “There are a loads of tools and software that organizations tend to use when they adopt a DevOps culture.
Why should I particularly learn about Docker?” You might start thinking that when you read the title of this blog. What is the ITIL v4 Certification Cost in India? Top 25 AWS Interview Question To Prepare For. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 The pre-appearing phase of an interview is a bit tricky.
Don’t you think? You study the nook and corners of each and every topic, you get trained properly to answer all the questions, you keep memorizing everything in your head over and over again. 5 Skills To Learn From Our Ethical Hacking Certification Course. NovelVista Last updated 07/05/2020 What makes you quickly get a job if a particular certification is added on your resume?
What makes being certified so special and out of the box? Well, it is like the 1st campus interview you attend back in your final year of college. All of you solved the same test, went through the same coding test, but when the personal interview round arrived, your class toper stole the show by making it with just 2 or 3 answers whereas the rest of you got grilled for at least half an hour. The answer is pretty simple. In our previous blog “Certified Ethical Hacker: The Dark Knight of Technology” we mentioned the skills that are needed to become an ethical hacker. 1. Top 20 Microsoft Azure Questions For Your Next Interview. NovelVista Last updated 19/06/2020 What’s being called a ‘Super OS’ in over 54 regions across the world?
We all know the answer to this question. It’s Microsoft Azure. Need not we say, Microsoft Azure is the most in-trend platform when it comes to cloud dependant workspace. And as Microsoft Azure has been spreading its wings day by day, big organizations worldwide, too, are being Azure centric more than ever. Now the question is, if you are applying for an interview to work as an Azure professional, what are the questions you should prepare for?
1. Ans. Top 5 Skills Required To Become A Digital Transformation Officer. Top 5 Skills Required To Become A Digital Transformation Officer. NovelVista Last updated 24/04/2020 Is Digital Transformation Officer a job role worth taking up? If you would have asked this same question a few years ago, our answer would have been “Maybe, maybe not”. Because just a decade ago, we could not even imagine that technology would be a blessing in disguise for organizational growth. Think about yourself. In our previous blog “Digital Transformation: The Unsung Hero During COVID-19 Pandemic” we discussed how COVID 19 has been aa blessing in disguise throughout. With the rapid change of the global market and increasing customer demand, the responsibilities of Digital Transformation Officers as well are expanding day by day.
How does Agile Look When Blended In Cloud Computing? NovelVista Last updated 12/03/2020 Agile is a mindset or a set of values that helps any organization to work in a flexible way. Cloud Computing is a technology that deals with the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power. The question is, what do they have to do with each other? Well, let us explain this with the help of fiction. Similarly, Agile and Cloud Computing might be two different terms, but they complement each other. In this blog, we are going to tell you about the pinpoints where Agile and Cloud Computing complement each other, how to apply agile development methodology in cloud computing and the benefits of this amazing combination. Logo.