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Qui sont les Parents 3.0 ? Le blog Parents 3.0 est édité par Laurence Bee, journaliste, auteur de plusieurs ouvrages sur les usages numériques.

Qui sont les Parents 3.0 ?

Jouer à Elementals: The Magic Key en Ligne. Web - A look inside... Take a look inside Quia Web You teach — we've got the rest.

Web - A look inside...

What is Quia? Quia is pronounced key-ah, and is short for Quintessential Instructional Archive. Quia provides a wide variety of tools, including: Templates for creating 16 types of online activities, including flashcards, word search, battleship, challenge board, and cloze exercises. Quia activities are designed with different learning styles in mind to suit the needs of all your students. Navigating Quia The left-hand navigation bar puts all of Quia's educational tools at your fingertips. Learning - Company Information.

We are passionate about creating and supporting the best educational technology possible.

Learning - Company Information

We develop first-of-their-kind products used by millions of learners, from children to adults. Learn more We are a technology company. What we value > Innovating education is our mission. Parents. Online games for children, fun games, puzzle, adventure… Jeux pour enfants : site de jeux éducatifs enfants 6 - 12 ans. Conditions de vente. Devoirs de vacances - Scolarité enfants - Soutien scolaire et aide aux devoirs - Femmes débordées. Business & Revenue Model Examples. Business Model of Doorsteps Doorsteps sells its online service via a subscription fee to agents and loan offices, but also takes a commission on services of other service providers, whom receive leads through the platform.

Business & Revenue Model Examples

Business Model of Patients Like Me Patients like me offers a free health community service to its users. They make money by selling the data, generated by the community, to pharmaceutical companies. Business Model of Kaggle Kaggle makes money in two ways: With Kaggle competition, they receive a “listening fee”for each competition posted on the platform. Business Model of Friendsurance Friendsurance works as a broker between Policy Holders and existing Insurance Partners. Business Model of Gympact With the motivational service for free, GymPact takes a cut when they pay out to members who successfully met their Pact. Business model of Narrative Selling camera devices ($279) + subscription service on the data storage system ($9/month). Business model of 3D Hubs. Social product development.

Soutien scolaire, cours de maths, cours d’anglais : Educastream réinvente le soutien scolaire ! Votre agence à Aix-en-Provence. 0€: Soutien scolaire 100% pris en charge par votre CE ou entreprise - Prof Express. Communiqués de presse, Maxicours vu par les médias. Edwige Antier : Les cahiers de vacances, oui mais... Rassurant pour les parents, le cahier de vacances l’est souvent beaucoup moins pour les enfants.

Edwige Antier : Les cahiers de vacances, oui mais...

S’il peut s’avérer un outil agréable pour ces derniers, il peut aussi vite basculer dans la catégorie des objets détestés, si l’on force l’enfant à l’utiliser de façon abusive. Jobs & internships – join our team! Would you fit in our team?

Jobs & internships – join our team!

Check our DNA & core values to see if you could survive in our team. If you tick all the boxes but miss some experience, you could try to convince us of a an internship. Just get in touch! Business Designer/Innovation Consultant Can you help corporates innovate like startups? Become part of our team and get the responsibility to manage strategic innovation projects for big organisations. You’ll be responsible for managing innovation projects for our clients from start to finish. In order to reach this goal you decide when to organize brainstorms, bootcamp sessions, how to involve the internal innovation team at the client and so on.

Desired Skills & Experience According to your expertise and background we can discuss how you can grow with and within our company. Interested? Don’t waste time writing extensive, high-level motivation letters. PS: Keep your CV ready for uploading! Why IXL? At IXL our core philosophy is that, given the proper environment, every child is capable of learning.

Why IXL?

On this steadfast foundation, we have built the ultimate focused learning environment—free of distractions and packed with meaningful challenges: a place where every moment is spent really learning math. IXL is an environment where guessing is not an option, and success is earned through hard work and genuine understanding of each concept. To facilitate this deeper level of learning, every skill on IXL has been designed to engage kids' minds. We approach each math topic from multiple angles, appealing to the right and the left brain, offering visual representations, word problems, interactive activities and more. By the time children have mastered a skill, their understanding of that concept is solid.

While IXL provides a serious and focused environment to learn math, it's also a fun place to be. To see more of what makes IXL a place where real learning can happen, click here. California fourth-grade math standards. Brain Games & Brain Training. 2ème version française de Kanban et Scrum. La traduction en français du mini-livre "Kanban et Scrum" de Kniberg et Skarin, sous-titrée "tirer le meilleur des deux" a été déjà été téléchargée plus de 1000 fois dans la version publiée il y a un mois.

2ème version française de Kanban et Scrum

L'équipe de traduction a fait une deuxième itération pour traduire également les illustrations et améliorer sensiblement la qualité du français, avec l'objectif de rendre la lecture -encore- plus facile. Vous trouverez cette nouvelle version sur InfoQ et sur les sites des traducteurs, donc en pièce jointe à ce billet. Nous n'avons pas prévu de 3ème version. Mais nous sommes à l'écoute de votre feedback, peut-être maintenant plus sur le fond que sur la forme. N'hésitez pas à vous exprimer sur le formulaire de contact mis à disposition par Antoine. Investir en direct dans les PME de croissance. Ideas Voice. Dress-Me.