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Vijay Singal

Vijay Singal, a former bureaucrat, is an eminent author in the field of spirituality, philosophy, psychology and religion. He writes both in Hindi and in English. His first book 'Behind Psychology : Searching for the Roots' was published in the year 2002. Since then, he has authored many books on various subjects.

Why You Must Know About Spiritualism And Yoga Sutras? Spiritualism — a quest for something holy — is an undeniably significant theme to individuals today.

Why You Must Know About Spiritualism And Yoga Sutras?

People approach the domain of spirituality through religion, contemplation, yoga, and even close to home reflection. In an ongoing report directed in my lab, we researched the individual and cultural advantages of spiritualism by inspecting members’ reactions to more than 30 studies. Spiritual individuals are benevolent. Brain research has shown that offering thanks is related to numerous positive feelings, for example, hopefulness, being liberal with time and assets, and by and large essentialness. Spirituality urges individuals to be sure; who might be communicated in a large number of this life rehearses. Spiritual individuals are empathetic Encountering empathy toward others is probably the most grounded correspond with carrying on with spiritual life. Spiritual individuals thrive Do you have an inclination that your yoga practice is deficient with regard to something?

Bhagavad Gita - An Introduction (Blog 16) - Bhagavad Gita, one of the most revered scriptures of Hindus is also an important philosophical treatise.

Bhagavad Gita - An Introduction (Blog 16) -

It relates not to any particular sect of Hindus, but to Hinduism as a whole. Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavad Geeta, Vijay The epic story of Mahabharata is commonplace to every last one.

Bhagavad Gita, Bhagavad Geeta, Vijay

Particularly the well-known musings and statements from Bhagwad Gita are pertinent the world over. Bhagwad Gita as a book has many musings and genuine advice given by Lord Krishna to warrior Arjuna. So what are the main 15 advantages of perusing Bhagwad Gita? Here it is: 1) Brings genuine feelings of serenity 2) Teaches important exercises to youngsters just as grown-ups 3) Instills solid esteem framework in kids 4) Acts as a Management direct all around 5) Teaches us rules of the war 6) Guides us to go to bat for what is correct 7) Allows us to improve our scholarly aptitudes 8) Allows adequate space for understanding and discussion 9) Explains the significance of dharma when contrasted with dharma 10) Tells us about what the world is about.

Vijay Singal: About The Bhagavad Gita by Vijay Singal. It needs to be appreciated that the first shloka of Bhagavad Gita starts with the word ‘dharamakshetre’ which implies that all the teachings of Gita are within the parameters of dharma i.e. the righteous way of Iiving.

Vijay Singal: About The Bhagavad Gita by Vijay Singal

The message of Gita is not sectarian in nature. The wisdom revealed by the Lord himself applies equally to everyone without any distinction of gender, caste or creed. In this regard, it also needs to be clarified that Gita does not promote caste system. BHAGAVAD GITA — A BALANCED LIFESTYLE - Vijay Singal - Medium. Gita has cautioned that excess of everything is bad.


Extremism is abhorred in Gita.Lord Krishna in shlokas 6.16 and 6.17 states that those who are in the habit of eating or sleeping too much, or too little, cannot succeed in the practice of yoga. All sorrows of those who are regulated in eating, sleeping, waking and recreation; and perform their duties diligently, are mitigated by the practice of yoga. Though these two shlokas are placed below the shlokas dealing with the meditation, they are certainly relevant for the yoga as a whole i.e. all the paths of self-realization.

Thus, it is clear that Krishna has recommended moderate approach in every sphere of life — a balance in activities such as eating, sleeping and recreation. As far as action is concerned, it has already been stated in shloka 2.47 that one should never be attached to inaction. Bhagavad Gita – An Introduction. Bhagavad Gita, literally meaning ‘Song of the Divine’ is a composition of seven hundered and one couplets, written in Sanskrit language and comprised in eighteen chapters.

Bhagavad Gita – An Introduction

Standing between the two armies, when Pandava prince Arjuna saw his near and dear ones on the other side, he was distressed. He wanted to know from his charioteer, who was none other than Lord Krishna, the Supreme God Himself, as to whether instead of killing his loved ones, it was not better for him to renounce the status of a warrior and live like a sanyasi. Krishna’s answers to the questions asked and doubts raised by Arjuna form the core of Bhagavad Gita.Gita represents the very essence of Vedas. It also presents a synthesis of different schools of Hindu thought specially the sankhya, yoga and vedanta. It covers a broad range of spiritual, philosophical, ethical and socio-religious aspects of life. Bhagavad Gita – An Introduction. —- (continued from Blog 1)—- Krishna starts his teachings (Shloka 2.11) with the assertion that there is no valid reason for grief.

Bhagavad Gita – An Introduction

He states that the cause of one’s sorrow is ignorance about one’s own self, ‘who am I’; and then discusses various ways and means of dissipating that ignorance. Once the veil of ignorance is pierced, knowledge about oneself dawns ; and sorrows of life diminish. Gita presents an in-depth study of all the yogas i.e. the means of self-realisation, the paths traversing which one can gain knowledge about one’s true nature. Different yogas, pursuing which one can attain liberation, have been stated as under :