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Temas principales | Cochrane Training. Estas presentaciones incluyen los materiales didácticos utilizados en el taller 'Introducción a la escritura de una revisión Cochrane'. Consisten en una introducción a los métodos principales utilizados por la mayoría delas revisiones sistemáticas Cochrane de intervenciones. Las presentaciones han sido desarrolladas por Cochrane Training y aprobadas por los Grupos Cochrane de Métodos pertinentes. Las presentaciones se han actualizado en diciembre de 2012 para incluir las últimasnormas MECIR (Expectativas Metodológicas de las Revisiones Cochrane de Intervenciones). Las diapositivas se ofrecen en español, pero las notas que acompañan a cada diapositiva están en Inglés. Gracias también al Centro Cochrane Iberoamericano (España), en especial a Jesús López-Alcalde, que coordinó la traducción de los materiales, y a Maroussia Tzanova por su apoyo administrativo. How your Conference Presentation Goes.

Coming Soon - Stay tuned for a BIG announcement about an awesome project Jorge is working on! PHD Store - Our store was down for a while, but now it is back! Free excerpt from The PHD Movie 2! - Watch this free clip from the movie that Nature called "Astute, funny"! Watch the new movie! - The PHD Movie 2 screenings are in full swing! Check out the schedule to catch the screening nearest you. Filming is done! Coming to Campuses this Fall! The Science Gap - Watch Jorge's TEDx Talk: Profile for jordivc. Excelencia clínica. The Scientific Method, Science, Research and Experiments. Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice. This tutorial is intended for any health care practitioner or student who needs a basic introduction to the principles of Evidence-Based Practice. Upon completion of this self-paced tutorial, you will be able to: define Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)identify the parts of a well-built clinical questionidentify searching strategies that could improve PubMed searchingidentify key critical appraisal issues that help determine the validity of a study How to use this Tutorial This tutorial includes five major units.

Within this tutorial, you have several opportunities to follow links to other Web sites. We hope this tutorial will be easy to use as well as give you a foundation for Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Allow approximately 1 hour to complete the tutorial and 1 practice case. Use the Print Guide link at the bottom of the page to print this guide.

Reviewed and Revised June 2013 Credits: Training & Education > Welcome. Evidence Based Practice. Getting Started in Physiotherapy Research. A-2. The research question should be relevant and significant, serving someuseful purpose. You as the primary researcher need to believe that the topic is really important and interesting. Envision the possible results and clearly state how you willuse the results. In other words if the results show a certain finding you will dosomething but if they show something else you will do another thing. Too often, thisstep is assumed but not clarified. The research question should be novel and add to the profession's body of knowledge.

If the question has already been clearly answered by other researchersthen you are probably wasting time and money if you continue. A-4. For your first project choose something that is simple and you arevery certain that you can accomplish. A-5. Define your population with measurable identifiers,design your intervention so that it is measurable and ensure that your outcome(s) aremeasurable with valid, reliable and responsive tools or questionnaires. References: 1. Research Project. When Should I Use Qualitative Vs. Quantitative Research? Research Methods. Physiotherapy Research International. Physiotherapy Research Update. Everyone's library.