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Animations sur le cinéma. ANIMATIONS SUR LE CINEMA ZOOTROPE: Créé en 1833 par William Horner, le Zootrope est un cylindre percé de fentes dans lequel est placé une bande d'un mouvement découpé.

animations sur le cinéma

A chaque fente correspond un dessin. Lorsque le tout se met à tourner, en regardant par les fentes, on a l'impression que les images se suivent sans rupture. de travail/lecture ludique/lecture ludique- folioscope.

Maths, Flash & Tni - a- Le folioscope. Comment faire un folioscope de base avec flash ? Voir la source de ce fla : Pour info : Le folioscope du latin : folium, la feuille et du grec : skopein, examiner. Mes idees d'animations TIC, Créer des Flip book - Folioscope. Exemples de Flip Book. Looking Glass est une interface utilisateur graphique 3D, intuitive et conviviale, qui fonctionne actuellement sur Sun Solaris, Linux et Microsoft Windows.

Exemples de Flip Book

Elle est développée par Sun - en étroite collaboration avec la communauté Open source - comme un nouveau paradigme succédant à celui de l’ensemble des interfaces 2D actuelles, tous systèmes confondus. En bref, c’est l’abandon des multiples fenêtres en deux dimensions superposées les unes aux autres pour faire place aux multiples fenêtres 3D dynamiques et translucides toutes visibles simultanément dans un environnement tridimensionnel interactif. 10 jolis thaumatropes à fabriquer. Crédit photo Rakka Un thaumatrope est un jouet basé sur une illusion d’optique, du fait de la persistance rétinienne.

10 jolis thaumatropes à fabriquer

Il s’agit d’un disque illustré sur ses deux faces et sur lequel sont accrochées deux élastiques ou deux petites ficelles, de part et d’autre. En faisant tourner entre le pouce et l’index ces ficelles, le disque tourne sur lui-même et les deux dessins se confondent. Il est très facile d’en confectionner, et les exemples abondent sur le web. Thaumatrope Reine Victoria coeurs par FiveAndNineteen. Thaumatrope. Alice et le chat de Cheshire. par Champignons. Projet de groupe. We were set in a group, mixing all pathways and given a brief with the word "Kinetic", we were free to respond to this how we liked.I’ve really enjoyed the project and am really pleased with the outcome.

Projet de groupe

Baisers thaumatrope. A few years ago, I thought that it would be so fun to make Joe a kissing thaumatrope for Valentine's Day.

Baisers thaumatrope

Like so many of my BRILLIANT ideas, I promptly forgot all about it. Until recently, when I saw this thaumatrope-on-a-stick on Made by Joel, and it reminded me that I had to try it. Even though they're not done, I'm showing you my work in progress now, just in case you want to use this idea to make your very own thaumatrope valentines. Are you wondering what I am talking about? Faites vos Photos Déplacez-vous avec un thaumatrope. Thauma-what?

Faites vos Photos Déplacez-vous avec un thaumatrope

Sounds Greek to us… Well, opa! It is. “Thauma” is Greek for magic, and “trope” means something that turns. Animation - Créer un Zoetrope. ZOETROPE- “Wheel of Life” When a person sees an object, the eye and the brain keep the image for a fraction of a second after the object is gone.

Animation - Créer un Zoetrope

When the eye sees a succession of still images at a quick enough speed, the brain links them together. This effect is used in motion picture devices to create the appearance of continuous movement. Animation - Créer un Flipbook. FLIP BOOK- A Pocket Movie A flip book consist of a set of still pictures showing progressive stages of movement.

Animation - Créer un Flipbook

Each is picture is drawn near the edge of the index card so that when the cards are stacked evenly and flipped with the thumb, a moving image can be seen. You will need: a stack of 3”x5” blank index cards a thick rubber band to hold the cards together a black magic marker (if you want to add color, darker colors work best) Helpful Hint: It may help to sketch out your movie idea before drawing your pictures on the index cards. Directions With your idea in mind, draw each stage of the movement or action on a separate index card until your movie is complete. It takes about 16 flip cards to make one second of movie. It is possible to make 4 flip books from each set of cards. Animation - Créer un Phenakistoscope. PHENAKISTOSCOPE- “To Cheat” Spin the disk with the pictures facing a mirror and look at the reflection through the slots.

Animation - Créer un Phenakistoscope

The pictures look like they move. Why? The slots allow for your eye to see a quick glimpse of the pictures, each of which is read separately. But the image of the picture stays there long enough for it to merge with the next picture in the sequence. Animation - Créer un thaumatrope. THAUMATROPE- “The Spinning Wonder” When your eye sees an object, it holds on to a picture of that object for a fraction of a second while it “talks” with the brain- this is why sometimes you see an object for a split second after it is gone.

Animation - Créer un thaumatrope

This phenomenon is known as Persistence of Vision. As you spin the Thaumatrope disc, you can see each picture long enough to have two images merge into one. You will need: thin piece of cardboard hole punch pencil scissors glue string Directions: Cut both discs out and glue together for thickness (pictures facing out and top sides up). Animations sur le cinéma.