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Mashup Tech

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What is Web 2.0? If you surf the Web design sites these days, you can't help but find references to Web 2.0. This is the new and revolutionary change that is sweeping the Web and allowing users to interact with the data available there in ways we never dreamed possible 10 years ago. But is this really the case? How much of Web 2.0 is just marketing hype and how much of it is actually new? What is Web 2.0 Originally in 2004, Web 2.0 was referred to as this idea of the "Web as a platform".

The concept was such that instead of thinking of the Web as a place where browsers viewed data through small windows on the readers' screens, the Web was actually the platform that allowed people to get things done. Later people started thinking of Web 2.0 as the programming tools used to create the Web pages that were considered "cutting edge Web 2.0". Now Web 2.0 is really starting to mean a combination of the technology (like AJAX) allowing the customers to actually interact with the information. No. Enterprise Mashups Part II. Enterprise Mashups Part I. Abstract: Forrester Research predicts that mashups will be a $682 million industry in the next 5 years [REF-1].

But can you define mashups? Can you describe the value of mashups to an SOA architect or even a business user? Can you outline the relationship between mashups and existing enterprise technology? Knowing the answers to these questions will advance you well down the road to embracing the concepts and techniques behind mashups in your organization. This three-part series will help you get a head start by discussing the gritty details. In Part 1 we'll define a mashup in the context of the enterprise, contrast it against other common data integration technologies, and outline some of the more important architectural elements.

Introduction: What's a Mashup? Everyone seems to have a gut "feel" for the term, but many can't seem to put their finger on it. User-Centric Mashups are always for the end-user and often created by the user themselves. Micro-Combinations. Why Mashups = (REST + ‘Traditional SOA’) * Web 2.0 : Blog the web. All that would change now is the HTTP action parameter. This would basically equate to the database transaction or (CRUD Action - Create, Read, Update or Delete) that is wanted to be performed: RESTful web services have open been mentioned as alternatives to 'Traditional SOA' (SOAP / XML-RPC), however, I believe they need to work hand-in-hand to provide a mix of sources for Mashups (and Mashup editors) . With web services that are generally SOAP-based, the request and response are hidden. SOAP requests must be interpreted as they are received at the server to determine the operation to perform and the arguments required to perform that operation.

Therefore, the REST service architecture shows itself as a much more simpler, more standardized in terms of CRUD-style applications and is very similar to the HTTP protocol. Same result, different views What I am trying to conclude at is that you will need both for effective mashups. To get the best result - you need both. Michael_Bolin_Thesis_Chickenfoot. Mashup business scenarios and patterns: Part 1. Editor's note: Know a lot about this topic? Want to share your expertise? Participate in the IBM Lotus software wiki program today. Introduction The use of mashups to address enterprise needs has progressed in the adoption curve to the point where the growth rate is becoming exponential. The technology is being leveraged by many industries to address unique business scenarios utilizing common usage and architectural patterns. More times than not, a solution for one industry can be deployed horizontally to cover other industries with similar needs.

The differences in the mashup solutions are the roles of the users and the data sets being aggregated to create unique value. The design and architectural options of mashups are determined by the mashup platform chosen for implementation. Figure 1. Back to top Enterprise mashups implemented as situation applications are a newer style of mashups that are used for specific business purposes. Mashup business scenarios Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4.

Mashup Enablers and Solutions

Mashup (web application hybrid) A mashup, in web development, is a web page, or web application, that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service displayed in a single graphical interface. For example, you could combine the addresses and photographs of your library branches with a Google map to create a map mashup.[1] The term implies easy, fast integration, frequently using open application programming interfaces (open API) and data sources to produce enriched results that were not necessarily the original reason for producing the raw source data. The term mashup originally comes from British - West Indies slang meaning to be intoxicated, or as a description for something or someone not functioning as intended.

In recent American English parlance it can refer to music, where people seamlessly combine audio from one song with the vocal track from another—thereby mashing them together to create something new. The term isn't formally defined by any standard-setting body.[2]