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iFind. Resources | Char Lab. ← Back to Resources Introduction The primary measurement resource for parametric test is the source/monitor unit or SMU. This is also sometimes referred to as source/measurement unit, although acronym ends up the same. The SMU can force voltage or current simultaneously measure voltage and/or current. There are variety of different SMUs. The most common SMU is the medium-power SMU (MPSMU); as the name implies this SMU can supply moderate levels of voltage and current ( ±100V and ±100mA) and current measurement resolution down to 10fA.

Figure : Simplified SMU Schematic SMU Operation modes and Settings SMUs have three basic modes of operation: voltage source, current source and common. Compliance Settings SMUs have the ability to specify the compliance setting. Measurement Ranging Measurement ranging is intimately interrelated with measurement accuracy and resolution.

Selecting one or more resistors via these relay switches places the SMU into a given measurement range. Integration Time. Go inside a PXI source-measure unit | TMW. Generation recombination of electron hole pairs in semiconductors. Generation of eh pairs:The generation is classified according to the energy supplied to the valence electronsto raise them to the conduction band and creating eh pairs available for coeducation into:- Thermal generation,-photo generation,-impact ionization, and-Field emission. -The thermal generation is always present whenever the temperature of the material is greater than zero kelvin. It sets the intrinsic concentration of the mobile carriers in the material.

It affects the reverse saturation currents in the junctions and sets the maximum operating temperature of devices. Thermistors as a temperature sensors are based on the thermal generation. -The phtogeneration is the basis of the photocoductors,photodiodes , photo transisrors and photothyristor an addition to the solar cells and more applications. -Impact ionization sets the breakdown voltage in the devices and it is utilised in the operation of the zener diode and the avalanche photo diode. dn/dt = \tau^{-1} n(t) Best,Deniz.


Research. Basrelief sculpture "Research holding the torch of knowledge" (1896) by Olin Levi Warner. Library of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C. Forms of research[edit] Scientific research relies on the application of the scientific method, a harnessing of curiosity. This research provides scientific information and theories for the explanation of the nature and the properties of the world.

Research in the humanities involves different methods such as for example hermeneutics and semiotics, and a different, more relativist epistemology. Artistic research, also seen as 'practice-based research', can take form when creative works are considered both the research and the object of research itself. Etymology[edit] Definitions[edit] Research has been defined in a number of different ways. Another definition of research is given by Creswell who states that - "Research is a process of steps used to collect and analyze information to increase our understanding of a topic or issue". EndNote | Thomson Reuters.

Designing your research methodology.