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API_Mag : #REST vs #SOAP from @layer7... REST.


Articles/etc | Protocols - REST. Articles/etc | Protocols - REST. HATEOAS. Basics. Architecture. REST. REST. DZone REST Reference Card. Web Services : SOAP, REST, XML, JSON. ZapThink on REST in Cloud Arch. Scalable Reliable Secure REST. The Secret to a RESTful Cloud. If you’ve been following ZapThink for the last few years, you know we’re talking less about SOA and more about REST and Cloud.

The Secret to a RESTful Cloud

Not that there’s anything wrong with SOA — we’re simply focusing on the current challenges organizations face when building agile architectures. So, it should come as no surprise that we finally write a ZapFlash on RESTful Clouds. You might think the story we have to tell about RESTful Clouds has to do with RESTful APIs to the Cloud.